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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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As for the so called "journalist" from Engadget, that girl is a joke abusing the "game journalist" name, like so many out there, she cant even give proper credits after the hyped the scam, she's nothing but a clown.


... or spell "concept."



I for one will be throwing money at my computer if you can give me closure to this entire brouhaha. Links?





I only hope that whoever is doing the inspections goes in with full knowledge of the history of the project and of what Mike has claimed about it (that they have a "fully-working FPGA core", etc).


I'd like to be a fly on the wall when they crack it open.

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Did they officially announce the re-release of the mini arcades? I was watching for news during the fair, but couldn't find any (still can't).

It was on Facebook before Retro VGS/CC blew up and both tried damaged control on their Facebook pages, so not sure if it still standing.


Believe the whole original purpose of that booth was to find Retailers to carry Mini Arcades

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“Often times with early prototypes/proof of concepts hardware designers utilize salvaged “legacy” parts. Since our HDMI output (our standard output) wasn’t quite stable enough to get us through the show they opted to use a SNES connector to allow us to quickly get Composite output just to use for the show demonstration. It was however, running on our software. As we have told everyone, when the Kickstarter campaign is up, it will clearly show a more near production prototype and boardset (something my team has continued to work on before), during and now after Toy Fair has ended.”


hahah, i like that 'they' in there referring to the snes jr...THEY, blaming it on lee, the hardware guy, yet again!

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I think you're assuming that his profile is publicly available. I get an error page at that link. It would be best if you screenshot whatever it is you want us to see


My bad. Here's the post.




Hey Guys, a lot of you have been reaching out to me curious of my thoughts on the Coleco Chameleon. I wanted to let you all know that I'll be posting a video talking more about it this weekend. The witch hunt is out for anyone remotely affiliated with his project. I wanted to assure you guys that my team and I's intentions were/are sincere. I apologize for any ill will I may have caused for agreeing to port in the case with the Chameleon one game over to it (Sydney Hunter). I realize that this system has been a PR nightmare from the start, and believe me when I tell you that we had nothing to do with the hardware side of things or the choices made. I hope that we can all learn from this and move on, but we really need to stop the lynch mob mentality about this situation and vilifying people who had nothing to do with the choices made. I will publicly apologize, but calling people out to do so when there really isn't anything for them to apologize for with their role, is ridiculous. I have been extremely humbled by this experience and will grow and learn from it. My hopes are that the community will do the same.


So in his mind the only thing he did wrong was agree to port the game, not defend them after they were exposed and do softball interviews. Plus everyone who was involved in exposing them is apparently part of a lynch mob mentality by demanding accountability.

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3- They can keep hoping. The only saving grace, and it's remote at best, is to have something like an R-Pi or other similar board buried under the DVR card or hidden in back. Maybe team Retro will do that prior to handing it over for inspection - stuff one in under the card.


I wonder if that will be his excuse? "We had an RPi/FPGA dev board under there all along, and the DVR card was just there to hide our exclusive super-secret hardware"

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Those independent engineers are about to have their balls blown off.

Wouldn't it be hilarious if River West paid John Carlsen to take a look at the new "prototype" ... he's "independent" of the project now, and certainly knows the history.

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As for the so called "journalist" from Engadget, that girl is a joke abusing the "game journalist" name, like so many out there, she cant even give proper credits after the hyped the scam, she's nothing but a clown.


This is why bloggers and "internet journalists" should be listened to with a grain of salt. They all push words in exchange for clicks. All of them. Including video reviewers on youtube. Rarely is something said just to inform you. You HAVE to read many opinions and talk with people that actually own the item you're interested in purchasing.


Your safest best is to purchase only real products, because these things(kickstarters) are the 21st century version of vaporware. Only different in that it now has the potential to take the consumer's money.


Like it or not, I don't really care. It is what it is.

Edited by Keatah
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Wonder if the Coleco engineers will compare whatever prototype is sent to them with the pics of the prototypes shown. From their post, it sounds like they want to see the actual 2 that have been shown so far. I seriously doubt that is what they would be looking at if the inspection actually happens.

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Wonder if the Coleco engineers will compare whatever prototype is sent to them with the pics of the prototypes shown. From their post, it sounds like they want to see the actual 2 that have been shown so far. I seriously doubt that is what they would be looking at if the inspection actually happens.


If they are diligent, yes. If they're just milling around and putting time in like 95% of the people in business, then probably not.


Either way, if Mike stuffs a smaller "real" board underneath the big DVR one it won't matter. Mike could simply claim that the DVR was for cover and show purposes.


Car companies do this all the time. They make a new chassis, and cover it up with distorted panels and tape and crap from other vehicles to purposely fool the Car & Driver and Road & Track spies.

Edited by Keatah
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So in his mind the only thing he did wrong was agree to port the game, not defend them after they were exposed and do softball interviews. Plus everyone who was involved in exposing them is apparently part of a lynch mob mentality by demanding accountability.


Well I guess it swings both ways. If the Chameleon was a success I guess he figured it would look good on his resume for getting onboard with it and supporting it in any way that he could.

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Wonder if the Coleco engineers will compare whatever prototype is sent to them with the pics of the prototypes shown. From their post, it sounds like they want to see the actual 2 that have been shown so far. I seriously doubt that is what they would be looking at if the inspection actually happens.


I sent an email and suggested to be on the look out of PCB swap, as well as Retron, Retro trios, or yobos PCBs.

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Wouldn't it be hilarious if River West paid John Carlsen to take a look at the new "prototype" ... he's "independent" of the project now, and certainly knows the history.




"Power is going in somewhere to some device in this room... and video is coming out of another device... but nothing is connected to the Chameleon!! I should patent this new technology!!"

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"Hey Guys, a lot of you have been reaching out to me curious of my thoughts on the Coleco Chameleon. I wanted to let you all know that I'll be posting a video talking more about it this weekend. The witch hunt is out for anyone remotely affiliated with his project. I wanted to assure you guys that my team and I's intentions were/are sincere. I apologize for any ill will I may have caused for agreeing to port in the case with the Chameleon one game over to it (Sydney Hunter). I realize that this system has been a PR nightmare from the start, and believe me when I tell you that we had nothing to do with the hardware side of things or the choices made. I hope that we can all learn from this and move on, but we really need to stop the lynch mob mentality about this situation and vilifying people who had nothing to do with the choices made. I will publicly apologize, but calling people out to do so when there really isn't anything for them to apologize for with their role, is ridiculous. I have been extremely humbled by this experience and will grow and learn from it. My hopes are that the community will do the same."


Has Gamester81 been hanging out with Mike a lot, or this kinda behaviour is standart now? Who ever complainer that Gamester 81 was licensing games for this System? How can he spin this into him being the victim now? I think apologising is better than keeping quiet, but I'd rather have him shut up than do this PR bullshit damage controll.


I think I'll have to stop posting here again, because I'm starting to get hot headed.

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So in his mind the only thing he did wrong was agree to port the game, not defend them after they were exposed and do softball interviews. Plus everyone who was involved in exposing them is apparently part of a lynch mob mentality by demanding accountability.



You're definitely adding your own bias when reading his post.


Did he make mistakes with the Retro VGS interview? He sure did. He didn't really defend them though. What he was guilty of was not asking the right questions. I don't believe that was on purpose and more that he didn't properly educate himself on what was actually being discussed within the community at this time.


The 'which hunt' he refers to is about a certain group of people who are automatically attacking anyone associated with the project. The negativity towards companies like ColelctorVision and Piko Interactive has been way over the top. I don't believe his callout was out of line.


Keep in mind that I say this as someone who is not at all a fan of Gamester81. I don't care for his videos at all, so I have no reason to stand up for him.

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I kind of feel like the whole Coleco wanting to inspect the prototype thing is either one of two things. An attempt to shut down the negative press or an way to save face and leave the sinking ship while avoiding possible legal issues.


At this point I think the inspection can go either way. I've no reason to put faith in Coleco to do the right thing, but I do have reason to believe they will do whatever they feel is in their best financial interest. It is just a wait and see kind of thing I suppose.


I'm personally leaning in the direction that they are wanting to disassociate themselves with RVGS at this point.

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Car companies do this all the time. They make a new chassis, and cover it up with distorted panels and tape and crap from other vehicles to purposely fool the Car & Driver and Road & Track spies.


That's when they are road-testing cars on test tracks. They don't post photos of the disguised car on Facebook to convince potential investors that they know how to build one.

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Honestly, there are some people here that keep wanting to call out gamester81, piko, and Collectorvision. I think they have all said their peace and they should be left alone. Gamester81 did go a bit further with his "endorsement" but that was for the RETROVGS I think and not the CC. I don't remember him doing the same the CC anyways. I know they are basically the same thing but he didn't endorse the 2nd version like the 1st. Maybe if the kickstarter actually happened he would have but who knows.

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If they are diligent, yes. If they're just milling around and putting time in like 95% of the people in business, then probably not.


Either way, if Mike stuffs a smaller "real" board underneath the big DVR one it won't matter. Mike could simply claim that the DVR was for cover and show purposes.


Car companies do this all the time. They make a new chassis, and cover it up with distorted panels and tape and crap from other vehicles to purposely fool the Car & Driver and Road & Track spies.

Even if he slipped a small emulator board underneath, it wouldn't be connected to the cart port which was blocked by the capture card. He won't be able to demonstrate plugging a cart in with his board reading it and running the game. Even setting something like that up isn't trivial. An R-pi doesn't have the I/O to read a SNES port so some real hardware and s/w will be needed. If he wasn't ready to show a real prototype on the 29th, I highly doubt he will have anything believable to show in a week.

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I kind of feel like the whole Coleco wanting to inspect the prototype thing is either one of two things. An attempt to shut down the negative press or an way to save face and leave the sinking ship while avoiding possible legal issues.


They'd effectively be shutting down the audience they want to sell to.

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