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Eternal Darkness = GENIUS


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You could buy Metroid/Gamecube/free savecard at Target for $149, and then sell Metroid Prime on ebay for ~$45. That's what I did when I bought my nephew his system. I ended up with the GC and the card for only $105... a virtual steal!


Or wait until after E3 in August. I expect Nintendo to drop the price then.


Or you could sit here and continue whining about the price. I too am waiting for the Xbox price to come down before I purchase one, so I'll whine right beside you. ;) I can't justify spending $200 on Xbox. Not even for DOA: XXX Volleyball. :D

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That's funny, I had no problems with the controls when I first started playing ED. I guess it helps that I'm not viewing the world through Xbox-colored lenses.  :roll: ....

Well said. I wonder if Cleopatra will listen. Oh, and as for me "never" touching an Xbox... I am actually planning to pick one up after the next price drop. I want to see what all the fuss is about with games like Halo.


And no, I never attacked Cleopatra. I simply pointed to the FACT that she didn't know how to block, run, or target, and that her inability to understand the controls prevented her from enjoying the game. Therefore her review/opinion of ED was not accurate due to her own unwillingness to learn a new control scheme. In other words, I challenged her IDEAS, not her person.





Basically the game sucked, because YOU sucked at playing it. You didn't take the time to learn the moves. You blamed the game, when it was actually your *own lack of expertise* that caused the problems.


Just because I disagree with your analysis of the game does not mean I can't play. I'd smear you up and down the block if it we went head to head at Halo.

I don't suck, you suck, so nyah, nyah raspberry.gif


Now Sauron I do not look at the gaming industry through Xbox-colored glasses. If I did you all would be a sickly green. :woozy:

However, I have played many, many systems. I started with Pong when I was 3 and have played probably every system out there since then. Shall I list them? In any case I've played the Xbox and PS2 extensively (in the case of the PS2 I am through struggling with it) and I just started playing Eternal Darkness. I've played one game on the GC this is true, but I have had more problems with it than I have had with any of the Xbox games I have played.

I've played all three. I'm not basing my opinions on something without having first hand knowledge, like some people do.

I disagree that Eternal Darkness is pure genius. Conceptually it is very cool, not as scary as Phntasmagoria though. Graphically, it could definitely use improvement. Control, very shaky.


The above are my opinions. When it comes to matters of taste, people differ. You should not take my opinions to mean I am denegrating yours. Nor should you take them personally. I am sure there are many people here who do not like..say.. Barbie dolls. I, however, do. If someone said "Barbie's suck", I would not turn around and say, "They don't suck, YOU just don't know how to play with them." You're entitled to think they suck.

Stop taking yourselves so seriously.


@MacGurl - dunce.gif

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The above are my opinions. When it comes to matters of taste, people differ. You should not take my opinions to mean I am denegrating yours. Nor should you take them personally. I am sure there are many people here who do not like..say.. Barbie dolls. I, however, do. If someone said "Barbie's suck", I would not turn around and say, "They don't suck, YOU just don't know how to play with them."


If someone said that Barbies sucked, we'd have some serious issues.

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The above are my opinions.

You said, "Eternal Darkness doesn't even let you block." That's not opinion. That's FLAT WRONG.


If you can't even admit that you made that mistake, that's pretty sad.


You know what.. quit presuming to know me. You don't know me.

I would never say "Eternal Darkness doesn't even let you block." I said you can't block. See the problem with the controls is that they have what 10 buttons on that thing and the same button you target with, is the same one you can supposedly block with. And the reaction time of the control sucks. The attack sucks, oh yea push one button and swing your mighty sword. You have to pause the game to switch weapons. Directions for targeting-- "R button Release slightly and click the button again to lock onto the next closest enemy" that's too much work when you are playing a game. Of course ED is not the most fast paced game. I could go on, but I want to get back to watching Paul Sr. yell at Paul Jr. some more.


If you can't take criticism of game that, umm.. you didn't design you just play it dude, THAT is pretty sad! It's a game! You just play it! You don't own the thing! Get a life! nerd.gif

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Barbie has a nice rack.




I just finished Eternal Darkness today. Beat all three ancients, and yes I throughly enjoyed the game. Time of Completion:

15 hours = Ancient #1

9 hours = Ancient #2

6 hours = Ancient #3


30 hours


$1 for each hour and worth every dollar. I hope the "Too Human" game is just as good as this one was. The story, the historical references, the vast variety in characters/weapons... it all came together into a perfect game.

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