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HSC13 Round 2: Zybex

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If you missed round 1 you can post a late score and join in here ;)


Funny I thought Super Pac-Man was a shoe in for round 2 but Zybex dominated the poll!



Best budget game ever. Horizontal shooter, not too hard, 16 stages and you can pick which order you do them (after stage 1) completable too, in two weeks? We'll see. You automatically fire, pressing Fire changes weapons. Hints: Some stages have extra men to collect so when you have found those you can then do them early on! The waves only appear after the last one is cleared (including bonus icons) so use this to your advantage. Swoop in close to destroy things then get out. Keep moving as you have a better chance of seeing the enemy shots "you never see the one that hits you" [Hey McKong it's not Queen] :music:


So the consensus is we stick to two week rounds, but probably want bonus games (sometimes)!


Download Zybex from Fandal XEX, he created a stereo version too XEX, I bet that sounds good. Anyone got a stereo Atari? Instructions on atarimania or Post #4 below. Yes the music is fantastic - check this out :music:


Post score plus how many stages you complete we'll decide which we use later. HSC record is 172,600 [_Fandal_]


Bonus games

now, if I asked you to name the last Atari game, alphabetically speaking, you would probably have said Zybex? but no...

Zybex 2 XEX by Sergio Boassi (he also created Zybex 3 but we'll save that for another time - forget it it's way too hard!). Again post score and levels completed. Warning this may be difficult!


And then also with 3 versions there is

Zyclops ATR Use the modified ATR on post #60 with level 4 "fixed" so this will be the other bonus game. Turbo BASIC platformer from KE-Soft. Looks like it's ok on NTSC too. Warning pressing Escape aborts you entire go so press K if you get stuck on a screen and cannot get out (like the one shown below!). Pressing N skips on a screen but we won't be using that! Looks like there are 60 screens :thumbsup: I'll post a link to Yoda's web site if I can find it.



There is a full 2 weeks for this round, so have fun, if you only want to play the main game then that is fine. I encourage players to post scores as you play, it's more fun that way and of course to comment on the games, good or bad ;) If you need any help just post :)

Round Ends Sunday Feb 14th 11pm UK time

Game On Atarians!

Edited by therealbountybob
Hints/info added - Link to fixed ver of Zyclops
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I'm surprised that "Zybex" won this round-- I actually (also) thought that "Super Pac-Man" was going to win. Maybe I'll never learn to like that game...


I've played "Zybex" on my NTSC 130xE in the past, and it seems a bit fast. It's not way too fast, but it does make me wonder: am I slow (probably), or is the game, well, harder than it needs to be for NTSC players?


Like most horizontal scrolling games, "Zybex" is a little bit of hand-eye coordination, and a lot of memorization. If you're into that, then you'll enjoy this round.


As for the bonus games: I didn't even know there was one sequel to "Zybex," let alone two of them!



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I'm surprised that "Zybex" won this round-- I actually (also) thought that "Super Pac-Man" was going to win. Maybe I'll never learn to like that game...


I've played "Zybex" on my NTSC 130xE in the past, and it seems a bit fast. It's not way too fast, but it does make me wonder: am I slow (probably), or is the game, well, harder than it needs to be for NTSC players?


Like most horizontal scrolling games, "Zybex" is a little bit of hand-eye coordination, and a lot of memorization. If you're into that, then you'll enjoy this round.


As for the bonus games: I didn't even know there was one sequel to "Zybex," let alone two of them!


Hi Adam, reading up the unofficial? Zybex 2 (and 3) may be too hard, I've not played them. I'm a PAL player but if you/anyone are on NTSC and it is unplayable please report back and we'll have to look at the scoring and perhaps have 2 tables. Emulator users can of course set the video to PAL as they wish :)


If there's anyone lurking just join in! And if you've not added your 5 games to the play list then please do so :)

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I went ahead and OCRed/re-typed/proodread the "Zybex" instructions on AtariMania. What a fun-sounding game. I had no idea that I play a character on death row. Ah, I love the background stories to so many 8-bit games!



Zybex Instructions

Battle on your own or with a friend through the planets of the Czokan system to your final destination- Zybex. The great variety of weird and wonderful weapons ensure there are hundreds of variations on blasting your opponents into oblivion.

Atari Program: Brian Jobling
Game Design: Michael Owens and Kevin Franklin
Graphics: Michael Owens


Atari Loading Instructions

Switch OFF computer. Hold down START and OPTION keys and switch ON computer. Press PLAY on the cassette recorder and press any key.


This game is just too good to believe and is about the best arcade game you can imagine. Brilliant graphics, superb music and sound effects, and the kind of slick gameplay that will have you itching for just one more go.



Background Information

The story has two rebels, Rinser and Cassalana, on an almost suicidal mission to escape the nightmare that is Death Row. To earn a stay of execution they must penetrate the very heart of many strange worlds and collect from each a teleport crystal. Each crystal gives access to another fantastic world until the excited player reaches the Restricted Levels and the ultimate challenge- Zybex itself. The last, Zybex crystal, is all-powerful, and will ensure your captors remove the death rings from your necks. Shoot your way through the bizarre and colourful aliens and find exotic weapons whose differing powers are a joy to discover and use. Each weapon delivers an ever more powerful blast as you pick up more of the same weapon type.




  1. ICONS and FIRE select one or two players
  2. Run through alternative player colours by pressing FIRE when over man/woman icon
  3. Do not engage AUTOFIRE on sophisticated joysticks
  4. S-STARTS the game
  5. Weapons fire automatically


START to restart

Pressing OPTION while game pauses takes you back to the title screen.



The game always begins on the first level, Arcturus, and each level sees you start with the Orbit Weapon. This bullet-firing gun begins on Fire Power 1 but con be further developed to deliver a constant stream of missiles when the player has the maximum (2) orbiting defence pods. The other weapons are the 8-Way, the Pulse, the Wall, and the Rail Gun. This last can be developed into a long pole which cannot be stopped. All these weapons begin on Fire Power 1 but by picking up weapons of the same type each can have its power increased up to Fire Power 4.

Fireballs and asteroids cannot be destroyed. At the end of most levels lies a command ship which is difficult to eliminate. The heads of these craft are vulnerable.

When killed the player loses one Fire Power from the weapon carried at the time and assuming there are some spare lives, a new life has the player invulnerable to collision for a few seconds (while the figure flashes).

Extra lives lie in the floating suits and after every 10,000 points. Bonus points, represented by a large floating B, are added up at the end of each level.

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"Zyclops" is quite fun! It's much better than I expected. It's has character-based movement, but it's not slow to move around the level (I guess because the game is written in TurboBASIC). There's a nice level layout and, it seems, a puzzle element too. I was really surprised when I saw that the first level didn't repeat: more than one level-- all right! It also looks like you can design your own levels, though I'm not sure if levels can be saved.


If you're playing "Zyclops" from an AtariMax flashcart cart (like me), then make make sure to enable BASIC for the disk image, otherwise you'll go straight to Atari DOS 2.5.


(Yeah, I resorted to playing a BASIC game over one of the most celebrated shooters on the Atari home computer because "Zybex" and "Zybex 2" both kicked my butt so far this evening. While I love horizontal shooters, I sure am not any good at them!)

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Finished whole game (16 stages)

High Score: 162200
Ok, It's time to look at Zybex 2, I've never played that one.


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: If you (or anyone) also manage to complete Zybex 2 then you can have a go at Zybex 3 if you want to play more! Of course there will also be a bonus point for anyone setting a new Zybex HSC record [Fandal's 172,600] :)


By the way, I'm working on a new set of levels for ilmenit's His Dark Majesty, but will get some Atari play time in soon. If anyone has any thoughts on that game post here too ;)

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:thumbsup: :thumbsup: If you (or anyone) also manage to complete Zybex 2 then you can have a go at Zybex 3 if you want to play more! Of course there will also be a bonus point for anyone setting a new Zybex HSC record [Fandal's 172,600] :)


Zybex 2 is far more difficult. Why?

1. Narrow levels

2. Faster and unpredictable enemies

3. No extra lives from enemies

4. Harder bosses


At the moment I was able to reach level 4 at most.

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I know I can much much better... it has been a while... I completed the game in the past and now I can't get further than Stage #3.... need to practice.


27000 points.


Oh and I'm in PAL land. Again on my good old 800XL! (Love that computer!)

Yes Zybex is a bit of a shock to the system but after a few goes you get right back into it!




50,050 (4 levels completed)

If it's too fast on NTSC any hardware only guys will have to let me know, some of the bosses are way fast on PAL!


Zybex 2

The main gun sound seemed corrupt? Plays ok. 1 level beaten for now: 14,450


Zyclops - is pretty good (phew!) - pressing K aborts the life - Escape ends your entire go as I found out when stuck down a shaft on Level 3!! I've added some more info on the 1st post. There are 60 screens I think :)


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Had a decent Zybex session tonight. Determined to get further, and after a bunch of goes got all but level 15 and 16 done - blew it half way through 15. Level 7 is hard. There are 4 extra men on one level. It does get easier as you learn the waves to some extent and experiment with the weapons.

Tomorrow will have another crack at Zybex 2 and Zyclops. Will also put the first table up. Scoring for the bonus games will depend on the participation.


Don't be shy lets see some scores in progress HSCers ;)



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Done... two things about Zybex 2.

1. High score inputing is completely screwed. Letter Z after P?

2. Six bosses on last level, seriously?


Score: 94700




Hint for other players. Better avoid than kill.

As for Zyclops, sorry, I can't stand that game. Tried hard, failed even harder.

Edited by Dope
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