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New (alt) BIOS for Ultimate 1MB/Incognito

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Rdea6: And use keyboard shortcut to access menu.

FJC: Will try today to add this cap to because I got old style 256k extension in my 65xe. But I am waiting for version which not clears settings immediately and rereads config.

And, do you remember about setting 1088kb as default when settings are reset - is it possible - to have room for full 512k image for flasher?

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But I am waiting for version which not clears settings immediately and rereads config.

I've got a version sitting here with a single NVRAM retry but I honestly believe it's a waste of space. On the other hand, it probably does no harm... but I almost guarantee it will do nothing to help, while the cap may cure your problems.


And, do you remember about setting 1088kb as default when settings are reset - is it possible - to have room for full 512k image for flasher?

If you can't actually get into the settings and select 1088KB, there's not much point in proceeding further. If that's the main reason for setting the default RAM size to 1088KB, then I'd prefer to leave it as it is. There's some logic to the notion of defaulting to 64KB of RAM. Personally I'd like the default OS slot to be Stock XL/XE, but this is impossible since Candle placed the High-Speed OS in the first slot and I cannot be absolutely sure where the stock OS might typically reside (it would have helped if convention dictated it was in slot 0).

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Initial release versions of Ultimate 1MB, Incognito and SIDE/SIDE2 firmware:




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Direct Download Links (ZIP):


U1MB Firmware


Incognito Firmware


SIDE/SIDE2 Firmware




User Manual (PDF)


Technical/developer documentation (ZIP)


Note: direct links may change, page links won't.


Full ROMs, complete original (Candle) firmwares and more plugins to follow. Any problems, please let me know ASAP and I'll get things fixed.

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Hi Jon-


Thanks for the update release. But a question -- is there a fairly easy way to change the screen colors? Here is what I see on my monitor. As you can see, the white on light gray is barely legible. I'd like to change it to the orange/brown that you show on your web site. That seems a lot easier to read. Maybe just a couple of addresses for the colors & luminance that I can make a permanent change in the rom file? I searched the user guide, but could find no reference to changing the screen colors.









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OK, found it in the "advanced settings." But doesn't seem to be permanent. I tried several ways to save the color profile, but it keeps coming up with the original B/W/G color scheme.


ESC gives "lose changes to profile 1". I tried both Y and N, and neither gives a permanent change. If I go back to SDX and then return to the Setup Menu, and it's B&W again.


Is there a way to make it permanent so that I don't have to keep changing it?



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Thanks for the update release. But a question -- is there a fairly easy way to change the screen colors? Here is what I see on my monitor.

Hi Larry. The odd screen lumas and the fact the settings won't save suggest your U1MB is not working properly at all. Have a look at the "U1MB in a 1200XL" thread for the 100pF capacitor fix and check all the cabling for shorts and open circuit.


EDIT: Is Rapidus also hooked up?

Edited by flashjazzcat
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For reference: colour changing is described half way down page 11 of the user manual.


Unfortunately, "COLOR" isn't in your manual... ;)


No VBXE. No Rapidus. Just (as far as I can tell) a perfectly functioning V2 Ultimate. However... since I don't use the SIDE PBI nor the SIDE, is it still necessary to flash all 3 updates? If it is necessary, then that might be the culprit. I just flashed the Ultimate bios. (I actually don't see how it would be necessary if the PBI bios is disabled. (?)


BTW, the screen has always looked like this since the first released beta -- 0.24? I'll check the thread you referenced.



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Unfortunately, "COLOR" isn't in your manual... ;)

Ah... of course. "Color" isn't in the menu either, but hopefully the option is still clear. :D


Just (as far as I can tell) a perfectly functioning V2 Ultimate.

Yeah - sorry. I just read your post again and you mention responding to "Lose changes?" with both "Y" and "N", but you make no mention of actually saving the changes you've made. If you scoot over to the "Save and Exit" menu, you'll see a bunch of options you can pick (and corresponding shortcut keys you can press anywhere in the menus, just as with the old BIOS). "B" is the one I most frequently use (Save changes and boot).


However... since I don't use the SIDE PBI nor the SIDE, is it still necessary to flash all 3 updates? If it is necessary, then that might be the culprit. I just flashed the Ultimate bios. (I actually don't see how it would be necessary if the PBI bios is disabled. (?)

You're right: if you NEVER use the PBI or the SIDE loader, it makes no difference whether you update the other two parts. But the old PBI BIOS - if used with the new BIOS - will wreak havoc. :)

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Yes, I have done that, and fudged the brightness down a bit and the contrast up a little. By cutting the brightness a bit and boosting contrast, it is a little better. This particular 800XL has "SuperVideo 2.x" in it. That also may be a factor. If I cut the brightness very much, then when I am in the regular blue Atari screen, it is pretty dark. But I can read the Ultimate menu now, so I'm happy with it.


You certainly deserve a big "thanks" -and- donations for your hours and hours of work on this. I hope others feel the same way.



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Yes, I have done that, and fudged the brightness down a bit and the contrast up a little. By cutting the brightness a bit and boosting contrast, it is a little better. This particular 800XL has "SuperVideo 2.x" in it. That also may be a factor. If I cut the brightness very much, then when I am in the regular blue Atari screen, it is pretty dark. But I can read the Ultimate menu now, so I'm happy with it.

The regular Atari blue screen has the same luma separation between background and foreground, but lower down the luma scale ($0A and $04 instead of $0E and $08). Maybe the video mod isn't behaving consistently at higher luminances.


You certainly deserve a big "thanks" -and- donations for your hours and hours of work on this. I hope others feel the same way.

Thanks Larry: I appreciate it. Note quite sure where that year went. Hopefully it was time well spent. :)

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Initial release versions of Ultimate 1MB, Incognito and SIDE/SIDE2 firmware:


Excellent work on everything (documentation included!), all upgrades of U1MB and SIDE2 carts done without issue. Love the new loader being able to be used on the SIDE2 carts themselves!


Many thanks FJC! :)

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Thank you Jon for your generosity to the Atari 8-bit community. It really is wonderful when people such as yourself, that have the knowledge and talent, give freely of their time and effort so that we all can benefit. It's good when people help one another in the ways that they can. I'm sure I don't just speak for myself when I say that the A8 community very much appreciates the ways in which you are able to help. :thumbsup:

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Thank you Jon for your generosity to the Atari 8-bit community. It really is wonderful when people such as yourself, that have the knowledge and talent, give freely of their time and effort so that we all can benefit. It's good when people help one another in the ways that they can. I'm sure I don't just speak for myself when I say that the A8 community very much appreciates the ways in which you are able to help. :thumbsup:



Yep, what he said! Thanks, Jon. Your work is an incredible contribution to the community. Very much looking forward to updating my system with your latest. :)

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I should add, that what I said doesn't just apply to FJC. I feel the same about all of you who contribute. That would include Avery, KMK, Jac, and countless others too. Don't mean to over look anyone but it's a lot of you.

Edited by fujidude
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I'm a little bit confused aboout "Device Control" description in the manual.


It says:

"two items (‘Device 2’ and ‘Device 3’) do work and will toggle binary 0 and 1 on P4 header pins M2 and M3 respectively (corresponding to bits 2 and 3 of the Ultimate 1MB auxiliary register). Devices 0 and 1 are Stereo Pokey/Simple Stereo and Covox respectively in the default BIOS plugin, but these may also be reassigned or removed if not required, or if the S0 and S1 signals are to be reassigned. You may connect any device which responds to a binary logic signal to pins M0 and M1 and control the device using the ‘Device 2’ and ‘Device 3’ settings."


On my Ultimate 1MB there are no PINs named M2 or M3.

There are: S0, S1, M0, M1




Candle wrote:


D381 UAUX (WO)

Bit 0 - Controls pin M0 of P4 connector, BIOS default is SimpleStereo Enable/Disable
Bit 1 - Controls pin M1 of P4 connector, BIOS default is COVOX Enable/Disable
Bit 2 - Controls pin S0 of P4 connector
Bit 3 - Controls pin S1 of P4 connector

I guess it should say:

"two items (‘Device 2’ and ‘Device 3’) do work and will toggle binary 0 and 1 on P4 header pins S0 and S1 respectively (corresponding to bits 2 and 3 of the Ultimate 1MB auxiliary register). Devices 0 and 1 are Stereo Pokey/Simple Stereo and Covox respectively in the default BIOS plugin, but these may also be reassigned or removed if not required, or if the M0 and M1 signals are to be reassigned. You may connect any device which responds to a binary logic signal to pins S0 and S1 and control the device using the ‘Device 2’ and ‘Device 3’ settings."



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Boot the ATR which corresponds to your hardware, being careful not to flash an original SIDE cartridge on an Ultimate 1MB equipped machine (U1MB flash corruption can occur).


There is no other way than second machine? How much memory is needed in that machine? 320kB? - 256KB padded ROM will fit in only 256kB machine?

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I just updated the Ultimate in my PAL 130XE. Any time I go to the "System Clock and Features" menu, it resets the date & time to all zeros and will not let me set it. I have verified that the Ultimate is able to keep Date & Time settings after powering off. But any time I enter the BIOS, it resets everything.



When going to that BIOS page, it shows the values for a split second before zeroing them out, if that helps.

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