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How has this not been posted yet? Retro VGS


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I don't think it's mean spirited at all. If it truly is the same pitch with just a different logo on the front, then it should be treated just the same.

Frankly, the more I think about it, the "partnered with COLECO" stuff is pissing me off more than anything from the last go round. Pretending that COLECO has anything to do with this is, at best, disingenuous and at worst, well... lying. It's preying on people who don't know any better, and that really bugs me. It's hilarious on the one hand, but if even one person is convinced to buy this thing because they remember the COLECO name... it's a shambles.


Succeed (or fail) on your own merits, please. Someone upthread said Mike would have named this thing the Dreamcast 2 if he could have got the rights... and I fear he was right.


Real sour taste in my mouth about this.

Edited by dj_convoy
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Frankly, the more I think about it, the "partnered with COLECO" stuff is pissing me off more than anything from the last go round. Pretending that COLECO has anything to do with this is, at best, disingenuous and at worst, well... lying. It's preying on people who don't know any better, and that really bugs me. It's hilarious on the one hand, but if even one person is convinced to buy this thing because they remember the COLECO name... it's a shambles.


Succeed (or fail) on your own merits, please. Someone upthread said Mike would have named this thing the Dreamcast 2 if he could have got the rights... and I fear he was right.


Real sour taste in my mouth about this.


You should be pissed off. Their flimsy attempt to wipe the slate clean and pull wool over our eyes with Coleco branding worked on some people. I wouldn't go so far as to say I feel for any backers who buy into this because if you give their crowdfunding project the money they're going to be asking for without looking into them then you could just as easily have lost your money on magic beans.


But it's crazy to think that this project started as a grassroots console for the retro gaming community that was trying to promote itself through word-of-mouth on forums. Since that failed, now they're trying to keep a straight face while pretending that they're a revitalized big brand from the past. They've pretty much given the finger to the retro gaming community at this point and I think they're doing that because they expect to follow in the footsteps of the successful Flashback consoles, they don't need us. But I don't think it's going to work, the biggest part of what made the Flashback plug & plays so successful with the general public was the price. They served as an impulse purchase at discount stores and they actually had some pretty damn good value for the price. Mike has no chance in hell of matching that. Expect to see them back on the forums when they find out that the vast majority of people who bought Flashback consoles aren't the same type of people that go to Kickstarter.

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Yeah, I can confirm that rational friends have tried that. It just doesn't matter at this point; I think the failure and the uncontrollable innate urge to make it work is all part of his identity at this point and he just can't get past it.

Well then, there's the answer to this problem! Someone needs to buy the darn Jaguar enclosure molds from Mike, and then he can let go and move on.


But then, the guy who buys the metal mold from Mike will probably feel the same urge... Oops... This reminds me of the Looney Tunes cartoon with the singing frog! :lol:

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So they went back and carefully thought about what the system was missing last time it became an internet joke.

The only answer they could come up with was a coleco badge.


At least they still have the hard part done--the power supply. We saw it in the last video, and they've secured the tooling for it. That means they're at least 90% finished.


Why is this still going? And why do I think that I'm exactly as close to releasing my own game console as they are theirs?

...I already have my power LED color picked out, so I'm nearly halfway done.

Edited by Reaperman
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You should be pissed off. Their flimsy attempt to wipe the slate clean and pull wool over our eyes with Coleco branding worked on some people. I wouldn't go so far as to say I feel for any backers who buy into this because if you give their crowdfunding project the money they're going to be asking for without looking into them then you could just as easily have lost your money on magic beans.


But it's crazy to think that this project started as a grassroots console for the retro gaming community that was trying to promote itself through word-of-mouth on forums. Since that failed, now they're trying to keep a straight face while pretending that they're a revitalized big brand from the past. They've pretty much given the finger to the retro gaming community at this point and I think they're doing that because they expect to follow in the footsteps of the successful Flashback consoles, they don't need us. But I don't think it's going to work, the biggest part of what made the Flashback plug & plays so successful with the general public was the price. They served as an impulse purchase at discount stores and they actually had some pretty damn good value for the price. Mike has no chance in hell of matching that. Expect to see them back on the forums when they find out that the vast majority of people who bought Flashback consoles aren't the same type of people that go to Kickstarter.

It worries me; I mean, YOU went to NeoGAF, where you think people would understand about this, and a third of the posts were still "Ooh, COLECO" until you laid it out in real easy to understand terms. Sadly, there will probably still be "Ooh, COLECO" posts.


Something may have to be done, here. The word needs to go out that this thing ain't "COLECO."

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So they went back and carefully thought about what the system was missing last time it became an internet joke.

The only answer they could come up with was a coleco badge.


At least they still have the hard part done--the power supply. We saw it in the last video, and they've secured the tooling for it. That means they're at least 90% finished.


Why is this still going? And why do I think that I'm exactly as close to releasing my own game console as they are theirs?

...I already have my power LED color picked out, so I'm nearly halfway done.

Hold out for that low serial number.

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At least they still have the hard part done--the power supply. We saw it in the last video, and they've secured the tooling for it. That means they're at least 90% finished.

Ah yes, the bench power supply, which was so important that John Carlsen spent something like one minute out of his original two-minute video talking about it!


Besides that, they've got the plastic shell, and they've got a controller. As they said on Facebook, that's half the battle right there!


"We do in fact, have lots of the pieces of the puzzle in place with the tooling and controller in hand. That is half the battle."


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Yeah, I can confirm that rational friends have tried that. It just doesn't matter at this point; I think the failure and the uncontrollable innate urge to make it work is all part of his identity at this point and he just can't get past it. Honestly, they should be calling this thing the Honey Badger instead of the Chameleon, because no matter what rational point you make about the futility of the project, Honey Badger just don't care.

I have to admit I kinda feel sorry for Mike. He thought buying that tooling would be a cool idea, and he embranced it, and maybe for him now it's too late. But it's impossible to just ignore this as he actually draws more People in. I have to admit though, he's doing a good Job of convincing People to join this Project. At this Point I do think it takes some serious convincing power to make People jump aboard his sinking ship. But the more People take him seriously the less Chance there is he'll realyze this is nuts.

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Well then, there's the answer to this problem! Someone needs to buy the darn Jaguar enclosure molds from Mike, and then he can let go and move on.


But then, the guy who buys the metal mold from Mike will probably feel the same urge... Oops... This reminds me of the Looney Tunes cartoon with the singing frog! :lol:


I'm not familiar with the singing frog, but it sounds like a Twilight Zone plot (or Simpsons Halloween special) where the owner of the mold has delusions of grandeur and falls into madness... 'til he sells the mold to the next unlucky person (repeat).

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It worries me; I mean, YOU went to NeoGAF, where you think people would understand about this, and a third of the posts were still "Ooh, COLECO" until you laid it out in real easy to understand terms. Sadly, there will probably still be "Ooh, COLECO" posts.


Something may have to be done, here. The word needs to go out that this thing ain't "COLECO."


On NeoGAF everyone has their own very specific interest that they pursue, there's too much info to follow every thread so it's no surprise that some people are seeing this console for the first time and recognizing the name "Coleco" and just posting to show their surprise. I'm not worried about that part. Again, I feel that for the most part there is a specific type of consumer that goes to Kickstarter and backs projects, it's not the same type of person that makes an impulse buy at the checkout counter.


And don't worry, as of yesterday I've already secured my own plan to get the word out there about what this console really is. It's pretty damn good... but we need to wait for the right moment when they start their media blitz.


Hold out for that low serial number.


I'm pretty sure they're all going to be low serial numbers if this ever gets that far.

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I'm not familiar with the singing frog, but it sounds like a Twilight Zone plot (or Simpsons Halloween special) where the owner of the mold has delusions of grandeur and falls into madness... 'til he sells the mold to the next unlucky person (repeat).

Here's the cartoon in question, although they left out the part at the end with the guy from the far future rediscovering the frog and restarting the "I'll get rich with this" pattern all over again. But I saw that missing part in another YouTube video. :)





EDIT: Wow, I didn't know they actually made a sequel! :D



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I have tried joining NeoGAF on many occasions but my account has always been blocked for one reason or another. I have followed the rules explicitly to a "T" and still get blocked for something. I would gladly post my article explaining that this "Coleco" is not the REAL Coleco- that Coleco is dead and gone.


Earlier today my submission of my article (link in signature) was blocked on Reddit. They would not allow me to post it. I contacted some mods and discussed the problem with them and it was finally approved. Kind of weird. Had this happen with a few of the RETRO VGS articles that readers submitted- they stated having problems with Reddit allowing them to be posted.

Edited by triverse
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Have I missed something with the new team on this.


Mark Thomann is clearly Licensing and Patent guy.


Chris Cardillo is at a guess hype guy.


No new hardware guy? Just Steve still?


And Mike doing Mike stuff?


I love to be a fly on the wall when those group meetings happen, particularly if Steve is a no show. (3 marketing guys in a room is not a good sign)


With a little more effort they could have slapped a Polaroid, Kodak or with a little work Sega or SNK logo on it. (Maybe even a Circuit City or the million dollar idea RadioShack console.)


Mascot. Got that covered too. This guy.



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Better hope they get that prototype running for that expo they will attend, and not just an empty shell on a table with lots of fancy posters and renders around it...
Or better still, they hook a shell up to some android device inside it, or a hidden laptop somewhere running emulators with a simple button inside wired to start a game when a equally empty cart is inserted. Hilarity will ensue when they put game X in there but game Y starts on the screen.

In all seriousness though, i will be very surprised if they have a working proto by the expo. My guess it will be what i first said, empty shell with a paperweight inside it, and some screens and posters showing "concept art" and a promise to return with a working proto by spring or something.

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