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The Official NEO-GEO Thread!

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Well, I headed off to ebay recently, determined to punish the heck out of my wallet, and now have a couple games on their way to me.


I grabbed a second KOF '98, because the copy I have currently, though legit, seems to be missing some of the character intro sounds. I think it is anyway--its hard to say, but KOF 97 and 99 sure have more of those type of sounds. It might be a system board compatibility issue too--I ran into some of that with rage of dragons. It was super cheap (under $20 shipped) so I really wasn't going to pass it up anyway. Hopefully this one sounds a bit more polished at intro time.


I also pulled the trigger on Art of Fighting 3--one of the prettiest Neo Geo games, especially amazing since it's a 96 release. Sprites are huge and the animation is fluid. Stages are fantastic, and the whole art style is a huge upgrade from AOF2. I hope it plays a bit better than the first two as well--for some reason the fighting style/rhythm of those just feel a little 'off' to me. One thing that I'm really noticing is how terrible the music is on this one. It's all kind of a loungy, soft-jazz versions of familiar tunes. Low-key stuff that really saps the 'epic' from the fights. What were they thinking?


Art of Fighting 3 is loads of fun. It does have a much different feel than the first two games, because the character sprites are done via motion capture. It plays like a 3D fighter and uses rush combos similar to one found in 3D fighting games.

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Art of Fighting 3 is loads of fun. It does have a much different feel than the first two games, because the character sprites are done via motion capture. It plays like a 3D fighter and uses rush combos similar to one found in 3D fighting games.


Nicely said Neo.


I'm still been watching your AOF 3 video and still amazing how well thought and informative it was. :)


Keep it up bro. Can't wait to see more Neo-Geo and TG-16 vids from you. :)



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Hi guys,


I'm thrilled to see members from the Atariage forums that are from Australia like Richard Evans and AusRetroGamer participating on the Neo-Geo thread as of late. To continue on with the great gamers from the continent of Oceania, were back with another fellow Australian player by the name of Christopher Bentley from Leftover Culture Review.


Mr. Bentley did a great video regarding Sengoku 1 & 2 for the NGCD that will make you what to appreciate the series on the CD unit. Its nicely done to say the lease. He did other excellent uploads that will be to everyone's liking for the Neo-Geo and other units in video gaming. If you have a change, feel free to view what Chris has to offer. We would like to see more from him in the immediate future! :)




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Hi guys,


I'm thrilled to see members from the Atariage forums that are from Australia like Richard Evans and AusRetroGamer participating on the Neo-Geo thread as of late. To continue on with the great gamers from the continent of Oceania, were back with another fellow Australian player by the name of Christopher Bentley from Leftover Culture Review.


Mr. Bentley did a great video regarding Sengoku 1 & 2 for the NGCD that will make you what to appreciate the series on the CD unit. Its nicely done to say the lease. He did other excellent uploads that will be to everyone's liking for the Neo-Geo and other units in video gaming. If you have a change, feel free to view what Chris has to offer. We would like to see more from him in the immediate future! :)




Thanks Anthony, nice of you to mention me it's good to be here. I'll check this video out later!


By the way, I'm from the UK. It's great to have friends all over the world, and I'm particularly pleased to be good friends with Alex from AusRetroGamer in Australia. We've been chatting for around a year now, and both have a love for Retro Gaming, and in particular Neo Geo!


Just to further plug his sites and social media (which are excellent) here is his Twitter




And his main E-Zine site;







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Thanks Anthony, nice of you to mention me it's good to be here. I'll check this video out later!


By the way, I'm from the UK. It's great to have friends all over the world, and I'm particularly pleased to be good friends with Alex from AusRetroGamer in Australia. We've been chatting for around a year now, and both have a love for Retro Gaming, and in particular Neo Geo!


Just to further plug his sites and social media (which are excellent) here is his Twitter




And his main E-Zine site;








That's interesting to here your from the UK Richard. I thought you were on the other side of the globe. But like they say, "you learn something new everyday".


We have some other members here from the UK like GadgetUK and Harold from Harold's Stuff that post here on the thread as well. Good to know that the Neo-Geo is popular to those across the Atlantic! :)


I've been posting with Alex on Facebook lately and following him on Twitter as well. publishing some nice articles as always! :)



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Hey guys. I just got the Omega consolized MVS a few weeks ago. I'm having lots of fun with it. Can anyone recommend a good video capture device for it? I have the Diamond VC 500, but it's not compatible with that system.I prefer one that uses component that isn't too expensive, but I'll settle for one that does nice quality S-Video.



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Hey guys. I just got the Omega consolized MVS a few weeks ago. I'm having lots of fun with it. Can anyone recommend a good video capture device for it? I have the Diamond VC 500, but it's not compatible with that system.I prefer one that uses component that isn't too expensive, but I'll settle for one that does nice quality S-Video.



I know a few people who use the Elgato devices, I don't do any capturing so I don't have any personal experience. I know some older devices don't work well because of the slightly abnormal sync rate the Neo uses.

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OK guys, here is my video on the Neo Geo X Jailbreak by OMG-SNK. It's a long one I'm afraid (oooohhhh Matron!)


I don't edit my vids having only just started out on YouTube, and it's all done in the first take. I think this is probably good enough reason for me to start editing them! But, I did want to credit all who suggested games for the video, which I've done and listed them in the description.


Remember, I'm not reviewing the Neo Geo X itself, and please be gentle, I know this system gets a LOT of hate :-) But I like it, especially with the Jailbreak. It's helped me decide which games to buy for my MVS too.




The system got a lot of hate for many reasons, but personally, I really just hated the fact they never bothered putting any more games out for the thing. Yes, there are MANY issues with the hardware, but if you don't use it as a portable, and you've gotten all the other games like you did with your jailbreak, you could do worse.


I think for me, it was the library and quality vs cost. These things still command a large price. Too high for what they offer out of the box. I'm honestly not sure why they aren't clearanced at 50 bucks at this point.

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Depends on your source, really. Personally I wouldn't pay what some of the folks are asking for the fancier boots with cases, manuals and all that, but then again I don't have AES, I use the MVS. Do you have an MVS->AES convertor? There are plenty of US based sources that will build you an Ironclad cart that is guaranteed for about $70-80 shipped. Also with Ironclad there were a couple different ROM sets released, one of them was in a foreign language (can't recall which, but a quick Google should tell you) and the screen was noticeably darker due to some copy protection I believe.


It would be a bare AES cart for about $180 shipped from China.


I have a Phantom-1 converter, but it doesn't work that great with my system. I ordered a Daedalus converter back in October, but it keeps getting pushed back.


I did see a Chinese Ironclad MVS cart for $80, but I prefer AES when possible.


I wasn't aware of the different Ironclad roms out there. I'll keep that in mind if I do buy. Thanks for the tip.

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Hey guys. I just got the Omega consolized MVS a few weeks ago. I'm having lots of fun with it. Can anyone recommend a good video capture device for it? I have the Diamond VC 500, but it's not compatible with that system.I prefer one that uses component that isn't too expensive, but I'll settle for one that does nice quality S-Video.




That's fantastic Neo. Glad you purchased the unit and can't wait to see you in action with it. Keep it up bro.



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I tell ya, if there's anything I'm truly happy I've purchased over the years, is my MVS. Do I always play it? No, not every week. But there are few pieces of hardware out there that give you so much fun for the price, and fun that doesn't even get old, than the Neo Geo.


Any way you play it, AES, MVS, X, CD.... it's all good. It's the games that shine, and as long as you have them, that's really is what matters first and foremost.

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I tell ya, if there's anything I'm truly happy I've purchased over the years, is my MVS. Do I always play it? No, not every week. But there are few pieces of hardware out there that give you so much fun for the price, and fun that doesn't even get old, than the Neo Geo.


Any way you play it, AES, MVS, X, CD.... it's all good. It's the games that shine, and as long as you have them, that's really is what matters first and foremost.

Nicely said Moto.


Glad that your happy with your purchase and for contributing on the thread. We look forward on seeing more postings from you in the near future throughout the Atariage forums. :)


Keep up the great work as always Alex!



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Hi guys,


Back again this morning with maintenance & repair videos. Here we see lukemorse1 doing a repair for a Neo-Geo AES controller that was missing the whole plug cord in order to play. Luke was able to repair this controller and bring it back to playable condition once again. Did a nice job cleaning it up as well. :)




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Hi guys,


Back again with Jarrod from Project COE doing another great video. This week, he will be doing a great review on Neo Geo Battle Coliseum for the Atomiswave that I spent plenty of hours playing in the arcades at the time. Nicely done as usual Jarrod. Keep up the great work! :)




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Hi guys,


This morning, were with a gentleman by the name of GRUSS Newton.


Mr.Newton was kind to share with us his CMVS units and his titles that he has from his personal collection. He does have a nice sizable library of games that continues to grow. Included in his collection are a Analogue Interactive console and a 161-i n-1 cart that's inside his other system. Nicely done I must say! :)




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Hi guys,


This morning, were with a gentleman that purchased a 4 slot Neo-Geo MVS unit that he was able to find on Craigslist for $200 dollars with monitors, 4 games and some other goodies.


It does need work to get it back to playable condition, but still a nice purchase and a great restoration project to do with his other arcade units he has. NICE :)





hmmm what an incredible bargain.


I would of paid $200 for just the cab without games and monitors, excellent condition hopefully the 4 slot will work for him.


Oh, hi Anthony, great forum thread, full of positive vibes and easily the best thread I've viewed on any forum relating to the Neo Geo, kudos friend.

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hmmm what an incredible bargain.


I would of paid $200 for just the cab without games and monitors, excellent condition hopefully the 4 slot will work for him.


Oh, hi Anthony, great forum thread, full of positive vibes and easily the best thread I've viewed on any forum relating to the Neo Geo, kudos friend.

Hi Geordie,


Welcome aboard to Atariage and thank you for participating on the Neo-Geo thread! :)


Please enjoy your stay and partake on the many conversations that we have pertaining to the Neo-Geo and SNK/Playmore. Also, feel free to revert on the many pages that we accumulated here on the thread. If you like to post/reply in a positive matter, you're more than welcome to do so! :)


Nice to meet your acquaintance Geordie. We will be glad to see you throughout the rest of the Atariage forums and on the Neo-Geo thread in the immediate future. Have fun and thank you for posting! :)



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Greetings Neo Geo lovers :)


My friend Glen is a photographer, and he was kind enough to photograph my Neo Geo 6-slot MVS Electrocoin Arcade and the rest of my collection. I've uploaded them for your viewing pleasure.


The MVS is a restoration project. If you're interested in the work I've done so far, and what I intend to do next please feel free to watch the video linked at the bottom of this post.


The most recent work I've done is to have custom made reproduction EL Panels made by a company in the UK called Surelight Matt Heald there was extremely helpful as he's a keen arcade collector and gamer himself. I've put a link to his Twitter below too for your info. I worked with Matt to design the panels and they sent me a prototype. Once we'd finalised the design I got the other 5 made, and I'm extremely pleased with the results!


So without further ado, please see my Neo Geo and the rest of my collection. The JAMMA Multicade has two 1-slot Neo Geo's, a JAMMA Game Elf and... A Hyper Neo Geo 64 which currently has Samurai Spirits 64 playing in it! I own all 4 of the fighting games for this system and will be doing a video about it soon. I built the cab from a kit and made many custom parts for it myself. Again, I intend to do an in depth on this cab at some point.


I hope you enjoy these! Please let me know what you think, and feel free to ask questions.




Neo Geo MVS 6-slot MVS Electrocoin Arcade



Collection including JAMMA Multicade with Hyper Neo Geo 64



Matt Heald - Retro Review



Edited by richard31337
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Awesome stuff there Rich. I had a DHL package arrive today, and it was a donation, which is always a pleasant surprise.




This will be interesting to review, as I'll be able to compare my MVS games to this emulation box and see how it holds up, as well as try some CPS2 and CPS3 games and see how they hold up. I personally haven't tried any emulation multicades like this before, so this will prove to be most interesting. How is the Elf?

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Awesome stuff there Rich. I had a DHL package arrive today, and it was a donation, which is always a pleasant surprise.


This will be interesting to review, as I'll be able to compare my MVS games to this emulation box and see how it holds up, as well as try some CPS2 and CPS3 games and see how they hold up. I personally haven't tried any emulation multicades like this before, so this will prove to be most interesting. How is the Elf?



Thanks Jarrod!


What a nice surprise for you getting a donation! I've not seen one of those.


The Game Elf is not the best, although I've not made comparisons with other multicade boxes myself personally. The Elf is more quantity over quality. I own both the 412-in-1 vertical and the 619-in-1 horizontal cards. I actually only bought one board (module) and then got a guy on a UK forum to program me another SD card for about 20 quid as they are linked to the serial number. That way I didn't need to buy another Game Elf, I can just swap the SD cards and rotate my Dell monitor inside the cab :-)


Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Galaga, Galaxian, Qix and stuff work just fine. Asteroids does not, I guess it really doesn't like not having a vector monitor. On the horizontal board, all the Street Fighters are a little rubbish, but other games like Progear run just fine. On and vertical Don Pachi and Do Don Pachi are fine. There you go a random selection. However, I guess you're interested in the Neo Geo games really, and some are OK, others are not. I don't play them, they're not a patch on the original hardware which I guess is the bottom line here. MAME is the way forward with these I think.


I've heard Pandora's boxes are good, but not tried myself. I guess maybe I'm a bit of an arcade snob now being spoiled with the actual hardware LOL If I were going to go down the emulation route I'd set up a PC and MAME with Hyperspin or something, and get an actual Arcade monitor for the cab.


Look forward to you testing out that thing on your Supergun



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Greetings Neo Geo lovers :)


My friend Glen is a photographer, and he was kind enough to photograph my Neo Geo 6-slot MVS Electrocoin Arcade and the rest of my collection. I've uploaded them for your viewing pleasure.


The MVS is a restoration project. If you're interested in the work I've done so far, and what I intend to do next please feel free to watch the video linked at the bottom of this post.


The most recent work I've done is to have custom made reproduction EL Panels made by a company in the UK called Surelight Matt Heald there was extremely helpful as he's a keen arcade collector and gamer himself. I've put a link to his Twitter below too for your info. I worked with Matt to design the panels and they sent me a prototype. Once we'd finalised the design I got the other 5 made, and I'm extremely pleased with the results!


So without further ado, please see my Neo Geo and the rest of my collection. The JAMMA Multicade has two 1-slot Neo Geo's, a JAMMA Game Elf and... A Hyper Neo Geo 64 which currently has Samurai Spirits 64 playing in it! I own all 4 of the fighting games for this system and will be doing a video about it soon. I built the cab from a kit and made many custom parts for it myself. Again, I intend to do an in depth on this cab at some point.


I hope you enjoy these! Please let me know what you think, and feel free to ask questions.




Thank you Richard for posting this. Your gaming room is so neat and clean. look like a fantastic room to play video games in that nice looking Neo-Geo cabinet that you have and make videos showing us your great gamers skills! :)


Give my regards to Glen who did a superb job with the phots that you shared with us. As always keep up the great work Rich. Can't wait to see more from you!



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Awesome stuff there Rich. I had a DHL package arrive today, and it was a donation, which is always a pleasant surprise.




This will be interesting to review, as I'll be able to compare my MVS games to this emulation box and see how it holds up, as well as try some CPS2 and CPS3 games and see how they hold up. I personally haven't tried any emulation multicades like this before, so this will prove to be most interesting. How is the Elf?


Wow. That's nice Jarrod. Somebody donated that to you? :-o Amazing. I can't wait to see your comparison video and see what you have to say with your insightful and informative views. :)



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Wow. That's nice Jarrod. Somebody donated that to you? :-o Amazing. I can't wait to see your comparison video and see what you have to say with your insightful and informative views. :)



The best donation I've ever received was this...






Thanks Jarrod!


What a nice surprise for you getting a donation! I've not seen one of those.


The Game Elf is not the best, although I've not made comparisons with other multicade boxes myself personally. The Elf is more quantity over quality. I own both the 412-in-1 vertical and the 619-in-1 horizontal cards. I actually only bought one board (module) and then got a guy on a UK forum to program me another SD card for about 20 quid as they are linked to the serial number. That way I didn't need to buy another Game Elf, I can just swap the SD cards and rotate my Dell monitor inside the cab :-)


Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Galaga, Galaxian, Qix and stuff work just fine. Asteroids does not, I guess it really doesn't like not having a vector monitor. On the horizontal board, all the Street Fighters are a little rubbish, but other games like Progear run just fine. On and vertical Don Pachi and Do Don Pachi are fine. There you go a random selection. However, I guess you're interested in the Neo Geo games really, and some are OK, others are not. I don't play them, they're not a patch on the original hardware which I guess is the bottom line here. MAME is the way forward with these I think.


I've heard Pandora's boxes are good, but not tried myself. I guess maybe I'm a bit of an arcade snob now being spoiled with the actual hardware LOL If I were going to go down the emulation route I'd set up a PC and MAME with Hyperspin or something, and get an actual Arcade monitor for the cab.


Look forward to you testing out that thing on your Supergun



Yeah Rich I'm a hardcore snob haha. I wouldn't have bought this myself, but hey it was donated so why not right? I'm much more of an authentic arcade player myself. I will try my darnest to stay objective, and I'll be comparing CPS2 and 3 games to this, as well as few Neo games like Metal Slug. My objective is essentially to say if it's worth the price of admission for those who own a SuperGun or cabinet.

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Well, I got my 2nd KOF '98 today and...sound's missing...

Even more obviously missing than last time around.


In the very familiar spoken-word intro, the only words mine speaks are "Two, Three!" with no prior static sound, and then there's just background tune afterwards. (there do appear to be faint clicks as if it's trying to kick a longish sound sample off) At first I thought maybe this whole thing was because the dreamcast version was what I used to play and maybe it had overhauled sounds--It did, but not *THAT* overhauled. (see vid below of proper kof98)


So the broken sounds seem different on this kof98 compared to my old one. I surely would have noticed the lyrics from the attract mode missing *INSTANTLY*. I haven't played this one much, but I noticed a new (slight) graphical glitching on the first intro ("??? ??? ???") screen which my other one doesn't have, but the obviously missing intro voices of the other one (at least initially) seem to be there. I is confuse.


Unibios says the CRC checks out. I'll have to crack it open later, but I expect it's legit. I'll also have to try it in my cabinet. As is, I'm suspecting a system incompatibility issue with my Omega. My MVS cab flatly refuses to play Rage of Dragons, which is a somewhat known thing that can happen, so it might be like that but less severe.


Memorable intro lyrics in the vid below:



edit: heh, page 98 of the thread, how fitting. Also I just confirmed that the intro lyrics work in my first KOF98

Edited by Reaperman
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