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My history teacher ate lemons.


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Fred Jones has a problem. He woke up naked in the middle of a field. Which is too bad for him since he is supposed to be teaching a history class right about now. Luckily for Fred, he can shoot his rifle, which just happens to be the same color as his skin. Can you guide Mr. Jones back to the history class he should be teaching? Press the upper fire buttons to fire off in the direction Fred was last moving (like GoSub.) All I have done so far is the title screen song and a shooting test screen. Press 1 on the controller to get to the shooting test screen from the title screen. This is going to be an adventure game like Zelda or something, that is, if I can make it big enough.


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BTW, if this is an IntyBASIC game, you can add lines such as the following to embed some metadata about the game into the ROM file. (Requires the most recent jzIntv / AS1600 release to work w/ .ROM files.)


ASM CFGVAR "name" = "History Teacher Ate My Lemons"
ASM CFGVAR "short_name" = "Teach Ate Lemons"
ASM CFGVAR "author" = "atari2600land"
ASM CFGVAR "release_date" = "2017-11-13"
ASM CFGVAR "license" = "whatever"
ASM CFGVAR "music_by" = "John Q. Composer"


Check out jzintv/doc/rom_fmt/id_tag.txt for the full list of supported tags. I should write up a more compact "HOWTO."


The latest jzIntv includes another new tool, rom_metadata, that will print the metadata out. For example, here's what it prints out when I run it on "event_diag.rom":


$ rom_metadata event_diag.rom 
>> ---------------------------------------------------- >>
    Title                : Event Diagnostics v1
        Programming          : Joe Zbiciak
    Date                 : 2006
    Shortened Title      : Event Diags v1
    License              : GPLv2+
<< ---------------------------------------------------- <<


It's kinda like ID3 tags for Intellivision ROMs.


For the IntyBASIC snippet I gave above, rom_metadata reports:


>> ---------------------------------------------------- >>
    Title                : History Teacher Ate My Lemons
        Programming          : atari2600land
        Music                : John Q. Composer
    Date                 : 2017-11-13
    Shortened Title      : Teach Ate Lemons
    License              : whatever
<< ---------------------------------------------------- <<


As you might've noticed, the date is variable resolution. It can be year, year-month, or year-month-day.

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You need to be using a sufficiently recent jzIntv. The AVI recorder was added about a year ago. So, any "stable dev version" within the last year should have it.


Naturally, I recommend the most recent release, as it has all manner of improvements, bug fixes, and so on.


Note that the AVI file gets written to a file named "avi_XXXX.avi" in whatever directory you started jzIntv. If you're just launching jzIntv by dragging a ROM to a .BAT file in Windows—advice I saw in another thread—I have no idea what directory that will end up being unless the BAT file does a 'cd' to move the current directory. For all I know, it could be C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\.

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If you press and hold it and hit the second key in the combo, it should work. It's a 2-key combo, like Ctrl+C. The reason I bound both Win+A and Win+V to this is that one of them (and I can never remember which) doesn't work as well in Windows 10. I don't have any Windows 10 machines, so I can't really test.


The newest Windows I have in the house is Win7.

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Are you running jzIntv from the command line, or are you using a launcher? Also, which build of jzIntv are you using?


When jzIntv starts recording an AVI, it will print a message like this:



Started AVI file 'avi_0023.avi'


When you hit the key again, it'll print another message:



Done writing AVI
    Total frames:              1756


You will only see those messages, though, if you launch jzIntv from the command line. If you use some other method to launch jzIntv, it may indeed be recording an AVI, and you just don't know it. Where those end up depends on what directory whatever launcher you're using sets as "current directory" when launching jzIntv. It could be the directory containing jzintv.exe, or it could be C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\, or C:\, or something else.


You might also try F8+A or F8+V (as in, press-and-hold F8, and press either A or V) to trigger AVI recording. Why F8? It's a long and boring story that stretches back into the DOS era...


You can also make a kbdhackfile to bind some other key to toggle AVI recording on/off. The action "AVI" toggles AVI recording. So, if you wanted to bind, say, F1 to toggle AVI recording, make a file containing the following:


MAP 1 


Then feed that file to jzIntv with the --kbdhackfile argument.


See jzintv/doc/jzintv/kbdhackfile.txt for documentation on what events you can bind, and what actions you can bind them to.

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OK. I got it working. I did the hackfile thing that made F1 start and end avi files. Sorry to bother you like that, but I don't know much when it comes to Windows innards


OK, cool.


I know less and less about Windows all the time. I don't have any Windows machines of my own, other than a $200 Dell refurb laptop I bought to make Windows jzintv builds. It barely runs Win7.


Outside that, I only use Linux and Mac at home. My employer strongly discourages Windows, so I only use Linux and Mac there also.


The newest Windows I've used is Win7. :-P

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Oh no! A cyclops is blocking your path.


Also added health meter. Can INTV handle having letters on every single character space? I've been having trouble using cls until I tried clearing the space with "/319", which is an undefined character, but does it count in terms of it displaying a letter?



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