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Geeze, 75 inches! You must be loaded to afford a screen like that. And I game like 6 feet away from a 23" ASUS monitor (audio routed through stereo). At that distance, I can barely tell 1080p apart from 720p. :P


oh! ....your talking about his tv not his............. :P

Edited by D.Daniels
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Geeze, 75 inches! You must be loaded to afford a screen like that. And I game like 6 feet away from a 23" ASUS monitor (audio routed through stereo). At that distance, I can barely tell 1080p apart from 720p. :P


I don't consider a few grand invested in something my family and I would look at every day (and enjoying) for what would presumably be 5 - 10 years+ exactly throwing money away. With that said, we're not presently in a position to replace our current main TV, so it's kind of a moot point anyway.

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at least you can dock it, I guess that's the fail safe, if a game isn't suitable for a small screen

You can 'dock' the Shield tablet too, not sure what you're getting at. You do realize the system uses a standard mini-HDMI port on the side and you just throw a cable into a TV and it actually can output at a higher level of quality than the tablet itself is capable of. In a way it's much like the Switch except you just use your choice of bluetooth controller instead of a pair of joycons.


Flojo made a mistake selling it because what he just complained about I can do on my TV and it's marvelous.



Also just to put it there, like Bill...I can't get into Witcher 3 level complexity games I've tried, too much going on and don't want to be stuck on just 1 game for a year either to 'experience' it. I've tried it with Dragon Age Origins from GoG.com and didn't get much into it. Diablo 3 is about the extent of complex for me as well as you can just jump back into it again and I have taken that down exp pack and all with one character and partly on a second. I'd love to attempt Skyrim on the Switch, but in reality I'm questioning if I'll be able to enjoy Zelda enough but I'm willing to give it a try. I figure if I get bored, pissed, or overwhelmed making no progress due to gross size I can sell it, it's a Nintendo game I'll get most of it back in a sale or trade. :)

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You can 'dock' the Shield tablet too, not sure what you're getting at. You do realize the system uses a standard mini-HDMI port on the side and you just throw a cable into a TV and it actually can output at a higher level of quality than the tablet itself is capable of. In a way it's much like the Switch except you just use your choice of bluetooth controller instead of a pair of joycons.


Flojo made a mistake selling it because what he just complained about I can do on my TV and it's marvelous.



Also just to put it there, like Bill...I can't get into Witcher 3 level complexity games I've tried, too much going on and don't want to be stuck on just 1 game for a year either to 'experience' it. I've tried it with Dragon Age Origins from GoG.com and didn't get much into it. Diablo 3 is about the extent of complex for me as well as you can just jump back into it again and I have taken that down exp pack and all with one character and partly on a second. I'd love to attempt Skyrim on the Switch, but in reality I'm questioning if I'll be able to enjoy Zelda enough but I'm willing to give it a try. I figure if I get bored, pissed, or overwhelmed making no progress due to gross size I can sell it, it's a Nintendo game I'll get most of it back in a sale or trade. :)


I was just referring to Switch games that are unsuitable for its screen can simply be played in the dock, worst case scenario, where as with a 3DS your stuck, I wasn't referring to the shield dude :)

Edited by D.Daniels
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Yikes... getting a little feisty here!


If the Witcher 3 is something one can't get back to after awhile, I may be in the same boat as some of you... namely, it will continue to sit in plastic. At least with Fallout 4, you can save anywhere and come back much later. That can be done to a certain extent with Skyrim.


Anyway, back on topic. I guess the Switch won't have have a web browser either. I personally don't care whether it has streaming apps, etc, but as some have asked, will this turn people away? Someone wrote an article of how they were looking forward to having the Switch stand in for their older iPad, but are rethinking things. My guess is the author doesn't care about Skyrim, but how many of the less heavy hitter games that will likely come out for the Switch will also be available for Android and iOS? People might see a mid range android tablet or even something like an iPad Air 2 as more appealing as they can play games, stream, and surf the web.


Edited to correct some typos.

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Um, you can stop doing that anytime. It's not the first time you've presumed what my genitals look like. What will you do if my avatar looks different?


I don't know about Kosmic's assumptions, but I originally thought you were a dude that wanted a cheerleader avatar. Then after getting to know you more the way you express yourself started feeling more effeminate than masculine. I didn't think much about your genitals though because I use "she" and "he" more about what someone identifies as than their genitals. For an example, if I saw a dude that is a cross-dresser I don't ask if they have had surgery yet, if they even plan to, or anything like that which would feel kind of weird and inappropriate. I just go by their clothing, style, the way the carry themselves, etc. to come to the assumption that they would prefer,"Thank you, miss." instead of,"Thank you, sir." Anyway, I don't think Kosmic meant any disrespect. I think his reasoning was more along the lines of,"Don't assume all gamers are dudes." instead of,"Warning! There is a woman in our mist!" and like myself his assumption probably isn't just limited to your avatar. Whichever gender you are, the important thing is you seem to be pretty cool gamer that has good things to add to discussions here. :)

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I was just referring to Switch games that are unsuitable for its screen can simply be played in the dock, worst case scenario, where as with a 3DS your stuck, I wasn't referring to the shield dude :)


I know you weren't I probably should have quoted flojo since the comment started there but you picked up on it.

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I'm with you on optimizing stuff for the small screen. I actually avoid certain types of games on console (for the most part, obviously there is some consideration there when object size is not an issue), like strategy, because I have trouble seeing the fine details with my main TV setup. Basically, I have a 65" plasma on the wall and a sofa around 10 feet or so back. I think even at some point down the line (years) when I get a 75" 4K display, I still don't think that will make much of a difference. So I tend to leave those types of games for my PC (or select mobile), where I can be closer to the display. So yeah, hopefully the Switch will accommodate my eyes in that regard. Certainly the relatively low resolution 720p screen might encourage that.

I have almost the exact same setup. Except mines a 60" plasma, not a 65". And behind my couch I have a table with a 40" Sony CRT Trinitron. It took me and 2 other pretty tough guys to get it down my stairs and into place. Makes the switch seem like a pleasure to handle. Edited by adamchevy
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I don't know about Kosmic's assumptions, but I originally thought you were a dude that wanted a cheerleader avatar. Then after getting to know you more the way you express yourself started feeling more effeminate than masculine. I didn't think much about your genitals though because I use "she" and "he" more about what someone identifies as than their genitals. For an example, if I saw a dude that is a cross-dresser I don't ask if they have had surgery yet, if they even plan to, or anything like that which would feel kind of weird and inappropriate. I just go by their clothing, style, the way the carry themselves, etc. to come to the assumption that they would prefer,"Thank you, miss." instead of,"Thank you, sir." Anyway, I don't think Kosmic meant any disrespect. I think his reasoning was more along the lines of,"Don't assume all gamers are dudes." instead of,"Warning! There is a woman in our mist!" and like myself his assumption probably isn't just limited to your avatar. Whichever gender you are, the important thing is you seem to be pretty cool gamer that has good things to add to discussions here. :)

I wish I would have thought about gamers not being all dudes back when I was dating to find a wifee. My wifee is pretty great even though she's not a gamer, but she lacks understanding of gaming for sure. It sounds like it may be a bit confusing out there in the dating scene today. Edited by adamchevy
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exactly, its like the 3DS compared to a Vita, the switch will be successful in its own unique way but don't compare it to gaming PC's and PS4 Pro, Xbox Scopio

I'm not drawing a comparison between it's specs. I'm thinking it might draw core gamers away from playing on their pcs and PS4/Xbox consoles. If you can get a better experience on the switch by being able to go mobile then maybe the polygon count stops being so important. And instead of buying the next game on the PS4 or PC. They start spending their money on Nintendo games. Assuming their are good games to buy. Edited by adamchevy
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I wish I would have thought about gamers not being all dudes back when I was dating to find a wifee. My wifee is pretty great even though she's not a gamer, but she lacks understanding of gaming for sure. It sounds like it may be a bit confusing out there in the dating scene today.

My fiance is a non-gamer but I've known personally women who do game. I wish my fiance was more receptive to gaming but you can't turn people into something they're not. We have many, many mutual interests including tastes in music, and when you've found your soul mate, you learn to adapt. Compatibility is a lot deeper than simply liking all the same things.


And yes, there are many women who are gamers, and some who join forums, but we need to respect that mostly they don't want to be singled out. So I appologize to flojo and everyone else in this thread for trying to be a social justice warrior. It backfired badly. :dunce:

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Anyway, back on topic. I guess the Switch won't have have a web browser either.

Is there evidence to support this claim? I can't imagine you don't just suspend the game to look up guides online like both 3DS and Wii-U do. If the web browser isn't available on day one, I imagine it will come soon after launch, along with netflix and a host of other apps.


Nevermind: http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2017/02/nintendo_switch_lacks_a_web_browser_because_its_a_dedicated_video_game_platform

Edited by Kosmic Stardust
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I wish I would have thought about gamers not being all dudes back when I was dating to find a wifee. My wifee is pretty great even though she's not a gamer, but she lacks understanding of gaming for sure. It sounds like it may be a bit confusing out there in the dating scene today.

yeah but com on dude, would you really want your wife hogging Zelda breathe of the wild? ;)

plus you cant really cuddle up with a VR helmet on!


I'm not drawing a comparison between it's specs. I'm thinking it might draw core gamers away from playing on their pcs and PS4/Xbox consoles. If you can get a better experience on the switch by being able to go mobile then maybe the polygon count stops being so important. And instead of buying the next game on the PS4 or PC. They start spending their money on Nintendo games. Assuming their are good games to buy.

sorry dude, that's a really good point, your right, I suppose if teens and kids can get a witcher 3 on the switch that may entice them from buying a gaming PC, which is way more expensive and limited to the home, and you can still play the switch a million miles away on holiday, I always used to bring my GB on holiday

Edited by D.Daniels
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Is there evidence to support this claim? I can't imagine you don't just suspend the game to look up guides online like both 3DS and Wii-U do. If the web browser isn't available on day one, I imagine it will come soon after launch, along with netflix and a host of other apps.



Nintendo Switch Lacks A Web Browser Because It's A "Dedicated Video Game Platform"
Tatsumi Kimishima details app support and eShop functions, too :P



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Holy shit! They really are out of touch.


Are they really? I mean, be honest- how often do you browse the web and use Netflix from your game console? How many devices do you already own that do these things?


I suppose being a mostly-portable unit might make these things more desirable, but I doubt anyone will be truly inconvenienced by the lack of non-gaming functions. Especially given the unit's battery life. If they are, just whine at Nintendo about it until they add the programs. As for me, I will continue to web-browse on my phone when I'm out & my computer when I'm home.

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I'm not drawing a comparison between it's specs. I'm thinking it might draw core gamers away from playing on their pcs and PS4/Xbox consoles. If you can get a better experience on the switch by being able to go mobile then maybe the polygon count stops being so important. And instead of buying the next game on the PS4 or PC. They start spending their money on Nintendo games. Assuming their are good games to buy.


I tend to disagree with this premise. I think portable gaming was and will remain mostly its own thing. A portable experience still pales to a distinctly PC experience with PC-like controls (mouse and keyboard) or a big screen (maybe with a good sound system) console experience. And, based on the specs, it's unlikely we'll be seeing quite the same big AAA third party experiences like we'll get on those other platforms, at least not in a somewhat compromised form.


While I'm sure SOME people will be happy with the Switch as their main gaming system, just like there were some people happy with the Wii U as their main game system, I just don't think that it really fits well into that role. As an ideal companion to a primary PC and/or console, absolutely, and perhaps far more so than any previous Nintendo console. And, despite my earlier statements, I do think this has at least the potential to draw more play time away from other stationary systems than any other handheld experience to date. So yeah, really, there's a lot of potential there, just not shoehorned into a core gaming experience.

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Are they really? I mean, be honest- how often do you browse the web and use Netflix from your game console? How many devices do you already own that do these things?


I suppose being a mostly-portable unit might make these things more desirable, but I doubt anyone will be truly inconvenienced by the lack of non-gaming functions. Especially given the unit's battery life. If they are, just whine at Nintendo about it until they add the programs. As for me, I will continue to web-browse on my phone when I'm out & my computer when I'm home.


That's fair and I'm sure that's what Nintendo is thinking. After all, they're apparently requiring a smartphone for most, if not all, online functionality anyway, so no reason not to say "just use your smartphone" for non-gaming stuff. With that said, we know that the hardware is easily capable of delivering core mobile apps like a Web browser, Netflix, YouTube, etc., so there's really no reason not to offer them. Why not have a complete experience? It's not like it hurts anything, and it's not like almost every other modern Nintendo device, even the modestly spec'd Wii and dedicated handhelds, haven't had this stuff.


Ultimately, I think it just comes down to the classic Nintendo being Nintendo. They have to be stubborn/contrary about some things. That's apparently a corporate law for them, never to be broken.

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