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Altirra 2.70 released


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I actually knew about this problem, but avoided bringing it up because it is listed as a known issue in the IDE Plus 2.0 Configuration Screen Guide. From what I recall, it's a result of the BIOS having to temporarily overwrite the configuration data in RAM to read the clock and then to write it back, an unfortunate requirement of the way the 3021 RTC works.

Yes, exactly.


Are you saying that the issue occurs on real hardware, but with much less frequency than in the emulator? If so, there may still be something for me to fix.

On real hardware it occurs so rarely that I noticed it only when I was doing the tests in the emulator. But I do not think that anything else besides probability is involved.

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I noticed the issue with the clock on real hardware too. It just happened from time to time.


A workaround could be that IDE+ leaves a copy of the NVRAM settings in IDE+ ram. As soon as the IDE+ Bios detects that there is a mismatch between NVRAM and copy, it could do a restore. When there is no copy in IDE+ Ram because of issue happened during power cycle, than there is no restore possible so skipped.


Is that an idea?


I had the idea that it also happens in other situations; I can not imagine that I touch reset or powerswitch in IDE+ bios all the time....

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I thought about it, and it is feasible, because the BIOS calculates a checksum to validate the settings. So it could do an attempt on such restoring when it sees that the settings in the NV-RAM are invalid and the copy in the RAM looks valid. I am not sure if this would not lead to problems if the checksum in the RAM happens to be valid for whatever garbage there is there right after powering the machine up. Perhaps storing several copies would solve this. I will think about it. As you write, this does not prevent the settings from being lost during power down.

I also thought about scrapping the NV-RAM and saving the settings in the flash ROM. But this, apart from everything else, would be an abominable waste of ROM space.

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This is a dumb question, and I'm beating my head against a wall here because I know I had this working months ago and don't recall any particular pain in doing it then, but how can I simulate my U1MB configuration properly in Altirra? Whenever I enable U1MB in the Memory settings, I get a blank screen. I presume it's because the default "Recovery" firmware image isn't what I need, but I cannot for the life of me remember where to find a default functional U1MB image to use to get up and running prior to (virtually) flashing the emulated U1MB with Jon's latest and greatest ...


Help, please! ~ (signed) Dr. Idiot ...

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You must attach U1MB rom in System - Firmware - Firmware images. Full 512k - try for example this one from http://ftp.pigwa.net/stuff/projects/Ultimate1MB/ROM%20images/ .


Phaeron - could you auto set image type from position which is selected when Add button is pressed? For example Ultimate1MB ROMs is selected then this type is auto set after selecting file.

And if selected as default file is not present then Altirra does not messaging anything.


Another - under SDX emulation level 'Fastest possible (288RPM, 128k high speed) is slow as standard speed.

What it needs to work in high speed?

Edited by lemiel
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This is a dumb question, and I'm beating my head against a wall here because I know I had this working months ago and don't recall any particular pain in doing it then, but how can I simulate my U1MB configuration properly in Altirra? Whenever I enable U1MB in the Memory settings, I get a blank screen. I presume it's because the default "Recovery" firmware image isn't what I need, but I cannot for the life of me remember where to find a default functional U1MB image to use to get up and running prior to (virtually) flashing the emulated U1MB with Jon's latest and greatest ...


Help, please! ~ (signed) Dr. Idiot ...

Here's one that Jon just posted. http://atariage.com/forums/topic/240034-new-alt-bios-for-ultimate-1mbincognito/page-30?do=findComment&comment=3453196

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Phaeron - could you auto set image type from position which is selected when Add button is pressed? For example Ultimate1MB ROMs is selected then this type is auto set after selecting file.

And if selected as default file is not present then Altirra does not messaging anything.

Asked about this a couple of pages back:



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You must attach U1MB rom in System - Firmware - Firmware images. Full 512k - try for example this one from http://ftp.pigwa.net/stuff/projects/Ultimate1MB/ROM%20images/ .



Yes, I remembered that much. :) I just couldn't recall where I had found a proper full U1MB firmware image. I must have one downloaded somewhere and stashed in my woefully disorganized file folder full of Atari stuff but I couldn't recall.




Thank you, that did the trick! :)

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I found some strange behavior while testing my UHSIO-routines on serial-IO.

Using Altirra 2.80-test19

Took me a while to pinpoint the problem, but I found it......


Seems that the Indus-GT drive now works on 128k, bit_7 commands.

Guess this is not correct.


But a nice addition to the drive firmware.

This emulates Mr-/|\ speed on my homebrew SIO2Arduino :-)

Phaeron, how did you know this...?....




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Another - under SDX emulation level 'Fastest possible (288RPM, 128k high speed) is slow as standard speed.

What it needs to work in high speed?


The SpartaDOS X disk driver can't keep up with POKEY divisor 0 transfer rates and so it falls back to standard speed after getting overrun errors. You need a specialized loader that can do so, like MyPicoDos 4.05.


Seems that the Indus-GT drive now works on 128k, bit_7 commands.

Guess this is not correct.


But a nice addition to the drive firmware.

This emulates Mr-/|\ speed on my homebrew SIO2Arduino :-)

Phaeron, how did you know this...?....


Actually, it allowed the high speed of whatever drive mode had been set... which obviously was wrong. Fixed:





That having been said, I'm not sure this should work at all. The built-in Indus GT high-speed ROM code relies on the receive clock being transmitted from the Atari when it sends data. That clock should be halted in asynchronous receive mode, so it's not clear that an XF551 high-speed routine would work. Unfortunately, I don't have a real Indus GT drive to test this. Also, the built-in ROM routines don't actually have a reputation for, well, working.


Also, two other changes.


First, the input system will now reset the system screensaver timeout every few seconds when a game controller is active. This should fix the issues with the screensaver kicking in while playing solely on controller. It uses the same dead thresholds as the axis buttons, so this shouldn't trigger on little tiny movements of the analog sticks.


Second, because I'm in that kind of mood, the disk drive emulator will now delay and play sounds for a full track-by-track format if accurate sector timing is enabled. This means that disk formats will now take the full amount of time rather than the sub-second fake format that it does without accurate timing enabled, and if you have drive sounds enabled you will hear the "drive" going through the format and verify passes.

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I have a indus GT, got it years ago in a lot found in the neighborhood, but never tried it though......


My current UHSIO tries command $3F first.

On no/bad reply it tries 3 baudrates, sending status commands with bit_7 set.

Pokey deviders $10, $06, $00 aka XF551, IndusGT, Mr/|\


I'll download and try the update today.

Perhaps I dig out the drive I have too and try on real hardware.

Curious what and how the drive response.


Later and thanks for the update!


(P.S. Any plans on supporting external clock?)

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Quick update, IndusGT now answers in 47 cycles/bit (38080 baud).

Serial trace attached as spoiler:


Real Indus_GT:

Sorry, I opened the box and it's not a GT..... seems to be a Rana Sytems 1000.



(13291:251,110) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13291:269, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13291:269, 60) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13291:277, 45) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13291:277, 86) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13291:285, 73) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13291:285,112) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13291:293,101) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13291:294, 27) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13291:302, 15) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13291:310, 43) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13292: 10, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13292: 27, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 01 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13292: 35, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13292: 35,107) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13292: 41, 22) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13292: 59, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13292: 59,100) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13292: 67, 44) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13292: 68, 4) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13292: 75, 72) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13292: 76, 24) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13292: 83,100) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13292: 84, 28) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13292: 92, 14) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13292:100, 42) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13292:113, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13292:130, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13292:138, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13292:138, 98) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13292:143, 88) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13292:161, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13292:162, 5) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13292:169, 55) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13292:170, 4) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13292:177, 83) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13292:178, 24) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13292:185,111) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13292:186, 82) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13292:194, 25) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13292:202, 53) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13292:215, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13292:232, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13292:240, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13292:240, 59) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13292:243, 64) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13292:261, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13292:261, 60) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13292:269, 37) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13292:269, 86) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13292:277, 65) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13292:277,112) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13292:285, 93) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13292:286, 27) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13292:294, 7) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13292:302, 35) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13293: 2, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13293: 19, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13293: 27, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13293: 27, 65) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13293: 30, 70) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13293: 47, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13293: 48, 6) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13293: 55, 63) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13293: 56, 5) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13293: 63, 91) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13293: 64,104) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13293: 72, 5) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13293: 73, 10) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13293: 80, 33) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13293: 88, 61) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13293:101, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13293:118, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13293:126, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13293:126, 98) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13293:132, 13) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13293:149, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13293:150, 5) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13293:157, 55) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13293:158, 4) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13293:165, 83) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13293:166, 24) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13293:173,111) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13293:174, 82) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13293:182, 25) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13293:190, 53) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13293:203, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13293:220, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13293:228, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13293:228, 59) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13293:231, 64) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13293:248, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13293:249,105) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13293:256, 57) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13293:256,103) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13293:264, 85) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13293:265, 15) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13293:272,113) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13293:273, 50) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13293:281, 27) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13293:289, 55) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13293:301, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13294: 6, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13294: 14, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13294: 14, 63) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13294: 17, 84) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13294: 34, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13294: 34,100) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13294: 42, 34) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13294: 43, 4) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13294: 50, 62) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13294: 51, 3) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13294: 58, 90) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13294: 59, 28) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13294: 67, 4) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13294: 75, 32) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13294: 88, 4) POKEY: negating command line.
(13294:105, 48) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13294:113, 29) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13294:113, 88) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13294:118, 78) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13294:136, 3) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13294:137, 19) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13294:144, 53) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13294:145, 72) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13294:152, 81) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13294:153, 70) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13294:160,109) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13294:161, 72) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13294:169, 23) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13294:177, 51) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13294:190, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13294:207, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13294:215, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13294:215, 98) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13294:221, 13) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13294:238, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13294:238, 79) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13294:246, 55) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13294:246,105) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13294:254, 83) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13294:255, 15) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13294:262,111) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13294:263, 50) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13294:271, 25) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13294:279, 53) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13294:291, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13294:308, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13295: 4, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13295: 4, 62) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13295: 7, 67) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13295: 24, 3) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13295: 24, 80) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13295: 32, 61) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13295: 33, 52) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13295: 40, 89) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13295: 41, 48) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13295: 49, 3) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13295: 49, 94) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13295: 57, 31) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13295: 65, 59) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13295: 78, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13295: 95, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13295:103, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13295:103, 98) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13295:109, 13) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13295:126, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13295:127, 5) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13295:134, 55) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13295:135, 4) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13295:142, 83) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13295:143, 24) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13295:150,111) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13295:151, 82) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13295:159, 25) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13295:167, 53) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13295:180, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13295:197, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13295:205, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13295:205, 98) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13295:211, 13) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13295:228, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13295:228, 79) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13295:236, 55) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13295:236,105) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13295:244, 83) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13295:245, 17) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13295:252,111) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13295:253, 50) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13295:261, 25) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13295:269, 53) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13295:281, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13295:298, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13295:306, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13295:306, 62) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13295:309, 67) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13296: 14, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13296: 14, 79) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13296: 22, 60) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13296: 22,106) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13296: 30, 88) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13296: 31, 19) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13296: 39, 2) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13296: 39, 76) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13296: 47, 30) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13296: 55, 58) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13296: 68, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13296: 85, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13296: 93, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13296: 93, 98) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13296: 99, 5) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13296:116, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13296:117, 5) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13296:124, 47) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13296:125, 4) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13296:132, 75) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13296:133, 24) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13296:140,103) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13296:141, 82) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13296:149, 17) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13296:157, 45) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13296:170, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13296:187, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13296:195, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13296:195, 98) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13296:200,104) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13296:218, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13296:218,100) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13296:226, 32) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13296:226, 82) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13296:234, 60) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13296:234,108) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13296:242, 88) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13296:243, 22) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13296:251, 2) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13296:259, 30) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13296:271, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13296:288, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13296:296, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13296:296, 62) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13296:299, 39) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13297: 4, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13297: 4, 60) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13297: 12, 37) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13297: 12, 87) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13297: 20, 65) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13297: 21, 0) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13297: 28, 93) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13297: 29, 31) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13297: 37, 7) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13297: 45, 35) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13297: 58, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13297: 75, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13297: 83, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13297: 83, 98) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13297: 88,104) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13297:106, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13297:106,100) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13297:114, 32) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13297:115, 4) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13297:122, 60) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13297:123, 3) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13297:130, 88) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13297:131, 28) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13297:139, 2) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13297:147, 30) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13297:160, 4) POKEY: negating command line.
(13297:177, 48) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13297:185, 29) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13297:185, 88) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13297:190, 17) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13297:207, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13297:208, 6) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13297:215, 59) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13297:216, 5) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13297:223, 87) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13297:224, 26) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13297:232, 1) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13297:232, 62) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13297:240, 29) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13297:248, 57) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13297:261, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13297:278, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13297:286, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13297:286, 62) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13297:289, 39) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13297:306, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13297:306, 60) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13298: 2, 37) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13298: 2, 86) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13298: 10, 65) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13298: 10,113) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13298: 18, 93) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13298: 19, 30) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13298: 27, 7) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13298: 35, 35) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13298: 48, 4) POKEY: negating command line.
(13298: 65, 48) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13298: 73, 29) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13298: 73, 88) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13298: 78, 17) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13298: 95, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13298: 96, 6) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13298:103, 59) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13298:104, 5) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13298:111, 87) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13298:112,104) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13298:120, 1) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13298:121, 10) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13298:128, 29) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13298:136, 57) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13298:149, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13298:166, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13298:174, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13298:174, 98) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13298:180, 60) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13298:198, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13298:198,100) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13298:206, 35) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13298:207, 4) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13298:214, 63) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13298:215, 3) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13298:222, 91) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13298:223, 28) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13298:231, 5) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13298:239, 33) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13298:251, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13298:268, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13298:276, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13298:276, 62) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13298:279, 70) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13298:296, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13298:296, 79) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13298:304, 63) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13298:304,105) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13299: 0, 91) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13299: 1, 17) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13299: 9, 5) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13299: 9, 54) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13299: 17, 33) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13299: 25, 61) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13299: 37, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13299: 54, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13299: 62, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13299: 62, 98) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13299: 68, 16) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13299: 85, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13299: 86, 5) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13299: 93, 58) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13299: 94, 4) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13299:101, 86) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13299:102, 24) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13299:110, 0) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13299:110, 82) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13299:118, 28) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13299:126, 56) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13299:139, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13299:156, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13299:164, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13299:164, 98) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13299:170, 16) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13299:187, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13299:188, 5) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13299:195, 58) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13299:196, 4) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13299:203, 86) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13299:204, 24) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13299:212, 0) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13299:212, 82) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13299:220, 28) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13299:228, 56) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13299:240, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13299:257, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13299:265, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13299:265, 67) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13299:268, 75) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13299:285, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13299:285, 79) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13299:293, 69) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13299:293,105) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13299:301, 97) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13299:302, 17) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13299:310, 11) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13299:310, 73) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13300: 6, 39) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13300: 14, 67) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13300: 26, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13300: 43, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13300: 51, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13300: 51, 78) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13300: 57, 6) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13300: 74, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13300: 75, 5) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13300: 82, 48) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13300: 83, 4) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13300: 90, 76) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13300: 91, 24) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13300: 98,104) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13300: 99, 82) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13300:107, 18) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13300:115, 46) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13300:128, 4) POKEY: negating command line.
(13300:145, 48) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13300:153, 29) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13300:153, 88) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13300:158, 84) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13300:176, 3) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13300:177, 19) POKEY: Sending serial byte 3f
(13300:184, 59) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13300:185, 72) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13300:192, 87) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 3f to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13300:193, 70) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13300:201, 1) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13300:201, 72) POKEY: Sending serial byte 90
(13300:209, 29) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13300:217, 57) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 90 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13300:230, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13300:247, 47) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=4E; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13300:255, 28) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13300:255, 67) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 4e (shiftreg: 4e)
(13300:262, 51) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13300:279, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13300:279, 79) POKEY: Sending serial byte d3
(13300:287, 46) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13300:287, 86) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13300:295, 74) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte d3 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13300:295,112) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13300:303,102) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13300:304, 27) POKEY: Sending serial byte 25
(13301: 0, 16) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13301: 8, 44) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 25 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13301: 20, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13301: 41,108) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=41; 4E 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13301: 49, 89) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13301: 50, 8) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 41 (shiftreg: 41)
(13301:127, 43) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=43; 41 41) at 47 cycles/bit (38080.3 baud)
(13301:127, 43) POKEY: Signaling framing error due to receive rate mismatch (expected 14 cycles/bit, got 47)
(13301:128, 62) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13301:129, 14) POKEY: Reading SERIN value ff (shiftreg: ff)
(13301:134, 14) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13301:151, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13301:152, 6) POKEY: Sending serial byte d3
(13301:159, 56) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13301:160, 5) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13301:167, 84) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte d3 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13301:168,104) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13301:175,112) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13301:177, 10) POKEY: Sending serial byte 25
(13301:184, 26) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13301:192, 54) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 25 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13301:205, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13301:226,108) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=41; FF 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13301:234, 89) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13301:234,110) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 41 (shiftreg: 41)
(13302: 0, 43) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=43; 41 41) at 47 cycles/bit (38080.3 baud)
(13302: 0, 43) POKEY: Signaling framing error due to receive rate mismatch (expected 14 cycles/bit, got 47)
(13302: 1, 62) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13302: 1, 89) POKEY: Reading SERIN value ff (shiftreg: ff)
(13302: 4, 78) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13302: 21, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13302: 21, 98) POKEY: Sending serial byte 53
(13302: 29, 73) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13302: 30, 11) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13302: 37,101) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 53 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13302: 38, 44) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13302: 46, 15) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13302: 47, 1) POKEY: Sending serial byte a4
(13302: 54, 43) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13302: 62, 71) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte a4 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13302: 76, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13302: 97,108) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=41; FF 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13302:105, 89) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13302:106, 5) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 41 (shiftreg: 41)
(13302:183, 43) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=43; 41 41) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13302:191, 24) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13302:191, 61) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=20; 43 43) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13302:191,102) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 43 (shiftreg: 20)
(13302:199, 42) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13302:199, 79) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=FF; 20 20) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13302:199, 94) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 20 (shiftreg: ff)
(13302:207, 60) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13302:207, 96) POKEY: Reading SERIN value ff (shiftreg: ff)
(13302:207, 97) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=E0; FF FF) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13302:215, 78) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13302:216, 1) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=00; E0 E0) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13302:216, 5) POKEY: Reading SERIN value e0 (shiftreg: 00)
(13302:223, 96) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13302:224, 8) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 00 (shiftreg: 00)
(13302:224, 19) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=01; 00 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13302:232, 0) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13302:232, 28) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 01 (shiftreg: 01)
(13302:239, 92) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13302:256, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13302:256, 60) POKEY: Sending serial byte d3
(13302:264, 45) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13302:264, 86) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13302:272, 73) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte d3 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13302:272,112) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13302:280,101) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13302:281, 27) POKEY: Sending serial byte 25
(13302:289, 15) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13302:297, 43) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 25 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13302:309, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13303: 18,108) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=41; 01 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13303: 26, 89) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13303: 27, 6) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 41 (shiftreg: 41)
(13303:104, 43) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=43; 41 41) at 47 cycles/bit (38080.3 baud)
(13303:104, 43) POKEY: Signaling framing error due to receive rate mismatch (expected 26 cycles/bit, got 47)
(13303:106, 62) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13303:106,110) POKEY: Reading SERIN value ff (shiftreg: ff)
(13303:111,110) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13303:130, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13303:131, 5) POKEY: Sending serial byte d3
(13303:138, 74) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13303:139, 28) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13303:146,102) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte d3 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13303:147, 24) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13303:155, 16) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13303:155,110) POKEY: Sending serial byte 25
(13303:163, 44) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13303:171, 72) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 25 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13303:184, 4) POKEY: negating command line.
(13303:205,109) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=41; FF 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13303:213, 90) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13303:214, 5) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 41 (shiftreg: 41)
(13303:291, 44) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=43; 41 41) at 47 cycles/bit (38080.3 baud)
(13303:291, 44) POKEY: Signaling framing error due to receive rate mismatch (expected 26 cycles/bit, got 47)
(13303:293, 63) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13303:293, 87) POKEY: Reading SERIN value ff (shiftreg: ff)
(13303:296, 76) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13304: 1, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13304: 1, 98) POKEY: Sending serial byte 53
(13304: 9, 70) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13304: 9,106) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13304: 17, 98) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 53 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13304: 18, 19) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13304: 26, 12) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13304: 26, 56) POKEY: Sending serial byte a4
(13304: 34, 40) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13304: 42, 68) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte a4 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13304: 55, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13304: 76,108) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=41; FF 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13304: 84, 89) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13304: 85, 5) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 41 (shiftreg: 41)
(13304:162, 43) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=43; 41 41) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13304:170, 24) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13304:170, 61) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=20; 43 43) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13304:170, 94) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 43 (shiftreg: 20)
(13304:178, 42) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13304:178, 79) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=FF; 20 20) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13304:178, 84) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 20 (shiftreg: ff)
(13304:186, 60) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13304:186, 97) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=E0; FF FF) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13304:186,112) POKEY: Reading SERIN value ff (shiftreg: e0)
(13304:194, 78) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13304:194,113) POKEY: Reading SERIN value e0 (shiftreg: e0)
(13304:195, 1) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=00; E0 E0) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13304:202, 96) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13304:203, 19) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 00 (shiftreg: 00)
(13304:203, 19) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=01; 00 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13304:211, 0) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13304:211, 56) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 01 (shiftreg: 01)
(13304:224, 12) POKEY: asserting command line.
(13304:241, 2) POKEY: Sending serial byte 31
(13304:241, 79) POKEY: Sending serial byte d3
(13304:249, 61) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 31 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13304:249,110) POKEY: Sending serial byte 20
(13304:257, 89) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte d3 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13304:258, 22) POKEY: Sending serial byte 00
(13304:266, 3) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 20 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13304:266, 59) POKEY: Sending serial byte 25
(13304:274, 31) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 00 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13304:282, 59) POKEY: Transmitted serial byte 25 to SIO bus at 94 cycles/bit (19040.1 baud)
(13304:294, 3) POKEY: negating command line.
(13305: 3,108) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=41; 01 00) at 93 cycles/bit (19244.9 baud)
(13305: 11, 89) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13305: 12, 4) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 41 (shiftreg: 41)
(13305: 89, 43) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=43; 41 41) at 47 cycles/bit (38080.3 baud)
(13305: 93, 24) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13305: 93, 86) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 43 (shiftreg: 43)
(13305: 97, 76) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=20; 43 43) at 47 cycles/bit (38080.3 baud)
(13305:101, 57) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13305:101,107) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 20 (shiftreg: 20)
(13305:102, 26) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=FF; 20 20) at 47 cycles/bit (38080.3 baud)
(13305:106, 7) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13305:106, 40) POKEY: Reading SERIN value ff (shiftreg: ff)
(13305:106, 90) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=E0; FF FF) at 47 cycles/bit (38080.3 baud)
(13305:110, 71) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13305:110,113) POKEY: Reading SERIN value e0 (shiftreg: e0)
(13305:111, 40) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=00; E0 E0) at 47 cycles/bit (38080.3 baud)
(13305:115, 21) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13305:115,100) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 00 (shiftreg: 00)
(13305:115,104) POKEY: Receiving byte (c=01; 00 00) at 47 cycles/bit (38080.3 baud)
(13305:119, 85) POKEY: Reasserting serial input IRQ. IRQEN=e2, IRQST=b7
(13305:119,110) POKEY: Reading SERIN value 01 (shiftreg: 01)


Edited by mr-atari
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My Altirra has gone weird on me and seemingly has lost keyboard and joystick settings. It won't respond when I try to reset them.


I erased all the Altirra files and even the directory it was in and did a totally new install, but it still comes up with the same settings it had before.


Are there hidden files someplace that store these settings? And how do I get rid of them?

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My Altirra has gone weird on me and seemingly has lost keyboard and joystick settings. It won't respond when I try to reset them.


I erased all the Altirra files and even the directory it was in and did a totally new install, but it still comes up with the same settings it had before.


Are there hidden files someplace that store these settings? And how do I get rid of them?



From command line Altirra /resetall

Edited by rdea6
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Not seeing "Settings" under the "Tools" tab.



Sorry, Serj kindly corrected my mistake, as he said, Tools, Options and then settings. Also worth pointing out that this is a pretty new feature so you have to be pretty much on the latest beta to see it..

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OK, thanks...where do you find the betas? All I'm seeing are final releases on the Altirra web page.



Sorry, Serj kindly corrected my mistake, as he said, Tools, Options and then settings. Also worth pointing out that this is a pretty new feature so you have to be pretty much on the latest beta to see it..

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