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7800 anniversary contest win a joystick coupler


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Hi Guys

i was able to build a 7800 Joystick coupler,which can be used to Play Robotron....I made 2 and so i have one left...But who earns it ...

Sure,i thought about Bob and Trebor....but they do not use the 7800 prosystem Joysticks....So i anounce a Little contest,where you can win a handmade 7800 Joystick coupler.....What to do,to get it?

Simple;just write a few words,why YOU should get this coupler.....photos are also welcome :) and post it HERE (no PMs please)

Bob,Trebor and i will decide,who wins....

Deadline for this contest is the 08.06.2014



Hope,we get lots of entries :)


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Fantastic! I'll take a stab at this.


I'm raising up three young girls to love, love, LOVE classic games. (My almost-2-year-old can already say Atari.) It's important that all kids know of gaming isn't just the modern, semi-interactive movies they make today, so I try very hard to keep their interest with the good old stuff. So far, it keeps them very happy.


Keeping the flame alive for modern kids. That's the reason I'm giving.

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"Because I'm worth it!"




BTW: Shipping that thing across the ocean is probably a no go anyway ;-) so maybe I am not worthy.



So just to be funny, I should get it

because "I am your father!"




PS: if this thread derails into "funny quotes" I apologize, I couldn't resist ... and I am a bit jealous of that contraption, I'd really love to try Robotron with it.

Edited by phoenixdownita
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Can you edit the title of this thread to mention "hand-made" so nobody is confused about the recent discover of the official Atari 7800 ProSystem Joystick Coupler prototypes? Thanks.


if you have a look at the photo,everybody should see,that it is a handmade coupler :)

Unfortunately,i cannot Change the Topic........ :(


greetings Walter

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I would like the coupler because my 6 year old son, who is terminally ill, wishes to properly play Robotron before he passes.


I have seen the generosity of AtariAge in the past, with making Christmas bright for a girl whose dad could not afford a Hello Kitty bike (it was $64 from Wal-Mart).


I am hoping that AtariAge could come through again and fulfill my son's last wish. Hopefully he can hang on long enough for the duration of this contest.

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I would like the coupler because my 6 year old son, who is terminally ill, wishes to properly play Robotron before he passes.


I have seen the generosity of AtariAge in the past, with making Christmas bright for a girl whose dad could not afford a Hello Kitty bike (it was $64 from Wal-Mart).


I am hoping that AtariAge could come through again and fulfill my son's last wish. Hopefully he can hang on long enough for the duration of this contest.


That had better not be a joke. Assuming it's true my heart felt condolences to you and your family.

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I would like the coupler because my 6 year old son, who is terminally ill, wishes to properly play Robotron before he passes.


I have seen the generosity of AtariAge in the past, with making Christmas bright for a girl whose dad could not afford a Hello Kitty bike (it was $64 from Wal-Mart).


I am hoping that AtariAge could come through again and fulfill my son's last wish. Hopefully he can hang on long enough for the duration of this contest.


So help you (insert deity here) if this is a joke, but even more so if it's the truth. :sad:


Needless to say, if this is the truth (My utmost and deepest sympathy and empathy with broken-hearted, tear-filled eyes, as I have a 3 year old son and couldn't imagine what you and your family must be going through), there is no other option as far as I am concerned...


...The coupler should be in your son's hands.


P.S. Walter, sorry if I am out of place here - This strikes too close to home :sad:

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I think it is a just a Backin89 reference….at least, for him and his family's sake, that is what I hope it is.


Because he mentioned the Hello Kitty bike, I think that's how we're clued in that that was the joke, but it could be taken seriously, too...

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Please enlightened those 'less in the know' (me), what the whole "Backin89" drama entails.


From my standpoint, having a 3 year old son, the last thing I would joke about is him being terminally ill. :thumbsdown:


A link in such a hilarious post would provide a better way of stating "I'm joking" rather than reference to a Wal-Mart bike. :roll:


Maybe for some more laughter, someone can post how their significant other was raped, and playing their favorite game helps them cope with day-to-day anxiety.

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Yeah. Totally ruined it. I am not going to try. I have two kids and I am disgusted.

I feel bad for Walter for having this garbage included on his topic after he made this for someone that deserves it.

Its the internet and yeah lots of whatever a person wants but when it comes to kids I am very protective. It seems society gives babies and children a subhuman stature.

Its a trend to the ones without a strong voice that continues to get stomped out that sickens me.

I hope the controller goes to someone worthy. And also leave jokes about sick children out of it.

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