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Coleco Chameleon .... hardware speculations?


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Guaranteed salary my ass.. Mike said that's what he wanted, so he could quit his day job. Said it in an interview spot on youtube or something.


I don't go for any of these retro cash grabs. And I'm not into paying someone else's salary for a $0.99 game.

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toiletunes, on 09 May 2016 - 9:06 PM, said:

Forgot where I picked this one up: If you want to make money with music, sell your instruments.


My Parents: What do you want to be when you grow up?


Me: I want to sing in a band!


My Parents: You can't do Both!

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I actually do see many parallels between bands/music etc. and the video game industry, or the movie industry for that matter. It seems that often money can come between you and your goal. I should know, I've been in bands that never made a dime haha. If a homebrewer is doing it for the love of the game, and they put a lot of heart and soul into the project, it will often be good Great. By the same token, independent film producers may be making a movie with the express purpose of making a good movie, or bands can record an album without regard to what's popular...By not worrying about box office or radio airplay, a project can be made Great. However if you're trying to "Quit your day job" or "Corner the (retro) market", perhaps you're missing the point.

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The CEO of Peachy Printer (Kickstarter for a $100 3D printer) reports that half of their funding was "embezzled by their financial manager" to buy a house.




There's a cool visualization of this astounding clusterfuck at



I hope Mike Kennedy sees this and thanks his lucky stars it's not him in that video.

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I hope Mike Kennedy sees this and thanks his lucky stars it's not him in that video.

I haven't seen the video, but just from looking at the site ... wow, what a mess!


The amazing thing is that Mike could very well have gotten himself into a similar situation. The first IndieGoGo campaign's funding goal was far too ambitious, but the Kickstarter campaign was going to be within a much more realistic range. As a lot of us feared at the time, it was entirely possible that he could have pulled it off, with all the hype he was generating in the uncritical "press" and with the Coleco name to give it added "credibility."


He should be grateful that there were so many of us eagle-eyed "haters" who banded together to sink his bullheaded plans before he got himself and an entire community entangled in an even bigger mess. If he thinks it was painful to lose $10K of his own money, imagine what would have happened if "The Mysterious Mr. Lee" had walked away with hundreds of thousands of dollars of Kickstarter backers' money!

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The CEO of Peachy Printer (Kickstarter for a $100 3D printer) reports that half of their funding was "embezzled by their financial manager" to buy a house.



There's a cool visualization of this astounding clusterfuck at



I hope Mike Kennedy sees this and thanks his lucky stars it's not him in that video.


hahahahaha, WTF did I just watch?!??!


I give them props for their production values though. But the melodramatic tone is completely inappropriate for the subject matter at hand.


Just like the Chameleon project, I have the same response- I don't want to hear your sob story. Tell it to the feds and get back to me after the guy is arrested, then I'll start to believe you. Really? The guy stole $200k+ and willingly sits down for his on camera confession and you allow him to just walk away from it all? Yeah, I'm sure everyone's satisfied with that.

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The CEO of Peachy Printer (Kickstarter for a $100 3D printer) reports that half of their funding was "embezzled by their financial manager" to buy a house.



There's a cool visualization of this astounding clusterfuck at



I hope Mike Kennedy sees this and thanks his lucky stars it's not him in that video.


Just browsing that confirms that one should never fund anything on Kickstarter. Even if it isn't a scam at first, the shaky business knowledge of the creators leaves open the high chances for fraud within the venture, with no recourse to backers.


Of course, the whole narrative is probably itself a scam to explain why there's no product, backer rewards, as StopDrop&Retro says.

Edited by Gentlegamer
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Wow, it seems the BBC has a better update than what these guys posted: http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-36271249


I wonder why they avoided stating in the video that the matter is under investigation.


Kickstarter said the matter under was investigation.

"Anyone who abuses our system and the trust of our community exposes themselves to legal action," said its spokesman David Gallagher.

"We're reaching out to the law enforcement officials who are already looking into this case, and will assist however we can."

But the Canadian police indicated the case was at an early stage.

"The Saskatoon Police Service received a complaint in November 2015 regarding the theft of crowdsourced funds from a 3D printer company," said its director of public affairs Alyson Edwards.

"Since then detectives from our economic crime section have conducted some preliminary investigation, however they are still waiting for more information from the company's owners.

"Once they receive that information the crown prosecutor will be consulted to determine if this is a criminal case, or if it should proceed through civil litigation."


So it was filed in November of last year and the company owners still haven't provided certain information to investigators? If it's such a clear cut case, and the guy is willing to confess, then open your doors to investigators. Why are they withholding information and instead choosing to make this elaborate confession video? This is absurd.

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There's a lot of fun discussion here.


I guess the main question should be: is it Hanlon's razor, or Occam's razor?


Hanlon: never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. The people who started this project aren't bad, just not very bright.


​Occam: Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily, simpler theories are preferable to more complex ones because they are more testable. It's scams all the way down.


All I know for certain is that it sure sounds a lot like Mike Kennedy's dilemma. "I'm too stupid to take your money! Even though I tried. At least no one got hurt? Do you guys think I am out of line here? Guys?"

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There's a lot of fun discussion here.


I guess the main question should be: is it Hanlon's razor, or Occam's razor?


Hanlon: never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. The people who started this project aren't bad, just not very bright.


​Occam: Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily, simpler theories are preferable to more complex ones because they are more testable. It's scams all the way down.


All I know for certain is that it sure sounds a lot like Mike Kennedy's dilemma. "I'm too stupid to take your money! Even though I tried. At least no one got hurt? Do you guys think I am out of line here? Guys?"


See, Mike Kennedy is exactly the point at which Hanlon's razor fails. The whole saga cannot be adequately explained by stupidity, even though Mike wishes it could. Lots of people quote that line with the assumption that human stupidity is an infinite resource that can explain any absurdity, but the truth is, there are some points when you can no longer afford the benefit of the doubt.


The Coleco Chameleon passed that point sometime early this year. By the end of it, there should be no allowance for mere incompetence, it's squarely in the willing deception category.


The funny thing is, once the possibility jumps from "stupidity" to "malice", it never jumps back.

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See, Mike Kennedy is exactly the point at which Hanlon's razor fails. The whole saga cannot be adequately explained by stupidity, even though Mike wishes it could.


That's not Hanlon's razor failing. The whole saga cannot be adequately explained by incompetence, so according to Hanlon's razor should be attributed at least partly to malice. Maybe you mean that the way Hanlon's razor is misapplied (attributing everything to incompetence/stupidity) is failing?

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That's not Hanlon's razor failing. The whole saga cannot be adequately explained by incompetence, so according to Hanlon's razor should be attributed at least partly to malice. Maybe you mean that the way Hanlon's razor is misapplied (attributing everything to incompetence/stupidity) is failing?

What I'm saying is that the condition Hanlon's razor poses (the situation explained by stupidity) has failed, therefore the conclusion (not malice) can't apply.

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What I'm saying is that the condition Hanlon's razor poses (the situation explained by stupidity) has failed, therefore the conclusion (not malice) can't apply.


That's different. An example of Hanlon's razor failing would be a person who appears to be stupid but who is actually being malicious.

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I'm a firm and happy user of Kick starter and have backed and gotten over a hundred games over the last four years and hate to see stuff like this. Bad apples. Yeah, there's some fraud and scams but also a lot of people with good and sound ideas that just need funding when a bank will laugh at them. Just be care full and research what you back.

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