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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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StopDrop&Retro asked a good question... I hope he (Mike) is okay. Has anyone actually heard from him since the end of the Toy fair? This is some real shenanigans for sure, but I would not wish him ill will (the Space 1999 silliness was directed at the fake photo....}


I worry about Mike too, I'll help to debunk any fakes Mike posts but I have no malice against the guy himself. Two photos of the fake were deleted from the Facebook page when the DVR card was exposed last night, so Mike was clearly following this thread yesterday.


This is really fantastic and insightful. Your other vides look fun too so I'll be sure to check back.


Yes the Jag Bar is great, the Jaguar community is small but there are some good things going on there- time to get yourself a Jag and join in!


You know its weird right , you expect that its just coincidence that collector vision happen to release Sydney hunter, the pack in game, on the chameleon and SNES? Hmmm, I truely think this goes way deeper then all this. I also feel like gamester KNOwINGLy participated. Okay but for real I promise I'm stopping now! Love this board


Why is that weird? Sydney Hunter is a SNES game. It was Kickstarted here, nothing to do with the RVGS/CC: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/439982171/new-snes-game-sydney-hunter-and-the-caverns-of-dea/description . The Chameleon is/was a SNES emulator/clone/plagiariser that would have been able to play that game. It's that simple.

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I think the fact Sydney hunter was developed for the SNES and chameleon is no coincidence. What games were piko doing? Any similar connections?


I think the fact that Super Mario World was developed for the SNES and Chameleon is no coincidence. Oh wait, could it be that machine designed to be a SNES emulator can run SNES games?

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My point is I don't think it was ever going to play more than SNES games and I truly believe there's more the SNES Jr in a shell. Just not sure what


The Chameleon never existed, not even in prototype form. What we were shown was (with about 99% confidence) at the toy fair was a SNES Mini in a Jaguar shell. SNES controllers, cart connector, power supply, video port, and perfect compatability. It was claimed by Mike to be an FPGA based machine that was perfectly emulating a SNES- that's what you think it actually was?

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Chameleon did exist as a prototype with Dev boards, there is nothing wrong with using them till your ready for manufacturing in some cases.


Mike was a moron as he could of played some of the non SNES games by getting agreements with core makers.


He just got greedy and Stupid and got burned for it

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I think the witch-hunting of anyone who ever believed Mike, defended him, or did business with him is ridiculous. If those people weren't on the in on the fake, which it appears very few were, then the worst that they can be accused of is being gullible.


Chameleon did exist as a prototype with Dev boards


That may be true, but we have seen no evidence of these dev boards- only two completely fake prototypes.


Their Facebook page must be messed up or something ... you can't see tha comments ... I'm not blocked because I can leave comments, but I just can't see them ... whats up with that? it may have been said earlier, sorry if it has


I think comment moderation is switched on or something, and no comments are being approved- was mentioned many times about 50 pages back ;) We need a FAQ

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I think the witch-hunting of anyone who ever believed Mike, defended him, or did business with him is ridiculous. If those people weren't on the in on the fake, which it appears very few were, then the worst that they can be accused of is being gullible.

My feelings exactly.

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Chameleon did exist as a prototype with Dev boards, there is nothing wrong with using them till your ready for manufacturing in some cases.


Mike was a moron as he could of played some of the non SNES games by getting agreements with core makers.


He just got greedy and Stupid and got burned for it



Where are you getting this? There was never any kind of working prototype for the system. Such prototypes only existed in Mike's imagination.

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Their Facebook page must be messed up or something ... you can't see tha comments ... I'm not blocked because I can leave comments, but I just can't see them ... whats up with that? it may have been said earlier, sorry if it has

They have the comments set to moderation so they can keep anything they don't like from being posted. If you make a post yourself you can see it though but only you.

Edited by EmOneGarand
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I think the witch-hunting of anyone who ever believed Mike, defended him, or did business with him is ridiculous. If those people weren't on the in on the fake, which it appears very few were, then the worst that they can be accused of is being gullible.

Yeah, witch hunt is a bit extreme. However, I think we all need to remember in the future when these folks present themselves as representing the interests of the retro gaming community, because that's BS. Any words that come falling out of their mouth in the future need to be taken with a grain of salt.


I think the following site could easily explain any chameleon supporters. http://www.collectard.com/


Gamester's company name explains everything to the core. COLLECTORvision. Not 240PixelVison, 2DGamesVision, ILoveretrogamesVision. COLLECTOR. That's all the RetroVGS/Chameleon was ever going to be. a product for collectors by collectors. Not gamers.

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Ah, so this guy finally ponies up and apologizes. Pat called this guy out as one of the "fluffers" of the Chamleon. In fact, if you see his prior Coleco Chamleon video a few days ago, he took a shot at Pat for calling him out (he references a "cool dude" who gives work out tips, and then he talks about who he is talking about in the comments of the video).


So, for Pat's quick video today about all of the people shilling for the Chamleon, I know most people assumed it was towards Engadget and the like, but I think it is pretty apparent that Pat was definitely hitting back at this guy, RetroTube85 or whatever his handle is. I am glad to see he is fessing up and apologizing. Mike could learn something from RT85.

Edited by SumerNivek
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Where are you getting this? There was never any kind of working prototype for the system. Such prototypes only existed in Mike's imagination.


But I do agree they probably didn't have any games working


Also the dumbest video ever

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They have the comments set to moderation so they can keep anything they don't like from being posted. If you make a post yourself you can see it though but only you.


ive seen a few posts that have eeked their way through, i dunno if its due to moderation or what, if its broken. who knows. its only been people posting stickers or tagging their friends, no actual comments. but, you can click on the '76 shares' on that status and see that people are sharing and commenting, and they're not too pleased.

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I think the witch-hunting of anyone who ever believed Mike, defended him, or did business with him is ridiculous. If those people weren't on the in on the fake, which it appears very few were, then the worst that they can be accused of is being gullible.


On one hand I agree that it's a bit pointless. Most of them were trusting a reputation, a job title, or the circumstances of their meeting with those involved (big trade show), and in such a situation, it's easy to shift the burden of proof over to a batch of faceless online detractors.


However, there were a few that went out of their way to cut on the detractors of this project, which one would think meant they had a look at what we were on about and decided we were full of it. I think it'll take me a lot longer to forget about that than the people who were just lazy news regurgitators.

Edited by Reaperman
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Yeah, witch hunt is a bit extreme.

Gamester's company name explains everything to the core. COLLECTORvision. Not 240PixelVison, 2DGamesVision, ILoveretrogamesVision. COLLECTOR. That's all the RetroVGS/Chameleon was ever going to be. a product for collectors by collectors. Not gamers.

You may not be aware but CollectorVision was around for a long time before John joined JF and Toby, the name is a play on ColecoVision as they have been producing ColecoVision homebrews for a long time. Some people like to collect physical things, but people seem to want to drag anyone remotely connected to the RetroChamelon saga thru the mud like they had direct involvement in the "conspiracy." No one can fault software developers like Piko and CollectorVision for keeping their options open for new markets...
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Wouldn't say fake as some people posted

Olimex RK3188-SOM-EVB

Lattice Semiconductor ispMACH 4256ZE

which could make something original


Just a lot of people doubt their effort in creating the Original


You can actually do stuff with that beside capture Video

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So let's say Mike does come back with something new. Let's pretend that guy has the gall to do it again. What do we do? It is a shame that this guy can continually be deceptive and misleading and STILL get so much attention.


This guy and this project is like the loud kid in the room. He just wants attention and we are giving it to him. I am guilty of it. I have written my share of articles about the Chameleon project because it is an interesting, dramatic story. But, just like that kid in the classroom, take away the audience and you will see the behavior disappear.


I'm starting to feel sorry for the guy. Maybe there is something wrong? Why is trying SO HARD to pull the wool over everyone's eyes? Was he always so disreputable? Was he ever loved by this community?

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Collectorvision and Piko Interactive have done everything they can to stay out of the middle of this whole thing. I have talked with them both and I can assure you they are staying as neutral as possible. They are up for any platform they can put their games on. They don't want to burn bridges and they want to get their games in front of as many people as possible. Don't drag them down with RVGS,

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