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Team Pixelboy News Bulletin - May 19th 2016


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Quick update for anyone who has sent me e-mail in the last 24 hours: As I expected, my new job has dramatically altered the amount of free time I have. I had a ton of stuff to take care of tonight, and I couldn't even find the time to reply to all my e-mail, as I have to go to bed at 10 PM in order to get out of bed at 5:30 AM tomorrow. I need my sleep. :)


I'm not sure how many e-mails I'll be able to reply to tomorrow morning before going to work. I expect it won't be that many.


So please be patient, it's going to take me a while to get everything sorted out this week.


Thanks. :)

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Quick update for anyone who has sent me e-mail in the last 24 hours: As I expected, my new job has dramatically altered the amount of free time I have. I had a ton of stuff to take care of tonight, and I couldn't even find the time to reply to all my e-mail, as I have to go to bed at 10 PM in order to get out of bed at 5:30 AM tomorrow. I need my sleep. :)


I'm not sure how many e-mails I'll be able to reply to tomorrow morning before going to work. I expect it won't be that many.


So please be patient, it's going to take me a while to get everything sorted out this week.


Thanks. :)

I will be emailing you this weekend for a few games also .

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Another update, this one not so quick. ;)


First of all, I got a little behind on answering e-mails this past week mostly because of my new job, but everything is good now, and all pre-orders up to this point in time have been processed. I have now passed the milestone of 1200 games pre-ordered, by just over 100 people. Many thanks to all of you who are participating in this special fundraiser for our friend nanochess! :D


I need to mention that I will keep recording pre-orders until June 25th 2016 (or perhaps a little later, we'll see) and assuming I will have finished all 17 box templates by then, I will place the print order for the boxes soon afterwards.


Our friend nanochess has been busy this past week, as he finished the ColecoVision ports of Txupinazo and Stray Cat. He also prepared some videos to demonstrate the fruits of his labours:






This week-end, I will get the ball rolling on beta-testing Txupinazo and Stray Cat, neither of which should take very long to beta-test.


I am also looking for someone who considers himself an expert at the original Atari 2600 version of Frostbite, in order to test an early beta of the ColecoVision version. The game's programmer (and myself) would like to know how the ColecoVision version compares to the original in terms of difficulty curve, and we need an expert at the original Frostbite for that.


The CV port of Sudoku is also very close to completion, by the way, but there's a bug somewhere in the code which the author is currently trying to fix.



By the way, in case some of you are still wondering, here are the budget games that will require the Super Game Module:


- Caverns of Titan

- Cold Blood

- Danger Tower

- Deep Dungeon Adventure

- Heroes Arena

- J.E.T.P.A.C.


- Shouganai

- Stray Cat

- Traffic Jam

- Txupinazo!


And here are the budget games that will NOT require the Super Game Module:


- Frostbite

- Kaboom!

- Kralizec Tetris

- Remember the Flag

- Sudoku

- Yar's Revenge



Finally, I will be upgrading to Windows 10 this week-end. I hope everything will go smoothly...


End of update. :)

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I know its not a priority for you guys, but I'd really love a list of SGM games that have been tested on the Adam. I don't have an SGM (yet) but some of these games would be welcome in my collection sooner than later!

Not counting the current set of announced budget titles, I personally tested all released Team Pixelboy SGM games on my own ADAM, and they all work properly. There have been instances where some ADAM owners have encountered weird stuff (like some games that were not supposed to work on the ADAM without a SGM plugged in, but worked anyway without sound output) but there's nothing I can do about that personally.

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I think what LoTonah was asking was what SGM games will work on an ADAM without an SGM seeing as he does not own an SGM yet.


All the ports of the Coleco made Super Games released by Team Pixelboy will work on an ADAM without the SGM attached. These include Zaxxon, Dragon's Lair, Sub-Roc, Buck Rogers, etc., etc.


There are some other games that will work because the programmer did not error out the program due to the SGM not being found, but AY chip sound, of course, will not be heard.


There are a handful of "special" ADAMs that can play all or almost all SGM games without the SGM attached without AY chip sound. These ADAMs are very rare with only 4 known to exist so far.

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I think what LoTonah was asking was what SGM games will work on an ADAM without an SGM seeing as he does not own an SGM yet.


All the ports of the Coleco made Super Games released by Team Pixelboy will work on an ADAM without the SGM attached. These include Zaxxon, Dragon's Lair, Sub-Roc, Buck Rogers, etc., etc.


There are some other games that will work because the programmer did not error out the program due to the SGM not being found, but AY chip sound, of course, will not be heard.


There are a handful of "special" ADAMs that can play all or almost all SGM games without the SGM attached without AY chip sound. These ADAMs are very rare with only 4 known to exist so far.

Not specifically supported or endorsed by Team Pixelboy, but most of my ports should/could work in ADAM but silently because of missing sound chip.

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It's time for another quick update!


First of all, here are the latest games ported by our friend nanochess yesterday:






And here's a demo of the ColecoVision port of Sudoku by Daniel Vik. Can you guys and gals comment on the background music in the main game? My personal opinion is that there's a part of the music that's a little bit overdone and distracting, and I would just like to get other opinions.




Finally, I'm proud to say that I've crossed the milestone of 1400 games pre-ordered! :D

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