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2600 games that should exist.


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Oh, and Flesh Gordon. Even if the proto is never found, we need a ROM to go with the great ad for it which can be found here:



Hmmm... in looking for the ad I found a thread here:


You posted the same link twice.

Edited by ZylonBane
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What we were talking about last night.....A timed game where you are operating a bulldozer and have a limited amount of time to bury as many ET carts as possible.

What would be the primary challenge in this game? Fanatics keep coming along and digging them up?

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Galaga. While it may have not been possible back in the day I'm sure it can be done now. I know someone has done the soundtrack but that just makes me want it more.

I'd love it too, but it's not something I would want to attempt in batari Basic.

An assembly kernel like SpiceWare's latest that can get software sprites very close vertically before intelligent flicker takes over would be the best.

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Indiana Jones (TOD arcade port)

Rad (the BMX movie)

Loguns Run (why hasnt this been done, or should I say finished?)

An endorsed skateboard game (gator, ch, hawk, etc)

Dungeons and Dragons the animated series

Breakdancing 2600

Known pinball ports (Black knight, space shuttle, etc)

The Karate Kid

Car Wars (the old strategy game somehow done on vcs)

Leisure suit Larry

C.H.U.D. (cannabalistic humunoid underground dwellers)

Gobots mighty robots

A double dragon that doesnt suck

The Pit (obscure arcade machine)

Avalanch (atari paddle game)


Scooby Doo


Pool - Billiards

Lucky Charms (and other well known cereal icons)

Anything with Clint Eastwood

A WWF wrestling game

ZAP (this was kind of done with vault assualt)

The Fall Guy (maybe it was done???)

Qbert Platformer

Bently Bear platformer

Pac Man platformer based on the 80s cartoon

Something with Burt Reynolds

Model train simulater that you can make your own train track layout


I could really go on forever, the early-mid eightys were just filled with gold for atari ideas....

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What we were talking about last night.....A timed game where you are operating a bulldozer and have a limited amount of time to bury as many ET carts as possible.


I'm sure someone will slap together an untested bB version tomorrow and it'll be $40 CIB. Stay tuned. Make sure you get a low number for your eBay resell.

Edited by godzillajoe
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What we were talking about last night.....A timed game where you are operating a bulldozer and have a limited amount of time to bury as many ET carts as possible.

The bulldozer shovels ETs (represented by the triple ganged ET sprites - bulldozer is double or quad-wide), knocking them into the pits, followed by compulsory animation with authentic TIA sound. Bulldozer then plows dirt over the hole. All audio and graphics except the bulldozer are ripped strait from the original ET cart. :evil:

Edited by stardust4ever
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Cat Trax is a Pac - Man style game ( eating dots, avoid bad guy) where in Make Trax, you actually paint the maze, weird things walk in your paint ( making you repaint the areas they walked in) No power pellets, energizers, or power ups! you have 2 two rollers placed in the maze- get the fish to follow you there and roll em' over! They never go away, but you can only use them in the same area. There are also 6 exits! A great game that has been overlooked long enough!!!!


Edited by Raygunn
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