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High Score Competition (Oct: Gridwars)


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I played it enough to ensure the previous exploits were squished but I simply cannot play anymore of this game for at least a year. I think I burned myself out on it with the exploits...


Yes I think it's time to look at a different game. Jungle Hunt it is :)

Unless someone else beats Opry99er's score by end of day today, he will be the winner of the patched JetPac version and will get the Oscar Barcode reader!

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What about a "championship" with a selected set of games, similar to the ATP Rankings (in Tennis)? Then you could defend your position every time a game comes up again, or you have a chance to perform better this time.


I like the idea! We could pick the best 10 games out there and create a competition circuit which repeats every year. There could be a couple of months without a game, perhaps one around the winter Holidays and another mid-Summer as a breather. As for prizes, it could be represented by an official certificate. I could even maintain an official leaderboard on the TI Gameshelf site :)

And if new truly great games come up, the games list certainly could be modified by consensus.

You have my vote on this :)

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About the above Championship - I muddled the idea in my head about a HighScore board. A place (maybe in the first post here) where all the highest scores are kept from all the game competitions. If anyone ever beats one of those scores, update the high score leaderboard. Just a place for bragging rights. Like stepping into an arcade to see who has what on which game and trying to beat them for all eternity.

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High scores have the downside that they are absolute. In a championship you earn points for being 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc., regardless of the score, and it suffices to be quite good in some games, but not to be excellent in only two. I mean, we can still keep the high scores, of course, but this would be another thing.

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High scores have the downside that they are absolute. In a championship you earn points for being 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc., regardless of the score, and it suffices to be quite good in some games, but not to be excellent in only two. I mean, we can still keep the high scores, of course, but this would be another thing.

There's no harm in both.

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Here's the DSK version of Jetpac 1.2 . Mark is helping me out with the cart creation as it is not a straightforward process given that it has to incorporate both TurboForth and the game code.

Make sure the dsk image is selected as DSK1. It should autorun. Should also run on real hardware with the TF cart.




cool thanks I'll update the carts I have on hand when that's ready and make sure purchasers know there's a new version they can get on a chip from hummingbird or burn themselves.



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Sorry to hear it, Sinphaltimus. Looks like another storm on the way for us starting tonight.


Man, the 2nd wave of the boulders is rough. Without a way to duck like in the arcade, it's very difficult. Must be some pattern I haven't figured out yet.



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