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Looking For Atari 2600. Have Any Free?


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Ha ha ha OMG Backin89 could of never known that he would continue to live on in this way lol. That was awesome!


I love how this video sums up his history here lol, I had forgotten about the help the old man attempt!

Edited by OldSchoolRetroGamer
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You forgot about the poor old dude?! I think that's the only backin89 thread that's still open:




Heh I am actually post #9, I have...memory issues let's just say but the moment it was mentioned it all started coming back, I think because it is mostly THE BIKE that keeps getting re-mentioned the most so that stuck better. The whole history is awesome though. :rolling:

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Holy crow!!! I'm nothing to you guys!!!!!! Anyway here is what i have




Game Gear (i got for free :) )

Master System


PS2(i got for free :) )

Xbox 360 (bad condition :( )

Xbox (from value village for $25. Was modded and had 51 built-in games! :-D )

Game Cube

Game Boy Advance SP


Yeah im thinking of getting a few more say the Neo Geo CD , Virtual Boy , Atari 2600 , 5200 , 800 , 7800 , and Lynx , as well as the Genesis and Magnavox Odyssey.

If I pm you my address would you send me a Game Gear and a Sonic the Hedgehog game of your choice (but not spinball or anything for master system or 3d blast)? I've actually been looking for one.

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Yeah I was rude and apologise to the OP.

I did it at the expense of a laugh..

It really does not show much for our integrity. I have to learn to not do such things unless warranted.

I put myself in the childish kids at the playground mentality. This should be reserved to modern forums with the said ignorant people trolling etc. AA forum standards are usually higher.

So please accept my apologies. If not I understand. And good luck with your collection. The 2600 is a fun system to play.

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Atariage is not a charity foundation and this is not a good way to introduce yourself to any forums, first impression and all that........


Couldn't agree more. Then again it's not amazon or ebay, yet all the time we have people sign up here simply to use AA to sell shit. Many of them even get "PM sent" messages and/or "oh boy i sure could use one of those...how much you asking"? Kind of ironic. Someone who comes here to make a buck and has little or no interest in the hobby other than to sell his stuff gets the red carpet, while another asking for a free system under the guise of wanting to join the hobby gets berated. Neither are preferable "members" of course...I just find a little bit of :roll: is in order.

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Think i may have capsized the vessel though, so i do apologize to the OP, AA and others for any offense i may have caused.

I think most of us on this thread, including myself, behaved insensitively to some degree. It motivates me to be more mindful of ways in which I judge others......

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Yeah, cumulatively the posts come off cold blooded. So I need to say: I'm was just joking, I mean no ill will, and if I made any one sad: I apologize.


For real:

People sell their excess Ataris here so you'll be unlikely to find one for free. If you're patient you can get one for under $30. If you know someone who still has one in their attic, they'd be the only place to grab a free one.


If you're looking for cheap games, check out the rarity list here. The "1" titles are almost worthless if they're not in good condition, so you can grab a bunch for just a few bucks.


If you're looking for cheap (but new) controllers there's two options. Sega genesis controllers work with atari, and new ones can found for just a few bucks. The flashback 2(& ^) comes with two new cx-40 atari joysticks. Find one that is "broken" because the console has some defect, and you can buy it "for parts" for ten bucks or less. ( resell the console unit for a few bucks and just keep the controllers)


Also, don't waste money on a switch box. Grab a coax adapter. They're cheaper, smaller, and more reliable.

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I really don't like this trend of people coming in and assuming the Atari 2600 is a worthless giveaway and thus it's developers and enthusiasts too. We're not even worthy of an explanation why we should give our young friend a free classic gaming system (and games).

Seems like I read a few threads where developers were flamed pretty bad for thinking they had the right to price their work. A lot of posts saying the developer was asking too much. So asking for something for free is bad. But demanding a lower price is OK. I guess it's a perspective thing. Or maybe the amount of discount asked?

Edited by DanOliver
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Seems like I read a few threads where developers were flamed pretty bad for thinking they had the right to price their work. A lot of posts saying the developer was asking too much. So asking for something for free is bad. But demanding a lower price is OK. I guess it's a perspective thing. Or maybe the amount of discount asked?


I think the main thing that upset people about this thread is the complacent and entitled attitude of the OP. People have spent thousands on their collections, devoted infinite man-hours to keep the VCS alive and the OP thought he could just walk in and take a free console.


Every newcomer to the VCS (including myself) owes a debt to the people who made it possible. Newcomers are welcome, but they have to pay their dues like the rest of us.

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I think the main thing that upset people about this thread is the complacent and entitled attitude of the OP. People have spent thousands on their collections, devoted infinite man-hours to keep the VCS alive and the OP thought he could just walk in and take a free console.


Every newcomer to the VCS (including myself) owes a debt to the people who made it possible. Newcomers are welcome, but they have to pay their dues like the rest of us.

100% correct. The arrogance of the first post is what irritated me from the start.


Ask around...I have given away a ton of Atari stuff here to new members over the years, including consoles. But, keep in mind, those members showed a genuine interest in the hobby and the AA forum prior to my doing so. Usually, if someone is looking to obtain a bunch of commons and a starter console, and they are on a tight budget, I am more than happy to help...but to come into a new forum and just flat out ask for free stuff??? IMHO, it was quite insulting...hence, the Shatner pics. :D


I would bet my bottom dollar that if anyone gave this clown a free system and games, you would see it the very same day on eBay with a BIN of exactly what it was worth. Just my 2 cents...

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