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Nintendo Switch


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we always get screwed over in Europe with technology, the biggest shit on us was pal snes games, at 50hz and big great dirty borders bottom and top, yet pal was superior to NTSC

You've got Amazon, though...35 quid for a Kindle Fire, thanks to the generosity of the United States. You're welcome. ;-)



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The point of the Switch getting Netflix, a browser, etc. isn't for our benefit by having another device to use those things on but for Nintendo's benefit by not giving us any reasons to put down the Switch to pick up one of those other devices. This PSP commercial shows the concept perfectly:


Exactly. Nintendo doesn't need a single reason for someone else to jump to another platform. This especially goes for potential customers that are sitting in a store wondering whether they should buy the Switch or a different platform. Every little mainstream feature makes a difference in one's purchasing decision regardless how meaningless it is to some of the people reading this thread.


On a personal note, I look at it as progress. We've progressed to the point where these features are standard on a videogame console. Not including these features out of the box is regressing.

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If Nintendo can Maximize their great IPs and get some great 3rd party support, the Switch will become a great console. I've been dreaming about some great games that I would like to see come to life on the switch. A new Earthbound, A new Rogue Squadron, a new version of Knights of the old Republic, and a new Metroid. Of course this applies to every console, but the ability to play these great titles on the go would be amazing.

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You've got Amazon, though...35 quid for a Kindle Fire, thanks to the generosity of the United States. You're welcome. ;-)



I wasn't having a go at all, just saying Pal is better than NTSC and yet we didn't even get NTSC quality


Them Kindle's are all made in South Korean by Wang and his little brother Wong, come with a free packet of noodles and a dragon balls z poster

Edited by D.Daniels
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So much bitching about an ultimately half assed web browser like any console or handheld has had to date...senseless time wasting fight going on here. Also we're skipping the point here the guy said it wouldn't have one at launch, he did not say it would never have one. Did the Wii originally launch with a browser or the WiiU which was more or less broken out of the gate? I have some memory of them adding features later.

Nobody is bitching. We're having a discussion. I'm sorry that discussion doesn't fall in line with your "never criticize the Switch rule". It seems like you're the one missing the point. He never said it would have one either (when he could have very easily said, yes it's coming) and given that many other devices got Netflix at launch, it just seems like a stupid decision on Nintendo's part. Not a deal breaker, but with the stakes as high as they are for Nintendo, it just seems like they wouldn't want to leave anything to chance.

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Sorry, but if you think the Switch is ok AS A PORTABLE DEVICE to not have a web browser, Netflix, etc... well, it's not. Because the bigger screen on the Switch would be better to watch stuff on the go than your phone and to have it function as a tablet in addition to a game console would make it more sensible to keep with you. If anything, this damn thing should have Skype and the works. Let's all just be honest... the console has shit going for it, Nintendo hasn't done shit for it, third parties aren't gonna do shit for it and Nintendo is so blase about their new consoles because they think their fanboys and tech geeks will just buy it anyways they don't care. So much so they can't even have a few apps for it at a launch that already includes nothing. Do people actually think Nintendo blew their wad on the Wii U launch and that contributed to its failure? If you actually buy that... well, you get the idea. You either have software or you don't. I personally don't believe Nintendo has jack shit for the Switch because they fuck up everything that doesn't involve free licensing money or toys, figures, etc. these days. And that's just fact for the last 4 years or so. Their way to avert attention from this? Alt the strat to "it's coming someday". Well, someday never comes these days with N.


Nintendo fanboys need to admit how much they flip flop and bullshit on everything they do. I personally don't even really care, but Nintendo's fans are easily the dumbest in gaming.


Ok, 7800's are worse. :-o

Edited by bretthorror
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The WiiU should have took mini carts, had apps and an HDMI port. The WiiU handheld with screen was super bad ass IMO. The switch is a silly looking console. Sliding mini controllers on the side of what is basically a tablet and adding a dock is a shit idea.

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The WiiU should have took mini carts, had apps and an HDMI port. The WiiU handheld with screen was super bad ass IMO. The switch is a silly looking console. Sliding mini controllers on the side of what is basically a tablet and adding a dock is a shit idea.

Wii-U does have an HDMI port. :P


And Switch takes a lot of the folleys of the Wii-U and fixes them. Honestly had the Switch been released 4 years ago, it would have had an amazing run, but the tech wasn't ready at that time to realise Nintendo's dream.

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It's a folly to not have the extra multimedia stuff at launch, but not a fatal one. It is a bit dumb, but as others have cited, it's coming. My guess is in the summer. The hyperbole about it being a steaming pile of crap that's doomed because of this issue isn't accurate. If you hate it you won't buy it anyway.


I do have concerns about launch and feel that the line-up should be more robust. Zelda looks great but Zelda games are very cerebral and involved. Mario Odyssey as a pack-in would be much smarter as that is a more casual game that people would get the system for, especially as a bundle.

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I'm not a huge Nintendo Fan, and I don't really care about Zelda...usually. This time it looks like such a great game that my kids want one. For more mature gamers with a large gaming history the launch line up is weak.

its aimed at kids to a degree


It's a folly to not have the extra multimedia stuff at launch, but not a fatal one. It is a bit dumb, but as others have cited, it's coming. My guess is in the summer. The hyperbole about it being a steaming pile of crap that's doomed because of this issue isn't accurate. If you hate it you won't buy it anyway.


I do have concerns about launch and feel that the line-up should be more robust. Zelda looks great but Zelda games are very cerebral and involved. Mario Odyssey as a pack-in would be much smarter as that is a more casual game that people would get the system for, especially as a bundle.


​I think days where Nintendo would pack in a Mario game are gone



thanks for the enjoyment Ive had, but leaving forum, take care guys

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Exactly. Nintendo doesn't need a single reason for someone else to jump to another platform. This especially goes for potential customers that are sitting in a store wondering whether they should buy the Switch or a different platform. Every little mainstream feature makes a difference in one's purchasing decision regardless how meaningless it is to some of the people reading this thread.


On a personal note, I look at it as progress. We've progressed to the point where these features are standard on a videogame console. Not including these features out of the box is regressing.

I suspect that some of the reasons these apps don't exist yet has something to do with how they plan on the apps to work on the Switch. Something like how developers have to make an Android TV app that is made for a TV that is separate from their phone/tablet app but with the Switch the app would have to be only one version that switches when docked or undocked as if it is two versions in one. For an example, a Netflix app would have to look like a TV one when docked but would automatically switch to a mobile interface when undocked. There may be other extra needed features too like the movie pausing while switching so you don't miss anything and the ability to download movies since the Switch doesn't have a data plan for on the go. In other words, Google already struggles just to get developers to make TV versions of their apps while Android is already much more focused on apps than the Switch is and, therefore, Nintendo may be struggling to convince companies like Netflix to customize their apps to be optimized for both on a TV and handheld instead of doing direct ports. It could be something similar for a browser too like making a customized one that requests the desktop version of a site when docked and a mobile version while undocked that switches between them seamlessly and/or maybe they are trying for an actual popular browser like Firefox instead of their own generic one this time. Maybe even Nintendo plans on having some popular apps from Google Play to make the e-Shop like a mobile store and getting things like Netflix, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Twitch, Pandora, etc. could be behind a paywall when their online service becomes a subscription. In short, maybe it is a little harder this time to get apps at launch because they have to be customized for the Switch's different modes, they have to roll out over time when the online service goes from the free beta to the paid subscription, and developers of these apps are waiting to see if the install base gets big enough to justify spending the time to make customized Switch apps.

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Maybe Nintendo thought, what if a family member watches Netflix in docking mode, and you want to play a game?

That's exactly what would happen in my house.


having kids seriously increased my use of portable devices.

I think that's where they were going with the whole Wii-U Gamepad thing, but the wireless tether for off-TV play killed it, as well games that utilized the pad in some unique way that was integral to the game were suddenly not compatible with off-TV play by design. Stuff like Pikmin 3 and Lego City cannot be played without the TV. I've done probably 75% of my gaming not using the monitor, though a few games like Bayonetta or Mario Kart 8 or Smash Bros, I preferred through the TV.

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Maybe Nintendo thought, what if a family member watches Netflix in docking mode, and you want to play a game?

That's exactly what would happen in my house.


having kids seriously increased my use of portable devices.


What happened here is multiple displays with various things attached to them. We actually two Wii U's... one for the kids and mine. So you can tell how much of a failure we think it is.


We don't have big TVs though. Don't need them. My Wii U and an XBox One is hooked up to a computer monitor that happens to have sound out.

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Trolling me at a second site now eh? It's fine to criticize the Switch, stop making up stuff. He never said it would or wouldn't have one, just not one out of the box, that's it. Seems like something people are just finding a reason to complain about is all. I agree even it would be nice it should be on there, but it also doesn't have to be.


Shame to see Daniels go, what drove him away?

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Trolling me at a second site now eh? It's fine to criticize the Switch, stop making up stuff. He never said it would or wouldn't have one, just not one out of the box, that's it. Seems like something people are just finding a reason to complain about is all. I agree even it would be nice it should be on there, but it also doesn't have to be.


Shame to see Daniels go, what drove him away?

Nope. Sharing a different opinion is not trolling. Nobody is making anything up. You just made my point. He never said it would and he never said it won't. It's just as foolish to assume it will get Netflix as it is to assume it won't based on his statements. The fact that other devices have it at launch just makes Nintendo seem amateurish at a time when they need everything to go perfectly.

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One thing that's really ticking me off is all of the punks scalping these on eBay . Nintendo needs to lock their preorders down to 1 per customer, and eBay needs to disallow this kind of activity . If this kind of thing wasn't so prevalent then I would probably be able to get a preorder. My love for capitalism restrains my anger a little bit, but It's really starting to get old with Nintendo and their supply problems.

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