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Gebelli compilation cart


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Inspired by the recent flood on new conversions to the 5200, I set upon an ambitious task of making a 'multi-cart' compilation in just 32K!


Two games that I loved from the early times of owning an A8 were 'Embargo' and 'Match Racer' from Gebelli (most developed by the Solitaire Group). Therefore I picked 'Firebird' as a third title to put on the cartridge, as this was also fun to play, but with adding that and a front menu too into the code, things were getting quite tight in terms of space. BUT... I then employed the 'exomizer' compressor and managed to gain enough space to even add an extra bonus: 'Andromeda' (quite a strange game but it has since grown on me). SO... 4 titles in all!


All of the games have basic controls, using 'Start' and 'Option' keys on the originals (Match Racer using 'Select' too) so now:


Menu: * = step through titles

Andromeda: * = selects level of play (and changes the background colour)

Embargo: * = select level of play

Firebird: no special keys

Match Racer: * = select speed, # = number of players


They all support the use of the 'Pause' button too if you want to take a break!


One of the reasons for making this cartridge is; at the end of this month I am doing a tandem parachute jump (my first!) to help raise funds for the charity that supports our eldest daughter ( ME2 Club ). If you enjoy the conversions then do please donate any amount you can, details of how to can be found at this page.


Cheers go to Paul & phaeron (again!) for some debugging help on Firebird :)


Best wishes, thanks & Enjoy!




Awesome! You wouldn't happen to have a separate binary just for Embargo would you?

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What do you mean by 'bin'? You are free to rename the file extension 'rom' to 'bin'.


I've looked at the difference between the 16K models and so can produce a 2-chip version by re-basing half of the code if that is what is required.

Try to rename it and load it on a usb flash cart but nothing happens.

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