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I found a working c compiler online and uploaded the include files, but I am getting errors such as "undefined reference to `mvi_init'". I don't understand, the include files are there.


For some reason I'm not being able to compile jzintv in Mac OS X, but you should use make. The common *NIX style for installing programs from source is to uncompress the source package in a directory and run "make"


This will build everything and also any program that you modify.


You should use this instead of calling directly the compiler.

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Sorry... I haven't been able to work on this. My windows build host is well and truly dead this time. I'm not set up to be able to build Windows executables at all right now. I plan to set up a virtual machine at some point, but free time is hard to come by lately.


If you want to build this yourself for Windows, you'll want to set up a MinGW environment with SDL-1.2.15. You'll want to use the makefile "Makefile.stdout", not "Makefile.w32". (There's a long and boring history there...)

Edited by intvnut
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If you have MinGW installed along with SDL-1.2.15's development files (headers, library, etc), then you should be able to run "make" from the source directory at a command prompt.

cd jzintv/src
make -f Makefile.stdout

But, that does require having the MinGW tools installed and added to your PATH, etc.


I'm pretty sure I used this older version of MinGW in the past: http://www.mingw.org/

And this version of the SDL 1.2.15 development libraries: http://libsdl.org/release/SDL-devel-1.2.15-mingw32.tar.gz


I have not tried the MinGW-w64 fork ( http://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw-w64/).

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  • 2 months later...

I'll make no guarantees. I just started my new job in California over Thanksgiving weekend. I'm living in temp housing out here w/out most of my stuff while we house hunt.


I did, however, pick up a $250 Dell refurb laptop that runs Win7, so I can re-establish a Windows build environment and install all of my Windows-based utilities. I may get a chance in the coming days.


I will say I'm a little annoyed that MinGW64 requires me to include a libpthread DLL with everything I compile, now. Grrr... Growing pains....

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I'd like to know what "votes" are...



Occurrences of that color in the animation. Basically, I sort the colors in order of decreasing occurrence, so frequently-occurring colors get smaller color numbers in the GIF. The idea was to, at some point, consider optimizing local palettes to improve the compression. I didn't ever get there, though.

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If you don't want to wait, get Hypercam 2, bandicam or something similar to capture desktop stuff with sounds. I use Xvid MPEG-4 Codec to capture and compress capture data, so the slow 5200 RPM hard drive can keep up. Optionally, you can get Virtual Dub to edit your video.

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Ok, I'll try to bite the bullet. Is the change you want to be able to specify the value for prev_gif_time as a parameter? In the current jzintv-1.0-beta4 it is hard coded to 15, with a commented out line at 10. Or do you have to change the curr_gif_time += 5 as well a bit lower?


I'm running 32-bit Windows XP, not sure which type of binary you'll need if I succeed in compiling it at all using MinGW and SDL.


Edit: Hm, the version for which there is source code to download is the latest published version, that doesn't match the one for which work is ongoing? In that case, I'm afraid it is harder to help.

Edited by carlsson
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I can't keep track of the actual requirement here, but am I reading this correctly? We need code changes to jzintv to be able to output audio and video sync'd at non-standard speeds, so that we can change specific colors in the video?


This seems like a rather... specific use case. Let's get LTO Flash! in people's hands before we harass poor intvnut about this every month :D

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I thought it was about the imvtogif tool, to change granularity in the "frame rate" of the generated, animated GIF which later on would be intermixed with the audio track into a movie. The reason for going through GIF was to easily change colours. But as mentioned, animated GIFs don't really have a "frame rate" as per se, only delays after a frame has been generated which could take different amounts of time depending on your computer, which software is used and how complex each frame is.

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Sorry I haven't been following this thread. I'll be honest: imvtogif really is a lost cause. I can keep tweaking it, but I'm pretty sure trying to sync it to audio is fundamentally broken. I had some ideas of things I was going to try in imvtogif. The last time I looked at the code, though, trying those ideas meant some serious reverse engineering. The pacing part of the code is full of heuristic black magic and more than a bit... unmaintainable. :-)


A big part of the issue there is that the Inty is 60Hz, and the delays in GIF are specified in 100ths of a second. Plus, the delays are specified as "delays between frames, not accounting for decode time." So, there's really no precision to the timing there, depending on where you display it.



So, I did something different instead. Actually, you can thank nanochess: He sent me his code for an AVI encoder that uses the ZMBV codec—the same one used by DOS Box. It's actually a pretty good fit for the Intellivision, too. With the long weekend, I finally had enough time to seriously rub some braincells together and integrate the code.


I haven't said anything about it so far, because I didn't know when I'd have time to get something working. I wasn't going to say anything until I had something ready to show. Now it's here, at least for Windows and OS X. If someone wants to be a Linux guinea pig, contact me: I don't have mine here and I need you to test something for me.


So here's the builds:


I've left in the MVI encoder, but added the AVI encoder. The AVI encoder encodes sync'd audio and video. To toggle AVI recording:

  • On Mac, press Cmd-A
  • On Win, press Win-A

Files will be written to avi_XXXX.avi.


This is only lightly tested; there may still be issues. If so, let me know! I'll try to fix them.


To play the AVI files, you need a player with the ZMBV codec. VLC and MPlayer both have the codec. VLC seems to be broken on my system with this codec (no video); I searched around and it seems others are having problems too. MPlayer works just fine. Download links for MPlayer:



Also, I'm told it works in Windows Media Player if you have the right version. DOS Box comes with a codec you can install for WMP. I'll let nanochess chime in with what he knows, as he has more knowledge on this topic. :-)

Edited by intvnut
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