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Eternal Darkness = GENIUS


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The guys who made this game are genious:


- the magic system is beautiful (and sounds cool)

- it's scary

- the story is fascinating

- it's scary

- the emphasis on cruel destruction of human life is freaky

- did I mention it's scary? It's enough to drive me *insane*!


Silicon Knights made an awesome game. At first I thought it would be like Resident Evil 2, which I found to be kind of boring, but Eternal Darkness far exceeded my expectations. This is a definite keeper.


Right now, I have the girl running around in the mansion with almost no sanity. As a result, there's a constant crying, screaming, laughing sound surrounding me that sends chills down my spine. And invisible vampire beasts running around up stairs killing servants. Ghosts walking through walls. Gunshots echoing in distant rooms! Doors banging! Aaaaaaahhhhh!


The guys who made this game are genius. Or seriously demented. Or both. Either way, it's a hell of a lot of fun!

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Silicon Knights are a great developer. Sure, they only made this and the original Blood Omen, but just think of what they will do next!


This game scared the crap out of me. Many times.


Also, a strange fact about the game: originally it was 8 GB of data. They decided they only wanted it to be on 1 disc, so they compressed it down to 1.5 GB. Who says the GC dicsc can't hold alot?

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Ok I started palying last night and I played for about half an hour before frustration set in.

I am sorry but I will once again hve to disagree with you aveng.

The game isn't genius


Well for one thing, the controls are horrible. I won't even go into the button layout of the GC controller because I think that's been done to death (IMO not the best), but the controls of the game.

WTF is up with the attack on that thing???

That girl swings her arm around like she's an epileptic.

And Pious? You can lock on or you can move, not both at the same time. You can't block, you can't move during an attack, and he runs like a well let's just say not very coordinated person.

This is my first time playing the GC for any length of time, and I am going to have to lump it in with the PS2. Controls on the system SUCK!!!

Which in turn makes game play SUCK!!

I'll probably give it another try tonight, but I see no light at the end of this tunnel.

I guess the XBox has just spoiled me, sorry folks, no matter what any of you say, the Xbox did everything exactly right when it came to their controller.

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This is my first time playing the GC for any length of time, and I am going to have to lump it in with the PS2. Controls on the system SUCK!!!

Which in turn makes game play SUCK!!


Don't blame the controls on one game you don't like Jenn. Try a game with natural sensible controls, like Metroid Prime, Wind Waker, or Def Jam Vendetta. You'll change your mind. ;)

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This is my first time playing the GC for any length of time, and I am going to have to lump it in with the PS2. Controls on the system SUCK!!!

Which in turn makes game play SUCK!!


Don't blame the controls on one game you don't like Jenn. Try a game with natural sensible controls, like Metroid Prime, Wind Waker, or Def Jam Vendetta. You'll change your mind. ;)


You really didn't just type that Metroid Prime has natural sensible controls did you?! MP has the absolute shittiest, unlogical piece of shit control set up on any game I have ever played. Ugh, I think the control layout of the game was a bigger challenge than the game itself........



Just my opinion though :D

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This is my first time playing the GC for any length of time, and I am going to have to lump it in with the PS2. Controls on the system SUCK!!!

Which in turn makes game play SUCK!!


Don't blame the controls on one game you don't like Jenn. Try a game with natural sensible controls, like Metroid Prime, Wind Waker, or Def Jam Vendetta. You'll change your mind. ;)


In actuality there are a lot of aspects of the game that I like. I like the plot, I like mystery/horror games like this (I played Phantasmagoria 1 and 2 on the PC years ago and loved them, Alone in the Dark on the DC, Parasite Eve1 and 2 on the PS, I like the genre even though I get freaked out playing them :) ), I like the idea of targting specific regions of the enemy, I like that when you take damage your character slows down, I like that you play several different characters, but it pisses me off that something as simple as control can make or break a game. I NEVER have this problem with the Xbox. Anyone can call me a fanboy (girl), but the fact remains, no matter what complaint I may have about a specific game, it is never with the controls. Even Azurik, which many claim to be one of the worst Xbox games, I played through twice. Controls easy. Nuff said.

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Anyone can call me a fanboy (girl), but the fact remains, no matter what complaint I may have about a specific game, it is never with the controls. Even Azurik, which many claim to be one of the worst Xbox games, I played through twice. Controls easy. Nuff said.


I wouldn't call you a fangirl, I have more respect than that - you just happen to know what you like. I however unabashedly admit to being a Nintendo fanboy, and even putting that aside I'd say that the GameCube controller feels entirely natural in my hands on all games. I was always a fan of the N64 controller, and in my view they took the best aspects of that and refined it while leaving out all the annoying qualities (such as making the C section a stick instead of buttons, and putting the Z trigger on top instead of underneath). I'm not sure it's better than the Dreamcast controller (which was pretty damn innovative) or more comfortable than an old PS1 controller (pre dual-analog vibrating control, when they started getting heavy) but it does the job just fine in my book. I'd rate it a B+. The X-Box controllers I'd rate a C.

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Can someone explain "natural controls" to me? I think "pre-conceived ideas" is a better description. You guys have pre-conceived ideas of how a First-Person Adventure should be controlled.


In contrast, I have NO pre-conceived ideas (because I don't like shooters), and therefore Metroid Prime's FPA controls felt just fine to me. I had no problems jumping, running, targeting, and switching between the different visors.



That girl swings her arm around like she's an epileptic.

And Pious? You can lock on or you can move, not both at the same time. You can't block, you can't move during an attack, and he runs like a well let's just say not very coordinated person.

"moves like an epileptic" is judging the graphics. I know because I had exactly the same reaction. Difference: You immediately decided the game sucked based on graphics alone.


IMHO, that's wrong. It's the GAME that matters, not the graphics. I've played lots of pretty games that sucked... and lots of ugly games that were amazing. Eternal Darkness is an N64 port, so it doesn't look quite as good as the throughly polished Resident Evil, but it's still one of the best games *in terms of gameplay*.




Fighting: It's obvious you don't know what the hell you're doing. You need to LEARN the system first, before you judge it. For example, you say you can't block. YES, you can block by pressing the R button.


It's also obvious that you didn't learn how to target different areas like the head, arm, body... which is crucial to understanding the game.


Nor did you learn about using "finishing moves" to recover your sanity.


Basically the game sucked, because YOU sucked at playing it. You didn't take the time to learn the moves. You blamed the game, when it was actually your *own lack of expertise* that caused the problems.




I'm sorry Miss Cleopatra, but you *can not* judge a game until you actually learn how to play. Almost all your criticism is based upon your OWN IMPATIENCE, and lack of willingness to take time to learn the controls.


I could walk into Circuit City, spend 15 minutes playing Xbox's Splinter Cell and then say, "This game is too slow for me and the controls are lousy," but that would NOT be an accurate review of either Xbox or Halo.


Neither was your review of Eternal Darkness fair. The game didn't suck. Your lack of patience to learn the controls is what sucked.






And finally, the Xbox controller. It's nothing special. It's half Gamecube controller and half PS2 controller... mixed into one. Xbox fans always talk about it as thought it's "revolutionary", but in reality all Microsoft did was borrow ideas from other companies.


(Like Microsoft always does. Windows. Desktop/Trashcan/Shutdown. Web Browsers. Multi-media. All ideas borrowed from other innovative companies like Apple/Commodore/Amiga/Netscape. Microsoft doesn't innovate. They borrow. Same with the Xbox controller... they borrowed a little from Nintendo... a little from Sony... and then mixed them together.)

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I think that borrowing idea's from two other sources and making them into one good thing is just that a good thing. I don't want to turn this into a which controller is better thread but I've used all the controllers and the Xbox is the best hands down. BTW Metroid controlled like a big turd. Having to press a button to strafe is moronic. They have a second thumbstick ( although tiny and yellow ) why not use it.

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I think that borrowing idea's from two other sources and making them into one good thing is just that a good thing. I don't want to turn this into a which controller is better thread but I've used all the controllers and the Xbox is the best hands down. BTW Metroid controlled like a big turd. Having to press a button to strafe is moronic. They have a second thumbstick ( although tiny and yellow ) why not use it.


MP controlled like a turd? I love it :D


So let me get this straight theavenge, when you don't like a game - as in your "Windwaker Blows" thread, it's fine. But when someone says a game YOU like sucks, you get pissy. You just like to start trouble as many have pointed out, but really I don't mind. It's funny to read how highly you think of your opinions :roll:

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STARSCREAM: Grow up. Your juvenile personal attacks are making you look lame.


And yes I can accept an "Eternal Darkness sucked" review. I know a n-philes.com poster who played the game all the way to the end... and didn't like it. He gave the game a fair review, and I have no problems accepting his complaints.


Cleopatra didn't even know how to use the block button. Or how to use targeting. Or how to run. She had no clue how to play the game... and therefore did *not* give it a fair review.

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In contrast, I have NO pre-conceived ideas

Obviously :roll:



"moves like an epileptic" is judging the graphics.  I know because I had exactly the same reaction.  Difference: You immediately decided the game sucked based on graphics alone.

I didn't judge it on graphics, I judged it on shitty-ass control...


IMHO, that's wrong.  It's the GAME that matters, not the graphics.  I've played lots of pretty games that sucked... and lots of ugly games that were amazing.  Eternal Darkness is an N64 port, so it doesn't look quite as good as the throughly polished Resident Evil, but it's still one of the best games *in terms of gameplay*.
I also agree graphics don't make or break a game, I am the same person who played Azurik 2xs through, HOWEVER in this day and age of gaming when we can look at different games and see the thought and quality some developers apply to their products it is insulting that others put out something half-ass and expect me to accept it. Halo, nuff said.




Fighting: It's obvious you don't know what the hell you're doing.  You need to LEARN the system first, before you judge it.  For example, you say you can't block.  YES, you can block by pressing the R button.


It's also obvious that you didn't learn how to target different areas like the head, arm, body... which is crucial to understanding the game.  


Nor did you learn about using "finishing moves" to recover your sanity.


Basically the game sucked, because YOU sucked at playing it.  You didn't take the time to learn the moves.  You blamed the game, when it was actually your *own lack of expertise* that caused the problems.



Suffice it to say, I can pick up ANY Xbox or DC game and have NO trouble with the controls. The first time I picked up the Xbox controller it was to play Odd World, and I was able to enjoy the game right away because I did not have to battle the controls. I know all about "learning" how to play a game, but I should not have to struggle and become frustrated. I can take game difficulty, but not if it is because the controls suck.




I'm sorry Miss Cleopatra, but you *can not* judge a game until you actually learn how to play.  Almost all your criticism is based upon your OWN IMPATIENCE, and lack of willingness to take time to learn the controls.

I can do any damn thing I want. I repeat I SHOULD NOT have to struggle with controls.


I could walk into Circuit City, spend 15 minutes playing Xbox's Splinter Cell and then say, "This game is too slow for me and the controls are lousy," but that would NOT be an accurate review of either Xbox or Halo.
We all know you wouldn't lower yourself to touch the Xbox. And besides, anyone who hypes the PS2 as much as you do, wouldn't be able to handle the finesse of the Xbox. If you were honest with yourself and would divorce yourself from the PS2 once you actually played the Xbox for any length of time you would realize the superiority of said system sardonic.gif



Neither was your review of Eternal Darkness fair.  The game didn't suck.  Your lack of patience to learn the controls is what sucked.


And finally, the Xbox controller.  It's nothing special.  It's half Gamecube controller and half PS2 controller... mixed into one.  Xbox fans always talk about it as thought it's "revolutionary", but in reality all Microsoft did was borrow ideas from other companies.


(Like Microsoft always does.  Windows.  Desktop/Trashcan/Shutdown.  Web Browsers.  Multi-media.  All ideas borrowed from other innovative companies like Apple/Commodore/Amiga/Netscape.  Microsoft doesn't innovate.  They borrow.  Same with the Xbox controller... they borrowed a little from Nintendo... a little from Sony... and then mixed them together.)

Blah blah blah blah.... so you disparage Microsoft yet again what's new?

You have a real problem you know. You can throw your biased opinion all over the place, but god forbid someone disagree with you. So far the game was moderate. Genius? No sorry not genius :roll::roll::roll:

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While I have not played ED I do think that the controls of a game should be intuitive. If learning the controls takes longer to do than beating the game does than that game is not for me. I gave up on Gun Metal for the Xbox for this reason and I love mech games. Every time I wanted to do something I was constantly thinking how I was going to accomplish this with the controller and not how to acomplish this within the game. It really took me out of the game. I know people who have finished this game and were willing to put the time and frustration into learning the controls. With so many good games out there that are easy to pick up and play learning to use a difficult control scheme takes away time from me playing games that I can play.


Maybe ED does not have a difficult controll scheme but this is not the first time I've heard people complain about it (although of everything I've heard on the game this was the only gripe).


The way a game controls is the single biggest factor in determining if I buy a game or not. I could care less how many polygons a game is pushing. If the controls are dead on and the graphics are as well then you have the makings of not just a good game but a game worthy of being called "genius".


I hope to be able to play this game but alas it won't be for a while (unless GC price drops to $99 or I get a GC EMU for my box).


Here's to playing games that you love... whether they're "genius" or not. :D

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STARSCREAM: Grow up.  Your juvenile personal attacks are making you look lame.


And yes I can accept an "Eternal Darkness sucked" review.  I know a n-philes.com poster who played the game all the way to the end... and didn't like it.  He gave the game a fair review, and I have no problems accepting his complaints.


Cleopatra didn't even know how to use the block button.  Or how to use targeting.  Or how to run.  She had no clue how to play the game... and therefore did *not* give it a fair review.


Hmmm, personal attacks? The only ones I see are what you said to FC. So who looks lame? And aren't you the great one who started the "Xbox Sucks" thread with absolutely NO play time, just your half assed opinions on the games you NEVER played? Pretty fair review on your part...... :roll: Keep on replying, it's funny

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That's funny, I had no problems with the controls when I first started playing it. I guess it helps that I'm not viewing the world through Xbox-colored lenses.




I'll have to agree with theaveng on this one. ED really is pure genious. It's one of the best games I've played in recent memory. In fact, I should probably go back through and finish with the two remaining colors to see the "real" ending....

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That's funny, I had no problems with the controls when I first started playing ED. I guess it helps that I'm not viewing the world through Xbox-colored lenses.  :roll: ....

Well said. I wonder if Cleopatra will listen. Oh, and as for me "never" touching an Xbox... I am actually planning to pick one up after the next price drop. I want to see what all the fuss is about with games like Halo.


And no, I never attacked Cleopatra. I simply pointed to the FACT that she didn't know how to block, run, or target, and that her inability to understand the controls prevented her from enjoying the game. Therefore her review/opinion of ED was not accurate due to her own unwillingness to learn a new control scheme. In other words, I challenged her IDEAS, not her person.




Originally posted by Jiguryo

The game actually is scary as hell. Comparing to Resident Evil? Come on, it's too easy to make a scary game by chucking tons of zombies and slasher-flick scares here and there. Horror isn't only about showing scary monsters. If you can catch the comparation, I think movies like Evil Dead are less scary than Psycho. Fear of hidden (or is it even there? who knows) and unknown tops any horde of zombies.  


Zorak, I guess that's what makes -- for example -- the Call of Cthulhu (still on the Lovecraft cross-reference) role-playing game set on the 1890s much scarier than CoC games set on the 1920s or 1990s... the lack of better resources (easier usage of guns, electricity, good vehicles) just adds up to the mood. And it seems quite fair that one character has less stamina than the other... and same applies to the other gauges. Would Luther have the same physical endurance as Michael?


All in all, this game alone made my Gamecube being bought worth it. Even with some grainy FMVs here and there.


I love this guy. He said exactly what I was thinking, but I was unable to word it as eloquently as he did. Everything Jiguryo said is 100% correct.


INSANITY: I agree it was too easy to recover. The game was a lot more challenging before the Recover spell was found. But, this is no different than RPGs. In RPGs, you get damaged and then you fully heal yourself. And you eventually become so strong as to be virtually unbeatable. Same with ED.


And besides, I frankly got sick of the insaity effects. Constantly hearing people getting tortured and crying would have been *extremely* annoying. I'm glad the Insanity effects were something I could avoid 90% of the time. Such effects should be subtle not constant.


RELOADING: In shooters like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark, it takes time to reload your weapons. Some are near-instant and some take several seconds. It varies with the style of weapon and tech level. Eternal Darkness is exactly the same.


INCONSISTENCY OF REVIEWERS: You see... the above is an example of how you people are inconsistent. You complain the battles are too easy... and reloads are annoying in ED. And yet games like Perfect Dark or Resident Evil have *exactly the same flaws*... but you guys ignore them. It's not fair to the game or the programmers to claim a flaw exists in one game... and then totally ignore the same flaw in another game. It's inconsistent and biased.




BTW, I have a hard time picking a favorite chapter. The young soldier being turned into a zombie. and then laying around for *800 hellish years of agony* was very cool. The archaelogist treading through dusty corridors like Indiana Jones, unocovering artifacts, and then finding the 900 year old corpse of that tribal girl was fascinating. And the never-ending bombing of the World War 1 chapter with loud booms filling my living room, and my controller almost constantly shaking.... it made it feel like I was actually *there* in 1914. I felt like running into my basement and finding shelter!


I'm now on my third playing (defeating Ancient #3). I estimate I'll be done in about 5 hours which would put total game time at >30 hours<..... hardly short as others complained.


The game had so much variety between all its different chapters, and I felt *compelled* to finish this game and see what happens next! I haven't felt that feeling since playing Final Fantasy 9 or 10.




Resident Evil = Evil Dead ; Eternal Darkness = Psycho. Nice comparison Jiguryo. I feel exactly the same way. For me, Resident Evil is a B-movie storyline, and not the least bit interesting. As I said in my original message, I played RE2 on N64, and I found it to be rather boring. It's okay, but like Evil Dead not something I'd want to watch over and over. Or ever again.


Both Psycho and Eternal Darkness are far more compelling intellectually. They let your imagination scare you.

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I'm missing something here..I've read through this thread 3 times now and I don't see where theaveng attacked anyone :?


Regardless, I'd just like to say that you're all stupid :D


You can all argue your points until you're blue in the face, but none of you are right. It's a matter of opinion, not right and wrong.

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I hope to be able to play this game but alas it won't be for a while (unless GC price drops to $99 or I get a GC EMU for my box).


The Gamecube already is down to $99. If you buy Metroid Prime, Starfox Adventures, Animal Crossing, Mario Party 4, or Zelda: Wind Waker, the price of the Gamecube is only $99. (Otherwise, you pay $149.)


I'd recommend Metroid Prime. If you like sci-fi style adventures (I do), you'll LOVE Metroid Prime. Plus the atmosphere of the game (graphics/sound) is perfect. It definitely deserved the "game of the year" award.

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