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Who's picked up "Wind Waker"?

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Just got my copy today... Will be loading it up in a few minutes. I'll post back later with my thoughts! (Thank God we're on Spring Break! It'd be a week of "reading days" for my students otherwise!)


I'm hitting the mall first thing in the morning to see if my pre-order is there. Street date is Wednesday but EB told me some other places would probably break it and get fined, at which point they could go ahead and break it too - so they said come in Tuesday and it'll probably be available. I hope so! I'm only gonna have two days to play it before I hit the plane to Philly. *sniff*

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I'm loving the game so far, but surprisingly my wife had a very adamant dislike for the new look. "What's up with Link? He looks too cute, he looks like a little boy." :sigh: :roll: I had to remind her he IS a little boy, and then she went ohhhhhh. Normally she's not so dense, but I think somebody along the line told her cel shading = yuck and she bought into it. :P

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I was figthing some of those little cat/imp looking things in the first level, and one of them dropped a glowing orb that was black, and the center changed color, but i couldn`t pick it up. Anyone what this is? or what to do with it?? And is their anyway to saves those staffs and swords the enemies drop??

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I was figthing some of those little cat/imp looking things in the first level, and one of them dropped a glowing orb that was black, and the center changed color, but i couldn`t pick it up. Anyone what this is? or what to do with it??


I wouldn't worry about it too much, because you'll soon find out the location you're fighting in (if it's the Forbidden Fortress) is way over your head - they let you get the wrong idea on purpose and then change gears on you. ;)


And is their anyway to saves those staffs and swords the enemies drop??


Again, no. There would be no point to letting you keep weapons for an area you really don't belong in until much later anyway - they're use and drop only. All you can do at the Fortress is get your sword back and attempt to rescue your sister.

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ahh, ok, i gotcha ya. Well, since i didn`t have my sword back yet, i couldn`t whack it, so i guess next time.

I got the wrong impression from the instructions, i thouhgt you could keep any item dropped by an enemy. Oh well, it is still an awesome concept.

I`m at the dragon's nest area, i`m about to look around it. I have been savoring every second of gameplay, and i`m gonna try to limit myself to only 1 1/2 hours a day... I doubt i can stick to it though...













What does everyone think about the return of Gannon?? I`m trying to piece together whats happened to Hyrule, but i hear that you may go back to Hyrule at some point. Not sure if that is true though.





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I got a good one.. they should call this game "Cel-da" not Zelda cuz of the toon shading

I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and trust that you haven't been reading much about this game. "Cel-da" has been the #1 way to insult this game since it was first unveiled. I, for one, am sick to death of hearing it.


Got my WW yesterday and it's hella fun. Interesting to note how much smoother the control is on WW than on GCN OoT. I assume that it's something to do with it being a port, but I always had trouble with aiming on GCN OoT (a problem that never occured on the N64). No such problem on WW, natch.

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Heh, I just found out what a "Wind Waker" actually is. I suppose I could have found out reading spoilers online, or if I had bought the player's guide, but it was more fun to get there myself (and really not that hard). Now I'll be able to explore the high seas with ease! :D

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I, for one, am sick to death of hearing it.


Well yeah dude.. that was pretty much the entire joke ;)



It's kind of a very obvious (but still fun) troll around various Nintendo boards. Just say:


"What did they do to Zelda!?? It looks more like a cartoon! Anyone remember the demo they showed at the CES where Link was fighting Ganon?? What happened to that? Now they just ruined it and made Zelda into a childs game. Zelda, more like "Cel-da" to me.. :x "


...and see how many people flame you :lol:

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Yee HAW, I got time to play Zelda last night! I saved after very thoroughly exploring the 2nd island village, is it called Windfall Island ?


This village has its share of puzzling tasks. Not being familiar with the Zelda series at all, it surprised me just how much there is to do on this little island. I would not turn of the system and go to bed until I completed the three Picture-Box tasks ... possibly one of the freshest puzzles I've played!


I also like how you can ram walls and knock down stuff off the shelves, how you use barrels to hide, and also I laughed out loud at least once already (anyone see the mice/rats who pull a certain chord on you?). :D

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