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Who's picked up "Wind Waker"?

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I have found it fairly easy so far (I've never been in danger of dying). Still, the puzzles have been pretty challenging and the game is very entertaining, so I don't mind the difficulty being a bit lower than, say, Majora's Mask.


The only gameplay complaint I have is that the side quests don't seem as well integrated into the game as they were in the N64 titles. I always feel like I'm going out of my way to accomplish them. In the N64 titles, they seemed a more natural outgrowth of what I was doing.


The only presentation complaint I have so far is Link's victory dance is a bit too much.


I have no problem with the camera, although it does choose odd default locations sometimes. But the ability to use a completely free camera compensates for that nicely. Also, it's neat to set the camera in front of you while traveling by boat. Watching the various structures roll by in the distance behind you is much nicer (and more cinematic) than seeing the back of the boat during long trips.

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I`m on the Forest Haven Island, and about to go to the forbidden forest.

I guess this following thing is kind of a spolier, but anyways. Did you see the nintendo gallery?? It is on a little island in the forest haven area. You have to use the flowers that shoot you in the ari to get to the point where you get the deku leaf. Then, instead of going to the place with the korok by suing the leaf, use the leaf to go to next flower. Blast onto the platform and go outside thorugh the little hole. Change the wind(If it is not already) to north. And use the leaf to go to the littl island stragiht in front of you. Talk to the guy, and then use the pear to control a seagull. Hit the switch in the alcove on the main island, and then head into the hole in the ground. Talk to the guy behind the counter to hear some VERY interesting. If you don`t feel like doing all that before knowing what he says, he syas this: "We've lost allot of members cause we don't have 'Gimmicky Attractions'. But the remaining members all know that we are the best!"

What does that sound like to you??

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I picked up my copy on Tuesday, but haven't had a chance to sit down and play it for long periods of time, but what I've seen thus far is impressive...I wasn't sure about the cell animation when I first heard about it, but after playing the game I'm actually liking it

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I'm in the Forbidden Forest right now, I just grabbed a boomerang.


This is a high quality game and I like it so far, but I must admit not much has really dropped my jaw. I LOL'd a few times due to the humor, and it is fun. The only time I die is at boss battles, or sometimes falling into the sea or a bottomless pit. I like the slight pause when Link kills an enemy w/accompanied color flash, then the swirling purple clouds afterwards.

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Got this yesterday.


I'm trying to get a feel for how much you "need" a GBA to do well in this game. I'm feeling a bit miffed about it, actually. It's cool how Metroid Prime/Fusion gave each other some goodies, but according the promotional material in the box, for Zelda it's looking a bit more central. Which is kind of cool but kind of unfair as well.

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The only time I die is at boss battles, or sometimes falling into the sea or a bottomless pit.
As long as you don't see the "Game Over" screen, I don't really consider it "dying", just part of the strategy.


I'm trying to get a feel for how much you "need" a GBA to do well in this game.
You absolutely do not need the GBA to finish this game. I'm purposely not using it, because I feel it makes it too easy (and it's easy enough now). The GBA/Tingle connection will help you find certain extras, but nothing needed to finish the game requires it.
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I've been playing Zelda:ww for at least 3 days.  It's really good.  Except for the camera bit. :sad:
What's wrong with the camera? It works almost exactly the same as the Ocarina camera. Just press the L-trigger and it will automatically move directly behind Link and stay there. Ocarina worked the same way.


The only difference is that now we have the option of moving the camera with the C-stick (I don't use this option).

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I don't remember the camera in Z:OoT but I've been cursing it a few times during this game, especially during some boss battles, and when wandering around tight spaces.


So far, my favorite part is the way the Moblins and Darknauts (or whatever they're called") fight...how you can knock away their weapon, and they'll either go into karate mode, or grab a weapon--even one that they didn't start with! Combined with being able to slice away their armor (especially if you sneak up behind them), I think the sword combat is better than its ever been. (One thing that helped was that minigame on the first return to Outset Island, where you have to hit your teacher 100 times before getting hit 3 times, I think it's taught me to use my shield in a way I didn't last game, I used to be much more of a button masher, if memory serves.)

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I dont have a Cube, and dont have any friends who have Wind Waker. Don't get me wrong, Wind Waker looks cool, but I dont think ANY Zelda will ever be better than my favorite:





















Zelda: A Link To The Past!!!!!!!!!!

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I don't remember the camera in Z:OoT but I've been cursing it a few times during this game, especially during some boss battles, and when wandering around tight spaces.  

I repeat (repeat): Use the L-trigger to quickly move the camera around. Also, try hitting your grandfather 500 times. Trust me, it's worth it.

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Finished this today.


I didn't think the triforce hunt was as bad as others said, though on the other hand I was using a guide (not constantly, but whenever I got stuck for more than a few minutes) so take it with a grain of salt.


I liked it overall, and the final boss battle was about the best ever. Still, like Metroid and Z:OoT, there's not much here to bring me back to replay.


I wish more games would take a cue from DK64 and have a mode that lets you go right to the boss battles, with the appropriate level of weapons you had when you first fight them.


(very minor SPOILER: this game already has something like this, but it's woven into the story)

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I have not read this thread yet because I don't want to be spoiled, but I did get my copy a day or two before leaving for Philly. It's still sitting on my desk, in the shrinkwrap, quietly beckoning me to play. Given that I could really use a distraction right about now, I may fire it up later this afternoon. Especially since friends of mine have been playing it and they'll give away the whole damn game if I don't start playing it soon. :)



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I have not read this thread yet because I don't want to be spoiled, but I did get my copy a day or two before leaving for Philly.  It's still sitting on my desk, in the shrinkwrap, quietly beckoning me to play.  Given that I could really use a distraction right about now, I may fire it up later this afternoon.  Especially since friends of mine have been playing it and they'll give away the whole damn game if I don't start playing it soon.  :)




It's more than a pleasant distraction, it's a whole hog addiction. That's why I've been carefully avoiding playing it this week until tonight, and as soon as I'm done making this "Tequila Music" CD for a friend I'm gonna go fire it up again and play my brains out. :D

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