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unwarranted claim paypal


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OK This years has been good so far with sellers and I was like maybe this will be the first year I didnt have an issue with a seller. Well almost, one bad seller.


I placed an order for a game. The shipping policy say 4 to 5 days to ship. After two weeks I logged on to see what the status of the order is bc the game hasn't arrived. I log on and it shows that item still hasnt shipped so I send the seller a msg to find out why the shipping has been delayed. No reply, two days later sent a follow up request, and same no reply. So I log on a third time and I get a notice that seller went on vacation. Anyway a month has gone by and no item, and paypal gives 45 days to file a claim, so I filed it yesterday.


All of a sudden I get a email saying item has shipped and a reply via paypal that the claim was unwwaranted.


Unwarranted? It was over a month and no reply to my msg. or delivery of item. Item only got shipped out after I filed a claim a month later. The guy ask that I drop the claim. Well I want the item and if the item arrives I will drop it but I wont be leaving a good review.



Lets hope this is the only bad apple for the rest of the year. :)

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Did you try to call Paypal or eBay ?

wasnt ebay it was on etsy using paypal. I filed a cliam with both yesterday since 30+ days had gone by and item was never shipped and he had failed to reply to numberous messages. This morning I get a notification that item was shipped today and the seller wrote my claim was unwarranted. I just found it funny, how someone could argue the claim was unwarranted bc the item shiped and the date listed as shipping date was Sept 23, 2013. Order date was August 19 2013, his shipping policy was 4 to 5 days after order. Paypal escalated the claim yesterday after faling to reply and today it finally shipped.

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wasnt ebay it was on etsy using paypal. I filed a cliam with both yesterday since 30+ days had gone by and item was never shipped and he had failed to reply to numberous messages. This morning I get a notification that item was shipped today and the seller wrote my claim was unwarranted. I just found it funny, how someone could argue the claim was unwarranted bc the item shiped and the date listed as shipping date was Sept 23, 2013. Order date was August 19 2013, his shipping policy was 4 to 5 days after order. Paypal escalated the claim yesterday after faling to reply and today it finally shipped.

I think you'll receive the game soon. Hopefully.

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What did you buy on etsy?


I've looked there a long time ago for intv stuff but it was a bunch if junk.


I might add etsy inf that kijijij site to the intv search on my site. ;-).



It was plug and play game. But yeah its poor for INTV stuff. but once in a while you get some Custom INTV stuff, once they had a set of custom INTV poker cards. Kijiji is a weird site, on some computers if I try to go to their site, it redirects to ebay. On ther computers it goes to the Canadian site.

Edited by voltron
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I didnt use ebay. It was etsy with ability to pay via paypal. i finally recieved the item and cancelled the claim, but didnt leave a good review. since he never replied to any of my messages.

Glad you got your items. I saw on the link sections for items purchased "off ebay" and thought maybe they might apply. I'm going onto almost 2 weeks waiting on an item myself with absolutely no feedback from a seller despite attempts to just get an update. For all of the items I've bought off ebay in the last year, this is the longest I've gone without any kind of feedback (let alone a shipment) of a purchased item; so far for me, almost everything has shown up in under 7 days or at the very least have had feedback about shipping times.

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Glad you got your items. I saw on the link sections for items purchased "off ebay" and thought maybe they might apply. I'm going onto almost 2 weeks waiting on an item myself with absolutely no feedback from a seller despite attempts to just get an update. For all of the items I've bought off ebay in the last year, this is the longest I've gone without any kind of feedback (let alone a shipment) of a purchased item; so far for me, almost everything has shown up in under 7 days or at the very least have had feedback about shipping times.

If you paid via paypal, you ca place a claim via paypal. I my case it was over thirty days and no item, and no reply to any messages. So at that point i just decided to file the claim before my time limit to file one expired. The day following the day i filed the claim, he shipped the item. once I recieved it i dropped the claim, but he did not get a five star review. :)

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