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Trimersion VR Headset


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You guys remember this consumer VR set that was available back in 2006? If you don't know what I'm talking about, it was a wireless VR headset with 360 degree head tracking and worked with Xbox, Playstation 1 and 2, Game Cube, PCs and Macs. It was originally priced at $299 , but quickly dropped in price within a short period of time. Head tracking is done by mimicking the right analog stick on the control pad or mouse. The base station has composite video inputs that connect the game console or pc, which then transmit the video signal wirelessly to the headset. The gun peripheral replaces the traditional control pad and the buttons can be mapped however you like. The headset LCD's were 640x480 and produced a decent image.


So now you want one, to try and get working with the Jaguar? Good luck finding one that hasn't been modded to hell(apparently these are pretty popular in the VR modding scene). I'm sure this could be easy to get working with the Jaguar. Maybe this was the closes thing to the Jaguar VR ever released? What do you guys think?



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Almost had one for $150 but failed to nail it in time. The company got tore apart and sold off (don't remember to who) because the owner of 3001 AD was scandalous apparently, which is a shame. Question is, why would you even bother with this garbage when we have the Oculus Rift available now?


So who knows how to program and owns an Oculus Rift with interest in the Jaguar?

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So who knows how to program and owns an Oculus Rift with interest in the Jaguar?

Ask Shamus to add a JagVR emulation using Occulus Rift to Virtual Jaguar. Tell him you really, really want to play Missile Command 3D as it's meant to be played.



(I bet his reply will be something like "Sure, if you buy me an Occulus Rift, I might consider it" :P)

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I'm sure it isn't rocket science to get the head tracking from the Occulus Rift to mimic the d-pad of the Jaguar controller. I'd buy an Occulus devkit if someone here was willing to try and get it working with the Jag(It's not like those devkits are super expensive).


Not quite rocket science but not simple either. Never heard of the Occulus Rift, a quick search revealed a booking on Amazon with indicated that it requires a HDMI interface (obviously for Audio/Video) and a USB interface (presumably for obtaining movement data), neither of which exist for the Jaguar yet so you have to solve those problems for a start and as stated in other recent threads USB is not a simple thing.


Then being an analogue controller I would expect the movement data to provide both direction and distance/speed which for the Jaguar would probably require it to be a bank switching controller (depending on the data). While you could render the analogue data down to the equivalent of a D-pad why would you bother to waste all that useful data.


Finally, assuming the HDMI and USB issues were resolved then with the correct information it would be possible to map the data to match that of MC3D so it could be used for that but it is a lot of effort for one game, which I personally did not see really benefited from having a VR headset (unless it was not functioning correctly when I tried it).

For use in new Jag games how likely is it that developers would purchase their own units for testing or someone would donate them? Using a projector with a suitable lens in conjunction with a quarter sphere projection screen and a suitable image would be simpler if you want to be able to say look around through the front, top, left and right of a cockpit and probably more user friendly than a headset for those of us who ware glasses.

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The HDMI to Composite is a relatively simple solution. You can get any converter box to handle it. USB aspect would be the trickier part, but not nearly as tricky as figuring out the sequence to fool the Jaguar into thinking a genuine JagVR HMD is attached so it will actually unlock the 'use VR headset' feature.


Ideally, I think a Raspebery Pi could be programmed to act as or emulate the Jaguar's VR tracker/DSP into merely converting the position data into a 360 analog output, which is what I suspect the DSP was merely doing all-along, at a high speed. While it could be done on a regular PC, I think doing it on the Pi makes perfect sense for the size and the ports/power it contains is a perfect match.


Missile Command VR is amazingly fast on the Jaguar and totally worth it. I had the intention of seeking out and commissioning a programmer to do just this sort of project but I'm tied up with many other things with deadlines at the moment that it would be a while before I could even move on that notion. Even then, finding the right person to do it is another story in itself.


So Zerosquare, you say Shamus may be my hero eh? :D

Edited by Clint Thompson
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Almost had one for $150 but failed to nail it in time. The company got tore apart and sold off (don't remember to who) because the owner of 3001 AD was scandalous apparently, which is a shame. Question is, why would you even bother with this garbage when we have the Oculus Rift available now?


So who knows how to program and owns an Oculus Rift with interest in the Jaguar?

While I don't own Occulus Rift, I definitely DO have a real interest in doing 3D gfx for Jag and have quite a few routines done in my SW rasterizer already.


I most certainly would not bother with modifying some pre-existing game (especially not Missile Command).


I'd be far, far more interested in creating some new stuff - demos/short games. That's where the challenge is for me. Something like this could push me to implement GPU-based rendering - but I can see simpler stuff being completely possible even in high-level C.


However, any given year, I switch between my PC coding and Jag coding. And this year, I definitely want to finish VRBasic, and maybe the Klax 3D and/or H.E.R.O. 3D (depending on amount of free time).


Someone would however have to solve all the HW issues - especially reading the movement data from OcculusRift and getting them back to Jag.



But Yes. If I had the Occulus at home, I would be very interested in creating some Jag-specific 3D stuff for it !



Actually, thinking about it - the Klax 3D would be a perfect candidate for OccRift functionality - Imagine the cubes getting closer to you not just on screen, but jumping out of screen :)

Edited by VladR
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  • 2 years later...



So years later, I finally picked one of these up for $25 and it arrived in the mail today. Will finally attempt to hacking together something now since I have a burned copy of the beta of Missile Command VR that has the 'use headset' mode unlocked. No thanks to this thread for even further sparking my interest to get either this or a PSVR to work with it. I only spent about 15 minutes with it so far but my PC detected it right away and it was moving the mouse cursor around no problem immediately. It has a PS2/GC/USB/XBOX connector at the end where it receives power and transmits the data from the wireless headset, so it's just a matter of hack and slashing away into the correct pins on the Jaguar until something explodes.



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