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Enhanced IK


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The original version makes use of entire 48k memory and there is simply no place for additional features. It would be possible to make enhanced version to work on 64k with all new features but it would require the background pictures were loaded from diskette. The xex version with all new features requires 80k (uses one bank of extra memory). It runs also on 64k but some of new features are not available (see the list of changes above).

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Hi Pawel,


thanks for enhancing and releasing your special version of IK. IK has always been my "reference game" on the Atari. It's been my all-time favourite game and it could be only topped by your contribution. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Absolutely impressive work.



twh/f2 @HSCMunich

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Maybe people compare it with the old A8 Defender.... Then dropzone is first class. Ah... Technically I appreciate Agent USA, Gremlins, 7 cities of gold more for moving sprites around ;)

Sometimes I wonder? You have already written some nice demo stuff, and then you write this nonsense?

This points also to , why the A8 has so less good games.

Dropzone offers a good variety of different moving objects, with different shapes, different movements, different attacks and visualisations in 50 (60 NTSC) frames per second. The game looks polished and you never get the feeling to be handycapped by the controls. It also calculates enemies, you don't see on the screen.


Gremlins.... 4 colours , EOR Spites that mostly look the same. ... 7 cities of gold 4fps? Agent USA "all looks the same" ... Well, the games do well and they were nice to play, but technically far .... faaaar ....... faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar.... superior to Drop Zone ;)

btw. IK never runs at 50 fps ;) and the soundtrack isn't complete, "collision detection" is at charmode-resolution.

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Did you somehow get the source code or was this completely reverse engineered and upgraded?

"Completely reverse engineered and upgraded" is the right answer. :)


IK never runs at 50 fps ;) and the soundtrack isn't complete, "collision detection" is at charmode-resolution.

That's true except collision detection. Collisions are detected based on relative positions and current animations frames of the fighters. For each animation frame there are one or two vulnerable areas defined. The areas are smaller for FULL POINT and larger for HALF POINT detection. The width of the areas is defined with single pixel precision and range from 2 to 7 pixels. Edited by pavros
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Sometimes I wonder? You have already written some nice demo stuff, and then you write this nonsense?

This points also to , why the A8 has so less good games.

Dropzone offers a good variety of different moving objects, with different shapes, different movements, different attacks and visualisations in 50 (60 NTSC) frames per second. The game looks polished and you never get the feeling to be handycapped by the controls. It also calculates enemies, you don't see on the screen.


Gremlins.... 4 colours , EOR Spites that mostly look the same. ... 7 cities of gold 4fps? Agent USA "all looks the same" ... Well, the games do well and they were nice to play, but technically far .... faaaar ....... faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar.... superior to Drop Zone ;)

btw. IK never runs at 50 fps ;) and the soundtrack isn't complete, "collision detection" is at charmode-resolution.



Hehe... ;) I knew we would argue on Dropzone... Dropzone is working on A8 and Archer used clever the build in features... but you know what? it's "out of the box"... moving sprites around as simple chars... of course it is fluid and everything... but you were the one who always told me... "think beyond"... and I say... Dropzone is not as high level as some see in it... Its good neverless, it has no glitches, is polished but it could be done hmmm... little bit better :D (ok... that's blasphemy now I know)....


my sprite examples were due to fact as some mentioned "moving a hell sprites"... and I say... no... not "hell"... ;) the others I mention move imho more data around...

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"Completely reverse engineered and upgraded" is the right answer. :)


That's true except collision detection. Collisions are detected based on relative positions and current animations frames of the fighters. For each animation frame there are one or two vulnerable areas defined. The areas are smaller for FULL POINT and larger for HALF POINT detection. The width of the areas is defined with single pixel precision and range from 2 to 7 pixels.

OK. And how many of those areas exist per protagonist?
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Hehe... ;) I knew we would argue on Dropzone... Dropzone is working on A8 and Archer used clever the build in features... but you know what? it's "out of the box"... moving sprites around as simple chars... of course it is fluid and everything... but you were the one who always told me... "think beyond"... and I say... Dropzone is not as high level as some see in it... Its good neverless, it has no glitches, is polished but it could be done hmmm... little bit better :D (ok... that's blasphemy now I know)....

If Drop Zone is "out of the Box", IK is less, as the whole moving area of the protagonists is empty.

If Drop Zone is "out of the Box", then why do we not have Turrican around?

In theory "every" program is "out of the Box" , as it can only run within the machines limitations....


my sprite examples were due to fact as some mentioned "moving a hell sprites"... and I say... no... not "hell"... ;) the others I mention move imho more data around...

No, they don't.

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NTSC detection:


what about

VCOUNT $D40B Read[edit]

Vertical Line Counter

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

This register tracks the scan line currently being generated. The value returned is the actual scan line divided by 2. Blank lines generated at the start of the display are included. The value for NTSC will range from 0 to 130 for NTSC, and 0 to 155 for PAL. This value is useful during Display List Interrupts to identify the vertical screen position.


PAL $D014 Read[edit]

PAL flags.

Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0 - - - - Video 3 Video 2 Video 1 Video 0

This register reports the display standard for the system. When Bits 3 to 0 are set to 1 (value $fhex/15dec) the system is operating in NTSC. When the bits are zero the system is operating in PAL mode.

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If Drop Zone is "out of the Box", IK is less, as the whole moving area of the protagonists is empty.

If Drop Zone is "out of the Box", then why do we not have Turrican around?

In theory "every" program is "out of the Box" , as it can only run within the machines limitations....



No, they don't.


ah... are you sure?

32 bytes = 16 enemies (2 chars per sprite) as an example while a Gremlins sprite alone has 3x24... (I am not talking about the tables etc but Gremlins has much, too...) But anyway Dropzone is good but not "Groundbreaking".

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With NTSC/PAL timing differences I do the following:


for example calling your music player during VBL ...



pal_ntsc    lda $d014
        cmp #$f
        bne play
        dec ntsc_dly+1
ntsc_dly    lda #6
        bne play
        mva #6 ntsc_dly+1
        bne vbl_end
play        ...jsr music player etc..
vbl_end        ..


You could also write something similar making use of vcount as Heaven suggests

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ah... are you sure?

32 bytes = 16 enemies (2 chars per sprite) as an example while a Gremlins sprite alone has 3x24... (I am not talking about the tables etc but Gremlins has much, too...) But anyway Dropzone is good but not "Groundbreaking".

So "EOR" Sprites were superior to substant sprites? Good. So Turrican can be easily done with those superior "EOR Sprites". Everyone will be happy with them...
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perhaps a separate thread for comparing games might have been better guys... [ducks under Atari table] who let them in here ARRRGH...


Pavros fantastic :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: You've made a superb game even better. IK EE is very slick indeed. I see you fixed the tiles cheat trick too! I could never master the weapon dodging so this now being only a few items makes it more fun. The limit of rounds option is neat too.


The only minor gripe which remains for me is the white text on the yellow backgrounds when entering your initials.


Perhaps even more backgrounds could be added and some sort of competition held to design them (not sure how many you can fit in, but if not enough room could perhaps be another version). When you get good at the game seeing all the backgrounds is the real incentive to keep playing.


11/10 :)

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Thanks for the replies, Heaven and Tezz... I should have been more specific and asked Pavros what method did he use for IK Enhanced.


The game runs too slow on my half-breed 800 (NTSC machine with PAL ANTIC). I'm guessing it's detecting NTSC, though the machine now runs at 50hz display rate. Is there an easy way to fix this? Would Heaven's VCOUNT method read my machine as PAL?

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