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High Score Competition (Oct: Gridwars)


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OLD CS1, do you have a tape player hooked up to your TI by chance?


No, but Tursi pointed out it is a problem with the cartridge binary. The disk image speech works fine for me, though I have it copied to my SCSI drive.


I used Module Creator to make it.

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It runs on my FG99, but the speech does not work.


Questions about game play: is there any way to "pull" a ship piece or otherwise move it away from the wall, or is that part of the challenge? and is there any way to kill the aliens.


It turns out there must be a limit on the number of files in a directory. Once i created a few more folders and put less files in each directory, i could find perfect push in the TI menus.

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The letter is "Y" Schmitzi. . .


But you have to press both the direction key and the Y key at the same time otherwise it does not work. Also for vertical movement it's 2 and W, not Z and W. It's not quite clear with the font used in the instructions. Odd control scheme if you as me... If the arrow keys are not being used, why not space out the vertical and horizontal controls for more comfortable play instead of being crowded on the left side of the keyboard. For example instead of R and T we could have used O and P...

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Could you please provide a normal DSK image with a standard 360K? In that state I cannot even fix it with TIImageTool. It looks like a CF7 image, but the geometry is broken, (not uncommon with disk-to-cf copies that claim to be 9 sectors/track, which is implausible).


Edit: If it is only PUSH1/2/3/4, then the attached image should work.


The disk image on the TI Gameshelf is a standard DSSD image (180K) if anyone would like to create a physical disk for it. It's an EA Option 5 program named PUSH1.


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I took it upon myself to make this into a ROM. It plays in Classic99 so I assume it will work with the FinalGROM or FR99.


Hi, how did you make it into a .BIN file (ROM file)


It works in Classic99, but I do not hear the audio in the title-screen

(but with the disk EA option 5, I do hear it in Classic 99)

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We did some analysis of the missing speech a page or so back. Ultimately we didn't solve why the speech doesn't work from ROM. OLD CS1 used the cartridge creation tool, and I tried from within Classic99 with the same results.

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Hi, how did you make it into a .BIN file (ROM file)


It works in Classic99, but I do not hear the audio in the title-screen

(but with the disk EA option 5, I do hear it in Classic 99)



We did some analysis of the missing speech a page or so back. Ultimately we didn't solve why the speech doesn't work from ROM. OLD CS1 used the cartridge creation tool, and I tried from within Classic99 with the same results.


Yes. Module Creator 2. Kind-of weird for that data to be missing.

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Not sure if it helps, but the tool of Tonny to make those audio files might give a clue how this technique works and/or how it works in memory? I posted the link to the DSK in the earlier posts. It might be on Facebook.




Yes. Module Creator 2. Kind-of weird for that data to be missing.

Sent from my VIE-L29 using Tapatalk

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DSKattachicon.gifron-spc1 (1).dsk


Sent from my VIE-L29 using Tapatalk

Audio works in JS99er.net in my android phone I saw that Rasmus fixed it. Also the sampler works (disk need to be in DSK2.) The disk has some source file maybe it helps to figure out how it works.


To go back to the game Perfect Push, unable yet to clear stage 2 in time..9365567afe1f153d2b826b45ff5a666f.jpg


Sent from my VIE-L29 using Tapatalk

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There's no magic to the playback part itself -- it just toggles the cassette gate based on a bitpattern. The data is present but it gets corrupted during the unpack phase, and the code jumps around enough that I got tired of tracing through it to see why. It is strange, though, given it's copied back to RAM before starting.


The more important question, though, isn't someone going to flatten my score? ;)

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There's no magic to the playback part itself -- it just toggles the cassette gate based on a bitpattern. The data is present but it gets corrupted during the unpack phase, and the code jumps around enough that I got tired of tracing through it to see why. It is strange, though, given it's copied back to RAM before starting.


The more important question, though, isn't someone going to flatten my score? ;)

Hahaha. Yeah Gee. It is not easy ...to get that score will give it a try again


Sent from my VIE-L29 using Tapatalk

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It's kind of late, and to be honest I am not sure why previous attempts failed, but I took one last stab at making a cart version of Perfect Push. This version seems to work including speech. I didn't do anything really different, except I'm not sure I copied ALL of upper RAM before. Anyway, enjoy. :)


Perfect Push_8.zip

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It's kind of late, and to be honest I am not sure why previous attempts failed, but I took one last stab at making a cart version of Perfect Push. This version seems to work including speech. I didn't do anything really different, except I'm not sure I copied ALL of upper RAM before. Anyway, enjoy. :)


attachicon.gifPerfect Push_8.zip


Cool it works for me in Classic99. Need to try it on the FG99

This month was crazy with work no time to play....congrats winning the game!

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With the kick-ass gamers we usually see in these competitions, I'm pretty surprised! I guess we drove off the die-hards with all the reverse engineering speak.


I've got a game selected and ready to go, I'll post when I get home from work. ;) I need to select a prize as well, yes?

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With the kick-ass gamers we usually see in these competitions, I'm pretty surprised! I guess we drove off the die-hards with all the reverse engineering speak.


Nah, they just went to lurk mode. I expect them all to return.

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TI-99/4A High Score Challenge

Month: August, 2018 <--- three year anniversary of the first month!

Game: Pole Position




Prize: Atarisoft Games Collection cartridge, and some random other carts I need to clear out, including the one no home should be without, Household Budget Management (which, if it did what it claims, I wouldn't have so many carts...) I don't have a Pole Position there, but I have a Defender that works (but needs a new label badly). I'm also going ship out three of my own experiments - a 3 program multicart which was my first horrible build just to prove it worked - has TI Workshop, the ePSGMod demo player, and a short bitmap slideshow, selectable via DIP switches. Also, the very first prototype of what became the UberGROM cart, with a handful of GROM programs on it PLUS an embedded Linux computer, since I wanted to show from the start that the serial port allowed connection to hardware. (But, there's no way to load software into the Linux computer there, unless you write something new, so it's not much more than a tech demo.) Incidentally, this pre-dates the Raspberry PI - that board cost me $80. ;) Everything works right now, but of course I can't promise the prototypes (in fact I'm only going to promise the Atarisoft cart arrives intact, cause we can replace that if we need to.) I'll also throw in a blank PCB from my first Gigacart test board. ;)




Shipping: I will pay shipping, international shipping included.







Non-inverted 16k ROM, I believe this should work on FinalROM and FinalGROM, as well as emulation (MESS may need an RPK?). I don't see to have it on disk, can someone post the disk image?


Online version: http://www.videogamehouse.net/poleposition.html


Instructions! : http://atariage.com/forums/topic/187835-ti-994a-pole-position-instructions/


One caveat I noticed with Classic99, playing with keyboard emulating the joystick, I had to use 'Q' to shift rather than TAB. I think the game thinks it's playing keyboard mode. This probably won't apply to other emulators, but if you have trouble it's worth a try.




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With the kick-ass gamers we usually see in these competitions, I'm pretty surprised! I guess we drove off the die-hards with all the reverse engineering speak.


I've got a game selected and ready to go, I'll post when I get home from work. ;) I need to select a prize as well, yes?


Hi Tursi, I still need to find a prize for you! (In Asia I did not have much TI-99/4 /4A stuff, only I had the bare minimum of TI...which is still packed in boxes

and it was also quite expensive to send it US and EU). Now I am in Europe, but with me I have also not much TI-stuff with me, but let me think, maybe at my

fathers' place I can find something (as all my old TI-stuff is there and a lot more TI stuff), I will try to go there this week (otherwise it need to be in September...).


Congrats again!

(…..just you'll wait and see --that's some speech out of a TI-game

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