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High Score Competition (Oct: Gridwars)


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A question about Superfly'contest: did anyone play with MBX?

I'd like to know if the game is more playable/exciting with the MBX joystick/vocal control.

For me (no MBX ? ) it was a bit problematic to quickly switch from long to short missiles, or viceversa. I guess MBX helps in this.


On 12/1/2020 at 9:53 AM, pixelpedant said:



The winning score for Superfly was jwild's 44800.


Scores were:


62,600 - Pixelpedant (picked the game)

44800 - jwild (winner)

41,300 - Count9929A (tie)

41,300 - Globeron (tie)

32,300 - Tursi



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On 12/4/2020 at 1:11 AM, jwild said:

Game of the Month for December 2020 is


Astro Fighter


This game requires 32k RAM expansion.


Good luck everyone!

astrofG.BIN 21.84 kB · 7 downloads

Yes! For me a wonderful opportunity for a travel into childhood.

When I was I child, I once had the opportunity to play several games at the Astro Fghter arcade, and I was hooked on the game. But after that day, I could never play again AStro Fighter. Some years later my parents bought me a TI, but at the time I never knew the existence of a TI version of Astro Fighter. I think the game never arrived to Italy in the eighties. It wasn't until a couple of years ago that I found out Astro Fighter in a MAME installation.

I am curious about the publishing history of the TI99 conversion. Is it an official conversion form Data East? Was it released as a cart? I am dubious because the cart image that I use on MAME requires the 32k, which suggests it is a conversion from the EA3 or EA5 on Game shelf. Morevore, is there a can of the manual available?


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22 hours ago, Count9929A said:

I am curious about the publishing history of the TI99 conversion. Is it an official conversion form Data East? Was it released as a cart? I am dubious because the cart image that I use on MAME requires the 32k, which suggests it is a conversion from the EA3 or EA5 on Game shelf. Morevore, is there a can of the manual available?

As to the questions, yes it was an officially licensed port, one of five Data East games planned for release by TI.  The two ultimately released titles, Treasure Island and Burgertime, attribute developer credits to Data East USA out of California.  Good bet the unreleased games (Mission X, Angler Dangler, Astro Fighter) came from them too.  The first two unreleased titles are attested circulating in the community in the 80s, but I can't find any examples of Astro Fighter selling or being shared on disk in the immediately ensuing years.  Nonetheless, it shares its ©DECO logo graphic with Angler Dangler, so it certainly should have come from the same place.  Which is almost certainly Data East USA (via TI). 


This being its situation, there is no official manual.

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22 hours ago, Count9929A said:

I'd like to know if the game is more playable/exciting with the MBX joystick/vocal control.

I've played it both ways, yes.  It does use the rotation (twist) axis of the joystick to turn Superfly, allowing for movement independent of facing direction.  So it does indeed control quite differently, via MBX.  Some might find it better.  And I guess being able to use the spray and switch between long and short attack by voice are kind of handy.  But I don't think it makes it a fundamentally different game. 

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6 hours ago, OLD CS1 said:

Eh, maybe.  Nonetheless, I find it fairly impressive for a GROM-only arcade game.

Newbe question: why is it a GROM-only game? I though it was coded in assembly, because on gameshalf ther eis the EA3 executable


PS: I agree that the vertical scrolling is not as goos as other games. Some months ago we played WarZone 2, it seems running on a different hardware.


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11 minutes ago, arcadeshopper said:

It is a ea to cart conversion if it is grom and needs 32k

Sent from my LM-V600 using Tapatalk

but what exactly means "GROM-only" ? I thought it means that the game is written in GPL, as opposed to being written in assembly. But my belief (belief of a newbe) is that if it is in EA3 format, then it is written in assembly. Isn't this last statement true?

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34 minutes ago, arcadeshopper said:

Exactly the Grom contains a small program that copies the contents to 32k and then executes the Assembly language program

Sent from my LM-V600 using Tapatalk

Ok, so if I understand, you mean that the game is written in assembly, but the cart dump used by FG99/MAME is GROM only, hence it needs the 32k.

My understanding is that, on the other hand, there exist carts containing ROM that execute assembly without the 32k. For instance Tombstone should be like that: it is written in assembly, because the source code was shipped with EA, but the original cart does not require 32k.

Am I starting to understant?

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This game was released to run in the 32k memory so it always needs 32k the Grom is just a delivery mechanism to get it into the 32k the other version of it is editor assembler loaded option 3 which again requires 32k to load into

Tombstone City was written in Assembly language in the disk version it requires 32k because it's mapped to that memory location.

The cartridge version is on rom so the memory locations are remapped to the cartridge port rom memory. There is also a GROM in the cart that is likely just the loader and menu entry but that's an assumption on my part

Sent from my LM-V600 using Tapatalk

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These are the contents of Tombstone City's GROM:


6000: DATA  >AA,>01,>01,>00,>00,>00,>60,>10
6008: DATA  >00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>00
6010: DATA  >00,>00,>60,>23,>0E
6023: DST   >0900,@>834A
6027: CALL  GROM@>0018
602A: MOVE  >0010 BYTES FROM GROM@>6077 TO VDP@>0C80
6031: MOVE  >0032 BYTES FROM GROM@>6087 TO VDP@>0AE0
6038: MOVE  >0030 BYTES FROM GROM@>60B7 TO VDP@>0B40
603F: MOVE  >0010 BYTES FROM GROM@>60E7 TO VDP@>0B80
6046: MOVE  >00B8 BYTES FROM GROM@>60F7 TO VDP@>0BC0
6054: MOVE  >0010 BYTES FROM GROM@>6067 TO VDP@>0384
605B: BACK  >06
605D: MOVE  >03CC BYTES FROM GROM@>61B7 TO VDP@>1002
6065: XML   >70
6067: DATA  >1B,>1B,>1B,>1B,>1B,>1B,>1B,>1B

606F: DATA  >6B,>4B,>CB,>1B,>1B,>4B,>DB,>44
6077: DATA  >00,>5A,>3C,>7E,>7E,>3C,>5A,>00
607F: DATA  >00,>18,>FF,>7E,>7E,>FF,>18,>00


6577: DATA  >01,>03,>8F,>38,>90,>03,>04,>9F
657F: DATA  >BF,>DF,>FF,>00,>00,>00,>00,>00
6587: DATA  >00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>00


77F7: DATA  >00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>00,>21
77FF: DATA  >06

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