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WTB QBert Qubes for Atari VCS 2600 or Colecovision


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NIAD and CPUWIZ are both right, Q*bert Qubes is an expensive game, it took me ages to get one at relatively good price for Colecovision ($230)


The loose cartridge for Atari also is pretty expensive! (it has prevented me from getting a full loose Parker Brothers collection!)

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Yep, the game is even expensive for the Colecovision. And no, today there is no way to get it on eBay, even for the Colecovision, under US $ 300. There are exceptions, but thos didnt handle quite well far too often (means the sellers dont act correct).


My only suggestion is to keep watching eBay daily. Sometimes appear copies at a low price, but of course these will fly right away!

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nanochess, doing that already. And its strange. The games for 1st gen consoles are the only ones which keeping to increase in price. Other rare software like Infocom games experience a new game crash ;) . You get Suspended folio nowadays for appr. 100 US $. Absolutely impossible 2 years ago. But LucasFilm Games or SNES games or, as mentioned, rare VCS 2600 games … raising like a rocket :) .

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