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Is internet play important to you?


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Ever since the Dreamcast, internet play has seemed to be an important aspect in new consoles... personally, I never thought networked play was all that great. You had to deal with lag, jerks who'd abandon the game, cheaters, and people who are either aces at the game, or just bought it. In short, I don't like networked games. It's interesting to have as a feature, but I'm especially against games that require internet play, like PSO and such (Okay, so there is some individual play... but not much)


So what do you think? Is internet play essential in games these days, or just a waste of time?



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i thought PSO was a blast for the three months i was addicted to it. I reached level 100 and couldnt find any rare items (these were released on the server later on). I guess the cheating started to get really bad after six months or so. As for other games, i agree, i was rarely in a close game, and the one close game i was in, the guy cussed me out and got pissed that he lost (i ran down the clock at the end of the game, and that pissed him off royally). The best kindof online games are the super simple games like card games and board games, and you wont see those show up on consoles..

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Internet play is not important to me at all. I did a bit on my Dreamcast, but I couldn't care less when more online games appear for my GCN. I think the initial success of XBOX Live! is due to the free year of membership and will drop precipitously when these people have to pay an additional fee every month.


The only time I played an online game was Ultima Online (for about two years) and that was more a testament to my love for the world of Britannia (and the ability to hang out there) than any great love for online gaming.


If they come up with a protocol that allows me to call a friend and play "online" that way (like Deathmatch gaming on PC), that's a different story. But I have no interest in going online to play a bunch of strangers who more than likely cheat or will pull out if they are losing.

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I don't think it's essential but it does add a lot of replay to the game. If halo was playable on XBL then I wouldn't even get up to go to the bathroom. As for requiring internet connetion for play I think it is OK as long as there are no extra fees. If I buy a game a good single player game, beat it, then choose to go online then I don't mind paying. If a company is going to make a game for the sole purpose of playing it online then there should be no extra fees. I'd pay more money for the game but I won't pay a monthly fee.

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It is important to me.I mean I have played SOCOM and Unreal more than any other game that came out last year,and all because they were online.It can add so much to a game,I mean SOCOM's one player mode is so so but it was the online feature that made it a must buy for me.And Unreal is just tons of fun.You can play with your friends that don't live close by and meet tons of cool people.I don't think being online is the most important thing in the world,but it is a big selling feature to me. 8)

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For computers yes, consoles no.


I much prefer LAN over internet when it comes to multiplayer gaming on consoles. Halo over a LAN connection is sweet as hell. I'd love to set up a 10 player BattleSphere network someday...$$$$$$$... :D


yeah... what he said... MOHAA and CS haul on LAN/ Gamespy :D

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i like to relax while playing games, and that for me that is not playing online. i perfer to play a game at my own pace, and on my own; sad realy!

saying that though i did and still do love a good multi-player game [mainly GE/PD] with a few freinds and some drinkies every now and again

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I like playing online games so long as everything is about equal. If you have someone who is obvioiusly cheating or if you have a game where one side seems to have all the good players, I don't find it enjoyable at all.


I don't think that an online version is critical to have but it is important to be able to offer the option for those people who like online games. I just hope that companies don't start focusing on strictly online games and not focus on single player games.

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Well, I'm glad to see that I'm not alone in my indifference to online play.


Personally, I preferred the days when you could use Doom or Duke Nukem 3D and dial directly to a friend to play (without some stupid intarweb in the way). That was some great Deathmatch fun. Remember when 14.4 was enough to play without lag?



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I have Xbox Live and I think online play is the single best thing ever to happen to gaming since Atari released the VCS.


I do like Lan gaming but it involves a lot of planning. Xbox Live is instant. It just needs more games for it... and they are coming.


PCs have been doing online gaming for quite a while but there is a lot of hit and miss just trying to play a game, but MS has made the Xbox into the best method yet for online play. Its so easy a child can do it, and fortunatly not many do though because their voices grate over the headset.


Try it before you decide.



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about half a year ago i bought my DC, I love it so much! 2 months ago we got cable, and Id like to find a used cheap Broadband adapter to surf the web on my big tv, but they cheapest i found was 100 bucks at ebay! Its the only console Im interested in online gaming, and ever was interested in, but Seganets down....I heard there was an underground thing for DC going, anyone know about this?



BTW i think monthly payments for a game is stupid.

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I'm not very interested in online-only, subscription-based games (basically any massively multiplayer online game), although I'm a little interested in the upcoming Planetside (massively-multiplayer online first-person shooter), so that might change.


I play some games online (Unreal Tournament 2003, Counter-Strike, Freelancer) but I've never bought a game exclusively so I could play it online... well, I guess except for UT 2003, which I bought so my dad and I could play each other from two states away.

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I used to play Worms Armageddon with a friend of mine but other then that, I don't bother with the online. I tried the whole Quake 3/ Unreal Tournament thing online but its just irritating because you have two groups of people. (1) Those who play the game 24/7 and it shows and (2) People who just tried it (I fall into this category). So basically, I'd start the game, run for 2 seconds, then get killed. Wait, start over, run for 2 seconds, get killed, repeat ad nauseum.


Of course, I'm not a fan of FPS's anyway, but to sum up, no, Internet or network play has 0 interest for me. Now, If I have a console and a few friends around in the living room, now THATS real networking my friends.

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It is important to me.I mean I have played SOCOM and Unreal more than any other game that came out last year


Do they have a network version of Unreal out for PS2?


I hate SOCOM online (and single player)...I don't find games that are that pseudo-realistic, with 3 shot kills and no resawning, to be nearly as much fun as a good old Quake-style blast 'em up. Unfortunately, folks from work love it. I'd love to get them interested in other FPS, but the selection is so poor on that system...

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Only for the Xbox. I can't wait for Halo 2 and online play. I wish Halo 1 had it. It's the only game I'd actually WANT to play online. Unreal Tournament is for.. for whoever likes that stuff. It's just the same thing over and over. Killing people over and over.


I'd rather play Halo like that. Especially with co-op mode.

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Only for the Xbox. I can't wait for Halo 2 and online play. I wish Halo 1 had it. It's the only game I'd actually WANT to play online. Unreal Tournament is for.. for whoever likes that stuff. It's just the same thing over and over. Killing people over and over.


I'd rather play Halo like that. Especially with co-op mode.

Gah. So SOCOM and Tribes are it for PS2, huh?




Stupid lame Timesplitters 2....


anyway, to the point of the original thread, good multiplayer on the same screen is much more important to me than online play. That's one of the reasons why I'm such a Nintendo fanboy, ever since the N64 they've really put a lot of muscle behind multiplayer.


Someday maybe I'll look into Xbox lanning, but still, having to bring your own tv...

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Honestly, I was excited about this option with the DC, I always liked linking consoles for muliplayer action, or even split-screen, although a bit less, so online gaming intrigued me...heck, I even still have a 28k connection and have gone online with my dreamcast a few times and the "lag" which I don't recall even noticing in the games I played, was not a factor.

But, the jerks you had to deal with, cheating and people who weren't serious about playing the games right really turned me off. I also think it stinks that games like Unreal tournament, Quake Arena, etc. are coming out with no real 1 player option!

And now that Seganet is gone, it makes games like that worthless! So, all in all, I agree with most of you guys that I find it irrelevent now and could care less. I'd try it on my XBOX eventually, if I ever get a decent connection, which here in the country will be in another decade, if satellite DSL will work, maybe sooner, but the verdict is still out on that...

I could care less and wish I'd never bought several of my DC games which are worthless offline. Give me JagDoom linked, or Halo split-screen or linked anyday. Much more fun, with friends you know in the room with you.

I never could even get someone to play, if anyone was even online, with me in NFL 2k2! I just don't care about online gaming anymore...


Can you play Phantasy Star Online, offline (DC VERSION)? I want that game if I can, otherwise it's another useless DC game... :sad:


I'd give DC online another chance if someone were to pick up the torch with an online forum that supports these games in the wake of Seganet, but I'm not going to pay a huge monthly fee and have to get satelite DSL with another payment just to play XBOX LIVE, if it's even possible...

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