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Limbo on a C64

Jetboot Jack

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Rather inspiring to see...


Hmm - no indication for even a bit of parallax scrolling. (Edit: I was wrong, it's visible in the second vid.) So what does it make (technically) impressive?

I ask myself why all the fuss is made with conversions. I guess all who are writing here have a PC. Why I should play Limbo on a C64 while the PC version is clearly better/more impressive?

If something technically interesting is the result I would understand at least the motivation of the programmer, but another "me too" title?


(I have the same feeling with a lot of conversions for the A8: If really someone likes to play a specific Spectrum, C64 or whatever title what holds him back to just play the original game these days? If the conversion is superior then the appreciation is of course justified, but I guess a lot of the conversions are not really played (esp. the IMHO tedious iso-games) and are mainly there to place a tick mark in the games catalogue of the A8.)

Edited by Irgendwer
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There was some parallax scrolling in the video, not very much but there.


I love the tune, forget what its called but I remember it from the film Knowing with Nic Cage about aliens arriving..Very simply tune but epic as well..


Could that be done on the Atari, I would say yes, the whole idea of the original was simplicity and environment with puzzles, I reckon the old 8bit could handle that, trouble is, who would want to do it...

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I bought the special edition Limbo for the PC. Full install and no silly steam front end. That stated, the C64 beta looks impressive. I would buy a 5200 cart version if that was ever coded. The controller not an issue if either Wico or even better, the PC Controller adapter is used.

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This is really cool. OK, he's porting it to the C64 and not the Atari, but...


For extra-bonus cool points, port it from the C64 to the Atari and Spectrum and slap a Mastertronic logo on it :D


That really would be a nostalgia trip in one of the more unusual paths possible for a game to take in that regard.

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I thought it quite cool that a 2010 hit game was being ported to a slow, old, 6502 based system...


If you’re not interested, move on...

As long as this is an Atari Forum, I don't see a reason to "move on" ....


1. C64 is not Atari (so better to post that in referring forums)

2. The game is a must have for the Atari, as the hires mode is the perfect mode for that game.


It would be, ofcourse, harder to create on the Atari. But there is no need to put transition pixels all over the screen, to get some ambient graphics.

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If anybody would like to approach the Author and tell him how cool it is to do the conversion as well as how wonderful a straight up Atari XL/XE could be and then offer a battalion of helpers who knows what could happen or be, imagine the best version ever on the older machines being on our little 8 bit and it being an 'official' release from the original author, that's always a cool thing in my book!

Edited by _The Doctor__
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As long as this is an Atari Forum, I don't see a reason to "move on" ....


1. C64 is not Atari (so better to post that in referring forums)

2. The game is a must have for the Atari, as the hires mode is the perfect mode for that game.


It would be, of course, harder to create on the Atari. But there is no need to put transition pixels all over the screen, to get some ambient graphics.

So I should not post about C64 games, or anything but Atari here and then you say it’s a must have for an Atari - I am confused.


Why must you argue?


Or are you being obtuse?


It was posted as something inspirational, something interesting for a contemporary platform of the Atari...





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Erm... this is Atariage, not Commodoreage , isn't it?

Moderators should move this thread to the Commodore 8-bit section of the forum.


C64 was the first big time selling gaming computer. Every one knew about the C64. Atari computers are unknown outside of the hard core retro geeks found here.

I bet if you asked the programmer he'd say he had a C64 and there is even a pretty good chance he never even played a single game on an Atari computer.

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@THETICK not around everyplace, some places had almost all Atari and didn't know Commodore at all, some place were COCO crazy and had no clue either... the Commodore was not so much a gaming computer but a Cheap computer, it was not the best nor the most widely spread for a number of years... a great deal of people don't know Commodore at all today... but they sure do know the Atari name!

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@THETICK not around everyplace, some places had almost all Atari and didn't know Commodore at all, some place were COCO crazy and had no clue either... the Commodore was not so much a gaming computer but a Cheap computer, it was not the best nor the most widely spread for a number of years... a great deal of people don't know Commodore at all today... but they sure do know the Atari name!

That's certainly not the case in the US. All large department stores sold the Atari 2600 next to the Commodore 64. The C64 always had the most games for sale with the exception of Atari 2600. I only remember the Atari 800XL on clearance in the back for under $100 and nobody wanted them.

Even the Plus/4 and Commodore 16 commercial failures were common in department stores for a short time.


Everyone knows Atari because of the 2600 console... not 8-bit nor 16-bit computers.


Also only Radio Shack was COCO.


Where exactly are you making such a claim as you might be correct in parts of Asia, Africa, Central/South America and certain parts of Europe ? I believe the Limbo author is from the US.. No ?

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There is no need to turn this Thread into a Commodore vs Atari forum. I have multiple Atari consoles as well as the Vic20 and Commodore 64, all great gaming machines with tons of games. I can appreciate any new game for a classic console or classic computer. For the sake of the search later concur with earlier recommendation of Moderator moving this thread to the Classic Computer section that includes Commodore.

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You confuse yourself.

If you post such a thread in an Atari Forum, you should expect, people wanted to see that on the depending machine ;)

That was the whole point [emoji13]


I posted it as inspiration and you started berating me for doing so - moaning it should be posted on a C64 forum and not here - you are the one confusing things.




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That was the whole point [emoji13]


I posted it as inspiration and you started berating me for doing so - moaning it should be posted on a C64 forum and not here - you are the one confusing things.

Did you have your daily garlic pills already?


We say, we want to have it on the A8, You answer "if you don't like what I post, go away" ... ?



more like this "Bloody hell you are all a bunch of curmudgeons - lighten up, if this idea is not for you move on...


Otherwise think “how cool” a new game for my old computer :-) "


Now I understand , we all should feel driven to say "how cool a new game for JetBoot Jack's old computer" ... ;)


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