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Team Pixelboy News Bulletin - November 25th 2017


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Welcome, ColecoVision fans, to a quick-and-dirty update regarding my Team Pixelboy activities.





With only one month left before Christmas, it is now painfully obvious to me that I won't have time to fully beta-test Space Shuttle - a Journey Into Space, or even finish the manuals of the game on time. So I've decided to push back the release of this game to next year. I know it sucks for those who pre-ordered the game (and even pre-paid for it) but I have to make hard choices in order to make the most of what little time remains between now and the end of the year.


Aside from this sad bit of news, my plans remain unchanged: I will prepare roughly 35 to 40 copies of each game (Ghostbusters, Secret of The Moai, C-So!, King & Balloon, Children of the Night, Wizard of Wor, Zombie Incident and Flicky) and I will ship them to people who pre-paid for those games back in 2015. After the Holidays, I will continue to glue boxes and assemble carts, and honor all pre-orders as quickly as I can. And once all those games will have been shipped, I will turn my attention to Space Shuttle.





As I mentioned in another forum thread earlier today, the boxes for Kaboom! and Remember The Flag were shipped by the printer a couple of days ago, and I expect to receive them during the second week of December. I really can't say whether the boxes of Pacar will arrive on my doorstep before Christmas, so I definately don't want to make any promises at this point. But at least we're getting there. I really can't wait to get all those empty budget boxes out of my house! :D


On the plus side, if I receive the boxes of Pacar in January, perhaps I could ship the budget boxes and the new 2017 Team Pixelboy titles in the same (large) shipping box. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.





I'm happy to announce that several old Team Pixelboy titles will be made available for purchase, all complete-in-box, on the AtariAge Store, just in time for Christmas! The titles in question are:


- Girl's Garden

- Peek-a-boo

- Pitfall II Arcade

- Track & Field

- Destructor - Standard Controller Edition

- Golgo 13

- Bank Panic

- Konami's Ping-Pong

- Wonder Boy

- Mopiranger

- Battle of Hoth

- Module Man

- Joust


The story in a nutshell: I found some old unused boxes of those old Team Pixelboy games, and I was considering just throwing them away, but after a quick chat with Albert, we decided to use those boxes to produce a few more copies to be sold exclusively at the AtariAge Store.


I've given full liberty to Albert to set the prices of these games himself, so the prices will be known when the games appear on the AtariAge Store within a couple of weeks. Quantities will be rather limited before Christmas, but I can supply Albert with more boxes and styrofoam inserts afterwards, and Albert will manufacture the cartridges and manuals himself (which implies AtariAge will handle all warranty issues on those carts).


One interesting detail I should mention is that all the games that were originally offered in Activision-style cartridges (namely Pitfall II Arcade, Track & Field, Golgo 13, Bank Panic, Wonder Boy, Mopiranger and Module Man) will be offered by the AtariAge Store in regular Coleco-style carts made of black polycarbonate plastic (which is a little shinier than regular ABS plastic). The cart labels were redone to reflect this change. I'm mentioning this detail mostly for the benefit of collectors who like to collect all variants of homebrew ColecoVision games. ;)



This concludes this Team Pixelboy News Bulletin. We now return you to your regular forum activities. :)

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I'm happy to announce that several old Team Pixelboy titles will be made available for purchase, all complete-in-box, on the AtariAge Store, just in time for Christmas! The titles in question are:


- Girl's Garden

- Peek-a-boo

- Pitfall II Arcade

- Track & Field

- Destructor - Standard Controller Edition

- Golgo 13

- Bank Panic

- Konami's Ping-Pong

- Wonder Boy

- Mopiranger

- Battle of Hoth

- Module Man

- Joust


This is very exciting news, Luc! I get asked all the time on the ColecoVision Fan page if I know when some of your back catalog will ever become available again, and of course I always direct them to email you, but it's great to see some of those games being made available in an online store! I hope this works out well for both of you guys and continues to be a tradition. Your back catalog is, IMO, just as good if not better than many original CV games!

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I get asked all the time on the ColecoVision Fan page if I know when some of your back catalog will ever become available again, and of course I always direct them to email you, but it's great to see some of those games being made available in an online store!

Mike Thomasson of Good Deal Games would certainly agree. Zaxxon Super Game is already sold out, and Buck Rogers Super Game is almost gone as well. :)

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