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Gameboy games (must haves across all systems)


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My wife just let it slip that I'm getting a GBA SP for my birthday next week :wink:. Besides being super happy that I have a great wife and will have a great gift, I want to know what you all think of my tiny game list of games to get. I have checked several older similar topics and I think I now have a list of a few games that I must own. It seems like Donkey Kong and Tetris are classics and still deserve to be enjoyed. Any suggestions on GBC games that were really good? Some GBA games it seems eveyone says are pretty good are Metroid Fusion, Castlevania (the Moon one), Lord of the Rings (the Two Towers), Sonic 2, and Super Mario World. As you can probably tell, I'm not that familiar with modern games, but are these good choices? Any more ideas? Oh yea, I want the Konami Arcade Classics game -- that seems to be a recommended title as a good classic collection. Thanks!

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I have the Konami Arcade Classics game,it is good but not worth the $30 unless you really like the games.


Both the Zelda games for the GBC rules,might even be my all time fav Zelda game(s).


Here is a list of great games:

Advance Wars(GBA)

Metroid Fusion(GBA)

Castlevania,all of them(GBA)

Tactics Ogre(GBA)

Golden Sun(GBA)


Also Golden Sun 2 comes out soon,but play the first one first.


Have fun with the SP! :D

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I am currently playing the Konami arcade classics and it is great. I haven't played Scramble since I was a kid on the Vectrex, what a great game. Go for the Zeldas, all of them are great games. If you've never played the SNES Mario games, they are on the GBA now and just as great as ever. Colin McRae Rally is great if ya like racers. BTW, check Amazon.com, I got the Konami Arcade Classics for $9.99 there.

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Both of the Sonic games are excellent choices. I'm partial to MM Zero, but I wouldn't recommend MM & Bass unless you're a hardcore fan like I am (it's the Super Famicom game Rockman & Forte, a.w.k.a. MM9). If you have an SP the Castlevania games really shine (pun intended). You can't go wrong with Super Mario Advance 2 (Super Mario World) or 3 (Yoshi's Island) and Warioland 4 is hella fun, and surprisingly hard at times. If you like RPG's definitely get Golden Sun and the Phantasty Star Collection. If you like strategy get Tactics Ogre. If you like arcade classics get Namco Collection and Pac-Man Collection. If you like "collect 'em all" style gets get Mega Man Battle Network 1 and/or 2. And for puzzle games, there's always Puyo Pop and Street Fighter Puzzle II Turbo (which I hear is out, but I'm still looking for it).

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Of all the games I play on my GameBoy Advance, Namco Museum is probably the most heavily used one. If you like Ms. Pac Man, Galaxian, Galaga, Dig Dug, or Pole Position, you will find it a must have. I've made use of it waiting for my turn in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, while waiting for my order at a fast food place, while in the waiting room at the doctors, lots of places.


The Dragon Warrior remakes for the GBC are also very good. I highly recommend them. They're excellent for long waits in an office or if you have a long trip where you aren't having to drive.


The Joust/Defender pack for the GBC is also pretty good. Although Defender is pretty hard to play, even on a GBA SP, Joust is awesome even on the small screen.


Advance Wars is another in depth sort of game that I recommend.


For an oldie but a goodie, be sure to pick up Qix for the original GB if you can find it.


Monster Rancher Advance 1 and 2 are some other fun ones. They have the advantage that they autosave, so you can quit the game in a hurry if you need to.

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The Game and Watch series is great, and soon Donkey Kong Country will be ported to the GBA! Here are some more must haves that havnt been mentioned (i think i kinda skimmed tho):



Wario Land 4

Soon MADE IN WARIO will be out

Gradius Galaxies


SMW2:Yoshis Island


Donkey Kong, Ice Climber, Excitebike, Donkey Kong JR., E-cards


Great GBC games:

Mario Deluxe

Wario Series

Mario Land series


Pokemon Puzzle Challenge

Mario Golf/Tennis

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The Game and Watch series is great, and soon Donkey Kong Country will be ported to the GBA! Here are some more must haves that havnt been mentioned (i think i kinda skimmed tho):



Wario Land 4

Soon MADE IN WARIO will be out

Gradius Galaxies


SMW2:Yoshis Island


Donkey Kong, Ice Climber, Excitebike, Donkey Kong JR., E-cards


Actually I mentioned Wario Land 4, Kirby, and SMW2. :D

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Everyone is really helping me out with some great ideas (keep them coming). I forgot about the e-reader and I didn't know Tetris also came out on the GBC (is it a different game at all?). Dragon Warrior series games sound great. By the way, what about any of the Gauntlet games on the Gameboy? I know Dark Legacy is out now and I think GBA or GBC had Gauntlet or Gauntlet 2.

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Ah Sorry about the repeated games, as I said i skimmed really fast, just so eager to help :-D!


Tetris DXfor GBC is basically the same but with some color enhancements, but but GBC i also meant GB games...


Also for GBC or GB that is good

Zelda Links awakening DX or Original

Zelda Oracle of Seasons and/or Ages

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I get a lot of funny looks for this, but I really like the Game Boy Camera. Ther are games, a paint program, and even a music program built into it. I think that it's amazing, and while it's only black and white, at this tiny resolution it doesn't matter. I love that you can incorporate your photos as part of the inbuilt games.


There is a printer that prints your pictures onto tiny slips of thermal paper which I think is highly cool. You can also pick up accessory cables that let you copy the pictures to the PC and display them as GIF's. I've done this, but I used my Game Boy Flash Linker to pull the SRAM out of the camera and split it up into pictures on the PC. Awesome stuff.


There is a GBA color "wormcam" I thik that it's called - it's a third party device. While it's cool and take better pictures, it doesn't have the playfulness and integration of the old camera. Best of all, the camera cart is really easy to find for around $15 used.


It works great on the GBA due to the increased contrast of the screen. Ahh, some of my favorite pictures of Prague are ones I took with that camera.

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its not too bad to take pics with the camera on the sp, you can turn the camera head around, and there is a function on the cart that allows you to flip the image upside down. Its an extra step, but it ends up working great :)


i also have a printer, and ive nabbed about five boxes of paper from a local KMart for 25 cents a box :D Ill probably never use all that, but its nice to have as a backup ;)

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I haven't kept up with post-GBC, but the most fun I've had is with an original GB game called "Gargoyle's Quest". Great RPG with lots of side scroller 2D action elements.


Other good ones have been GBC Pokemon Puzzle Challenge (well I love the console version), and Bionic Commando (the original one was a solid pseudoport of the NES version, the GBC one was ok but very buggy, would lock up)


And as you say, Donkey Kong was pretty amazing.

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