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Corcomp 9900 Micro Expansion system.. Complete with Disk Controller option...



i love this thread because it shows stuff that I wouldn't necessarily look for :)


..and not to have sour grapes when i figure out who bought some cheap carts before me and turned around to resell for 3x what he bought them for. I'll put on my big boy pants and just try to buy them sooner and not wait next time!

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i love this thread because it shows stuff that I wouldn't necessarily look for :)


..and not to have sour grapes when i figure out who bought some cheap carts before me and turned around to resell for 3x what he bought them for. I'll put on my big boy pants and just try to buy them sooner and not wait next time!


i've seen that too. people purchase and then resell for more. So most the time if it has a buy it now and I can live with that price I just do it, especially around the more hard to find rare items.


That's how I got my SCSI card.

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Actually, there were at least two people who were willing to pay more than $800 for it--me (the underbidder) and the person who got it. I end up in direct competition with that individual a lot lately on eBay auctions. They have been building a very nice collection of TI things--and I hope they are on here too, as it is a small community of hardcore collectors, and some items are only in the hands of one or two of us, so the ability to share data is a major bonus.

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i love this thread because it shows stuff that I wouldn't necessarily look for :)


..and not to have sour grapes when i figure out who bought some cheap carts before me and turned around to resell for 3x what he bought them for. I'll put on my big boy pants and just try to buy them sooner and not wait next time!

I love it because it lists ads that do not appear on ebay.ca. (like the corcomp expansion box w/controller - just wish my toy budget wasn't currently depleted.)


Most of the time, a simple email will find that the seller is happy to ship to Canada, and that they were simply unaware that they had to turn int'l shipping on, to have their ads shown on other ebays (I've only been told 'NO!' on 3 occasions)


I've found that the best prices for TI stuff though, is usually ebay.de for some reason. Insane fast shipping too!

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a uncommon TI CALC PHM3213 is listed on ebay for who is interested. the seller listed also other stuff for our TI-99.





I've been searching for this one for a very long time!! Hopefully the price won't kick me out of the bidding too soon (or in the last 10 seconds)!

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Oh well, guess I'm still searching for it. The auction was cancelled this morning.


Too bad thought I might actually cross one off my remaining wish list. If anyone sees any of these listed anywhere (and is not looking for them themselves) post a notice here please.


PHM3045 Electrical Engineering: Circuit Analysis 1
PHM3066 Individual Accounting / Buchungsjournal
PHM3213 TI-Calc
PMH3218 Gestion Privée


Purists will say I'm still missing a few foreign language variants, and I don't have all the cart/label variants for each title - there might even be a couple titles currently listed as "unreleased" that might show up some day - but if I can find these four, I would consider my TI-released cart collection complete. Only a couple years before retirement income puts a damper on hobby spending, but I have faith.

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Oh well, guess I'm still searching for it. The auction was cancelled this morning.


Too bad thought I might actually cross one off my remaining wish list. If anyone sees any of these listed anywhere (and is not looking for them themselves) post a notice here please.


PHM3045 Electrical Engineering: Circuit Analysis 1

PHM3066 Individual Accounting / Buchungsjournal

PHM3213 TI-Calc

PMH3218 Gestion Privée


Purists will say I'm still missing a few foreign language variants, and I don't have all the cart/label variants for each title - there might even be a couple titles currently listed as "unreleased" that might show up some day - but if I can find these four, I would consider my TI-released cart collection complete. Only a couple years before retirement income puts a damper on hobby spending, but I have faith.


Those are really hard to get. I missed the TI Calc auction, but I do have a prototype of PHM3045, and a release version of PHM3066.

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Those are really hard to get. I missed the TI Calc auction, but I do have a prototype of PHM3045, and a release version of PHM3066.

When I first started collecting (didn't even have a copy of Parsec yet!) I was offered a PHM3045 by either Mike Dudek or Blaine Crandell for a really good price, but not realizing at the time that I would become an addict, I turned it down saying it was something I would « never use »


Now of course I realize that « using » has nothing to do with it, and I kick myself for my lack of prescience! (Back then Funware's « Ambulance » - which I would use - was repeatedly available boxed in the $30 range...I also don't own a copy of Ambulance, idiot that I am!)

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Which one do you want on an EPROM?


I do have to talk to you about some eproms soon, when funds become available. I really want to supplement a couple collections (like Funware/Atarisoft) with carts of their of never-released titles. My last four wish list carts though, they've got to be originals (if I'm lucky, with original manual).



Coz the day I find the last of those four carts will be a personal milestone. OK not as monumental as first home, car or kiss ("kiss" ahem, wink wink), but you know, a bucket list item checked off...

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With another post selling one at $499 US, I don't think this one will stay at $42 for very long.


Up here, gas prices are on the rise, taking the Canadian $ with them, which is good news for cross border shopping - not so much for drivers. The Canadian $ hit 81¢ US on Thursday - with a prediction of 85¢ by the end of sept! Sure is better than the 74¢ in May and it's reflected in much lower ebay prices! (although not as good as when I started collecting again when the $ was at $1.07 US!)


that "fully loaded" $499 PEB is still $618 Canadian though (ouch)!!

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