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Stun Runner 87

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Hi Everyone:
Al was kind enough to point me to this thread. Thanks Al!
You guys have got to be the kindest people on the planet. Thank you so much for everything.
Just a quick note, it was a couple of things that happened at once whereas if taken separatey I probably wouldn't have let them get to me. (I've been labeled "emotional" my whole life, and I'm trying to change it, but it isn't easy)
One person sent me a PM basically telling me it was unacceptable that Crystal Quest took so long and that I had to have help (i.e. Music and Graphics) with it. It was mentioned to me that there were 'pops' in the audio, which when I went back to listen, I couldn't find any. I would have been more than willing to work with this person if they didn't have the attitude, and instead I told that person to go screw themself.
At the same time, on another site, I was pretty much compared to a 'bank robber' because I didn't get permission to make the arcade ports I made (no matter how hard I tried in as many ways to contact Namco back when I was making Pac-Man Collection). I interpreted the 'silence' as it wasn't worth their time to deal with something that was 'small potatoes' to them. So I went ahead. So apparently I'm a 'bank robber' now for taking 'IP that didn't belong to me'... not to mention the many times I had the *arcade author's help* when creating a port.
Finally, there were a few small remarks about recent ports (one example off the top of my head - KC - "didn't play it because it didn't offer anything new"... which makes me wonder if that person ever played any home port of any arcade game because it "didn't offer anything new")...
Again, that statement seems like a little thing but taken in combination with the two prior points mentioned above and a few other remarks around the same time, along with a handful of people who have pompous condescending attitudes, it made me think "Why do I bother? If I ever get the itch and want to see a game on the 7800 I'll just make it for myself."
I'll be gone for a while. I've got real life issues here at home anyway, so I guess things happen for a reason.
But, thanks again, guys - best of luck with the XM, and I know there's going to be some great games with RegEng's 7800Basic!



I am not going to click on the "Like" button, because you are pissing me off, you can complain about this statement to me via email or PM. :mad:

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I used to be the same way being knocked around by ahole types. I think it is because when your a nice person that cares about how you project yourself to the world you expect the same in return and have trouble comprehending any less.


I wish you all the best in life.

We will never forget you. I think without you making games for the 7800 there is for me about a 80% less interest in the 7800.

The battlezone game and many others would have been great to play.


I think 99.999% of the people here on atariage think your a great guy. Its too bad the .001 has to be an ass about everything and ruins it.


Those remarks made to you by this asshole was illogical and rude. You really can't take a mentally handicaps reasoning to heart.


But.. like you said real life stuff needs to be done so again.. I wish you the best.


Your friend



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Thanks for popping in Bob... and please try to not let the ninnies and the twits get you down. It's just the way of the world when your put yourself out there as you have. Talented programmer, musician, etc. Always going to have a certain level of agitation to contend with. Best of luck with what you've got going on at home and hope to see you back here someday, where your other family awaits. :)

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Thanks Bob for everything you did for 7800.


Many a night I have dreamt of the day I might make a game as good as yours. I doubt I ever will.


You set the high mark.


Whatever you decide to do, be blessed and know that you are appreciated.

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Thanks, Bob, for saying what had happened and not leaving us to speculate.

Most all of us appreciate your art and talent in this hobby!

It just saddens me that a few opinions / harsh words / facts can ruin the fun.


It is not the place for people to say if your expressions are right or wrong.

It is all a gray area until law is enforced.


Then there are things that make no sense whatsoever. Like what forces people that don't use an iPhone to read an iPhone forum and post that iPhones are worse than the phone they use? Yet I see that all the time.


Good things can happen also. If the 8K Star Castle programmer did not choose to only sell his work for $32,000, the version coming out wouldn't have been produced. The 8K Kickstarter "I changed my mind" made him over $25,000. If you think the new, better one will earn that much for this website or its authors, it certainly will not. If it sells twice as many as the 8K it would make only half that amount. Then take off the cost of printing boxes, instructions and labels, and shipping, and the insane amount of free "hobby labor" and there goes any profit.

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Bob, I may have had limited contact with you through a thread and PMs, but in that short time I could tell what a great person you were. You were the first to get me going in 7800 development (and inspired me in the first place) and for that I thank you. Screw those haters, you have an army of people behind you who know what you are really made of. :thumbsup: Good luck in resolving your real life issues!

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Good things can happen also. If the 8K Star Castle programmer did not choose to only sell his work for $32,000, the version coming out wouldn't have been produced. The 8K Kickstarter "I changed my mind" made him over $25,000. If you think the new, better one will earn that much for this website or its authors, it certainly will not. If it sells twice as many as the 8K it would make only half that amount. Then take off the cost of printing boxes, instructions and labels, and shipping, and the insane amount of free "hobby labor" and there goes any profit.


The "8K Star Castle programmer" is a legendary Atari developer from bitd! :)


There's nothing wrong with the developer making money and he did not make a lot when you look at the amount of time he put into designing a quality machine language game that really pushed the systems capabilities.


What he did in 8k with a bitmapped display on the VCS is tremendous. I think you would have more appreciation for the project level and work involved if you learned asm; Pacmanplus's perspective is right on, which means we should encourage the Star Castle programmer too :)


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I look at it this way.. when it comes to a hobby like this. It is all about self improvement/fullfillment . We do this stuff because we want to challenge ourselves with something new. But since it is a hobby, obviously only so much time can be invested. But then people like Bob choose to share the results of these little "challenges".


But then you got the idiots out there that have to make things way more complicated then they need to be. Throw insults, criticize your manhood, whatever. It's kinda sad really.


So all I have to say to PacManPlus is thank you for making available to us what you have done and settling a bunch of "what if the 7800 had this" scenarios that have crossed our minds. More power to ya in whatever you try to do in the future. We are already blessed with what we got.


The posers.. well they can go screw with themselves. :twisted:

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We also appreciate the sharing of idea's and code that will help the programmers that follow you. Your work has contributed greatly to the 7800 community both now and in the future.


The Bridge Builder

By Will Allen Dromgoole 1860–1934
An old man going a lone highway,
Came, at the evening cold and gray,
To a chasm vast and deep and wide.
Through which was flowing a sullen tide
The old man crossed in the twilight dim,
The sullen stream had no fear for him;
But he turned when safe on the other side
And built a bridge to span the tide.

“Old man,” said a fellow pilgrim near,
“You are wasting your strength with building here;
Your journey will end with the ending day,
You never again will pass this way;
You’ve crossed the chasm, deep and wide,
Why build this bridge at evening tide?”

The builder lifted his old gray head;
“Good friend, in the path I have come,” he said,
“There followed after me to-day
A youth whose feet must pass this way.
This chasm that has been as naught to me
To that fair-haired youth may a pitfall be;
He, too, must cross in the twilight dim;
Good friend, I am building this bridge for him!”
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Bob, it's good to hear from you. I had the pleasure of meeting you at FreePlay Florida this past November and I will reiterate that it was a pleasure. After "chatting" online through forums, it was excellent to meet the creator of so many fantastic games for the Atari 7800. You are a true gentleman and I can certainly understand how people making idiotic posts and comments can get to you (or anyone, for that matter).


Making video games is supposed to be a fun hobby but there are people who fail to see that and seem to be around only to take the fun away. Don't let those people ruin something that you clearly enjoy. I also know that life throws curve balls and real life has to take precedence always.


Be well and I hope to see you in person again in the future.

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Hi Everyone:
Al was kind enough to point me to this thread. Thanks Al!
You guys have got to be the kindest people on the planet. Thank you so much for everything.
Just a quick note, it was a couple of things that happened at once whereas if taken separatey I probably wouldn't have let them get to me. (I've been labeled "emotional" my whole life, and I'm trying to change it, but it isn't easy)
One person sent me a PM basically telling me it was unacceptable that Crystal Quest took so long and that I had to have help (i.e. Music and Graphics) with it. It was mentioned to me that there were 'pops' in the audio, which when I went back to listen, I couldn't find any. I would have been more than willing to work with this person if they didn't have the attitude, and instead I told that person to go screw themself.
At the same time, on another site, I was pretty much compared to a 'bank robber' because I didn't get permission to make the arcade ports I made (no matter how hard I tried in as many ways to contact Namco back when I was making Pac-Man Collection). I interpreted the 'silence' as it wasn't worth their time to deal with something that was 'small potatoes' to them. So I went ahead. So apparently I'm a 'bank robber' now for taking 'IP that didn't belong to me'... not to mention the many times I had the *arcade author's help* when creating a port.
Finally, there were a few small remarks about recent ports (one example off the top of my head - KC - "didn't play it because it didn't offer anything new"... which makes me wonder if that person ever played any home port of any arcade game because it "didn't offer anything new")...
Again, that statement seems like a little thing but taken in combination with the two prior points mentioned above and a few other remarks around the same time, along with a handful of people who have pompous condescending attitudes, it made me think "Why do I bother? If I ever get the itch and want to see a game on the 7800 I'll just make it for myself."
I'll be gone for a while. I've got real life issues here at home anyway, so I guess things happen for a reason.
But, thanks again, guys - best of luck with the XM, and I know there's going to be some great games with RegEng's 7800Basic!


Bob -


Perry pointed me to your post, I'm sorry you had to encounter such bad things, I knew precisely how you feel, its why I stopped posting and being a part of things, the negativity was really harmful emtionally and I needed to remove as much stress from my life and get myself full healed and strong again. I hope you come back someday, please do.



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Hi Everyone:
Al was kind enough to point me to this thread. Thanks Al!
You guys have got to be the kindest people on the planet. Thank you so much for everything.
Just a quick note, it was a couple of things that happened at once whereas if taken separately I probably wouldn't have let them get to me...
...I'll be gone for a while. I've got real life issues here at home anyway, so I guess things happen for a reason.
But, thanks again, guys - best of luck with the XM, and I know there's going to be some great games with RegEng's 7800Basic!




Bob -


Perry pointed me to your post, I'm sorry you had to encounter such bad things, I knew precisely how you feel, its why I stopped posting and being a part of things, the negativity was really harmful emotionally and I needed to remove as much stress from my life and get myself full healed and strong again. I hope you come back someday, please do.




Bob and Curt; you guys have done so much for AtariAge and the Classic Video Game community. It is so sad (and just plain wrong) that there has been ANYONE who has given you grief about anything. You two (...and FlashJazzCat, for that matter) are the very epitome of this Wiktionary definition:




no good deed goes unpunished


Beneficial actions often go unappreciated or are met with outright hostility. If they are appreciated, they often lead to additional requests.

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Take care of your life first and foremost Bob. I will miss our friendship on here :(



"There will always be someone willing to hurt you, put you down, gossip about you, belittle your accomplishments and judge your soul. It is a fact that we all must face. However, if you realize that God is a best friend that stands beside you when others cast stones you will never be afraid, never feel worthless and never feel alone".

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It's good to hear from you Bob, we all miss you here. Ignore the haters, your games rock :)


Hopefully you will be back with us soon, once the current crises pass...



If the 8K Star Castle programmer did not choose to only sell his work for $32,000, the version coming out wouldn't have been produced. The 8K Kickstarter "I changed my mind" made him over $25,000.


Minus Kickstarter fees and credit card fees and tax (about 10%), minus production costs, minus shipping costs, and so forth. Somehow I doubt he walked away with an actual $25k...?

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Hi Everyone:


Al was kind enough to point me to this thread. Thanks Al!

You guys have got to be the kindest people on the planet. Thank you so much for everything.


Just a quick note, it was a couple of things that happened at once whereas if taken separatey I probably wouldn't have let them get to me. (I've been labeled "emotional" my whole life, and I'm trying to change it, but it isn't easy)


One person sent me a PM basically telling me it was unacceptable that Crystal Quest took so long and that I had to have help (i.e. Music and Graphics) with it. It was mentioned to me that there were 'pops' in the audio, which when I went back to listen, I couldn't find any. I would have been more than willing to work with this person if they didn't have the attitude, and instead I told that person to go screw themself.


At the same time, on another site, I was pretty much compared to a 'bank robber' because I didn't get permission to make the arcade ports I made (no matter how hard I tried in as many ways to contact Namco back when I was making Pac-Man Collection). I interpreted the 'silence' as it wasn't worth their time to deal with something that was 'small potatoes' to them. So I went ahead. So apparently I'm a 'bank robber' now for taking 'IP that didn't belong to me'... not to mention the many times I had the *arcade author's help* when creating a port.


Finally, there were a few small remarks about recent ports (one example off the top of my head - KC - "didn't play it because it didn't offer anything new"... which makes me wonder if that person ever played any home port of any arcade game because it "didn't offer anything new")...


Again, that statement seems like a little thing but taken in combination with the two prior points mentioned above and a few other remarks around the same time, along with a handful of people who have pompous condescending attitudes, it made me think "Why do I bother? If I ever get the itch and want to see a game on the 7800 I'll just make it for myself."


I'll be gone for a while. I've got real life issues here at home anyway, so I guess things happen for a reason.


But, thanks again, guys - best of luck with the XM, and I know there's going to be some great games with RegEng's 7800Basic!

Thank you for coming on this thread and for your realness.

I'm just happy to hear that you are alive and well.

You Dont owe anyone explanations.

You have done more for us Atari enthusiasts than anyone prior to you even putting yourself at the risk of ignorent critics and haters.

In other words, thanks for going to bat for us so that we can enjoy the games you have ported for the 7800 that Atari was unwilling or able to do back in the old days.

Trust me,your work means a lot to people like me.


And thank you for personally autographing the Frenzy cart you sent me last year.

Your an awesome guy and 99% of people who have had any dialog with you think the world of you.

I have every game you made.

The old school arcade games never get old,as they will always be the most fun in my opinion.


And screw those idiots that gave you a hard time.

Dont tell me who they are because I'd probably go looking for them and be honored to kick there asses to defend your good name , ?


Anyway, thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my post.....I made this thread as a sort of dedication so you know that we got nothing but love for you here.

You are a legend in the Retro gaming community ☺

You will be missed here, and that's an understatement.....



Peace be with you and as I've said before, I wish you all the best and many blessings.

Thanks for everything sir.

Be at peace and enjoy your family and life.

You deserve nothing but happiness.


P.s, your musical talent is awsome as well.

I look forward to seeing you at the Grammy's......?


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Whoever called PacManPlus a bankrobber is an utter piece of diseased rhinoceros poop.


Pacmanplus robbed no one.

He only gave a lot of people joy, passionatly shared his talents, the kind of things most people arnt willing or able to do.

He sacrificed his time and part of himself so that others can enjoy his great work.

If anything, that makes PMP an unselfish hero.


Haters gonna hate.


I hope whoever disrespected Bob is found, tortured, doused in gasoline, torched and burned alive in sulfuric acid.

Edited by Stun Runner 87
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@Bob: I totally understand removing yourself from the negativity. Return or not - whichever is best for your spirit - but please keep all of this appreciation and outpouring from your fans deep in your heart. In time the sting will fade.


If you ever find yourself needing a connection professionally, please reach out. You're a class act, and a talented guy.

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