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Taking the RGB Plunge.


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So... I ordered a SCART cable for my Mega Drive. I know it does RGB out of the box. I have a PVM monitor, that needs fixing. I also have a friend who has a slightly larger one that he'll part with. I haven't ordered the breakout candles yet. That's either next check, or getting a SCART to component box.


Has anyone noticed a difference between a converted to component signal vs. straight RGB? Either are going to look better than composite. I know that.


Just looking to get the most out of hardware that I'm otherwise very happy with owning.

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Rgb to yuv transcoders vary in quality. I tried to scart to yuv adapter with my Saturn on my old wega tv before getting a CRT and and found the picture to me vivid and sharp on my 20" pvm. Given the size difference and if it's a none upscaling crt, I would think you be happier using the 27" tv

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If you're looking to connect to a regular CRT and not going the RGB to monitor route, also take a look at the Retrovision HD cables. I initially used a SCART to Component on my CRT and it worked great - until the color started to fluctuate randomly. I could open it up and adjust the pots, but it would still fluctuate. I then switched to the Retrovision cables and they've been working great. I didn't do a side by side comparison, but using one after the other, they seem comparable, with the advantage that the Retrovision cables don't need an extra power supply and the color has been steady.


I eventually got a Framemeister and hooked up via SCART to that on my main LCD TV. However, my wife hogs that TV, so I've got a spare Genesis hooked via the Retrovision cables to the CRT if I need a quick Genesis fix.

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Got the SCART cable. It's a pretty nice one for the money I paid. Has a separate jack to connect to the headphone jack...stereo audio solution. Pretty nice. Borrowing a converter box from a friend, since he isn't currently using it. He's also got a 3 SCART switcher that he's gonna pass along, so that gets me the solution for SNES, Mega Drive, and likely PS2. Looks very nice. Exposed a few weaknesses in my TV geometry, so now I am gonna have to break into the service menu, and fiddle a bit with it to get it juuuust right. Lol. But it sure is fun times with a very crisp picture.

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Just keep in mind that via RGB (or even SVideo) artifacting doesn't work (unless the GTIA FPGA replicate that feature).

Only a handful of games use it but there's a few (I am talking about the XEGS here).

Wrt to the Genesis the waterfall in Sonic looks like crap over RGB/SVideo because it was meant to be seen on composite, so do many "shadow" effects that really are single line of pixels alternated which RGB (or SVideo) does not blend at all.


So told it's been RGB for me via XRGB mini (or SVideo if that's the only option) and deal with the occasional artifact by reverting back, seeing the effect as the programmer likely intended and than "forget about it".

For example Tower Toppler on 7800 is fugly over SVideo, nicely colored (albeit blurry) over composite and that's because the gfx uses high frequency luma info to generate chroma info (by bleeding over into the frequency range reserved for chroma in NTSC broadcast system) which only works over composite.

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In both situations, you have composite available. So it if want to artifacting you can just switch inputs. Honestly through the attempt of false transparency effects on the genesis was obvious to me as a kid playing genesis. This is more prevalent on the atari and your more likely to flip back to composite for those titles.

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Ohhhh NO!!! Not artifacting?! Whatever will a person do?! How about keep using the razor sharp RGB picture and not care. :lolblue:

Artifacting is used to generate colors sometimes, over RGB you would have a weird striped "monochrome-ish" image.


Tower Toppler on 7800 DOES NOT LOOK LIKE THIS




As I said I do play over RGB via XRGBmini -> HDMI, but oftentimes I have to go back to composite to see the original images (albeit sometimes blurry) to make sense of what I see over RGB (SVideo in the case of the 7800).


Thankfully as the numbers of colors displayed at once wen up on later gen console, artifacting all but disappear.


This video at around 47 secs shows what it should look like:


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