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What have you actually PLAYED tracker for 2018 (Season 11)

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The Wii is dead, long live the Wii.



Ineligible (All Nintendo Wii)
Crazy Machines - 71 minutes
Deadly Creatures - 270 minutes
Escape from Bug Island! - 360 minutes
JU-ON: The Grudge Haunted House Simulator - 91 minutes
SimAnimals - 409 minutes

Atari 2600
Adventure - 41 minutes
Cosmic Ark (Emulated on Nintendo Wii) - 122 minutes
Dragonfire - 76 minutes
Stampede - 39 minutes

Alien Resurrection - 328 minutes

Total Video Game Play Time This Week
1,807 minutes (30 hours 7 minutes) [606 minutes eligible]

Individual System Play Times This Week
Nintendo Wii: 1,201 minutes
PlayStation: 328 minutes
Atari 2600: 278 minutes

Today is a rather sad occasion for me, as the Wii that I've owned and enjoyed since November 19, 2006 (the day it launched in North America) died on me last night when the disc drive suddenly started failing to load any games. I probably shouldn't be surprised, since after 12 years of nearly daily use almost any slot loading disc dive would be approaching the end of it's lifespan, but it feels especially unfortunate since nearly all my game collecting efforts this year had been focused entirely on the Wii and I had a good two dozen or so new Wii games lined up to play over the fall and winter. But alas, the drive has failed and I lack the knowhow to open up the Wii and run diagnostics on the drive; so it looks like I'll be without a Wii for a while until I can afford to replace the console at some point next month.

In the meantime, it was actually quite a good week for gaming around here this past week. With the new season of the Atari 2600 High Score Club reminding me how much fun it is playing Atari games I logged a fair bit of time for both of the 2600 HSC's current games, Dragonfire and Cosmic Ark, then had a little mini high score competition with the misses in Stampede; which she won with a score of 2,213 to my 2,194. It was a really close race! She played some Atari on her own this week as well, with several rounds of Game 3 in Adventure. One of them ended up being one of those rare instances of an unwinnable game in which all the keys spawn inside the castles and even after exploring every screen outside of the castles with the magnet there wasn't a single key to be found. She still had fun playing though and remarked that it was nice to spend some time playing her favorite Atari 2600 game again.

The only other game she played this past week was Alien Resurrection on the PlayStation, which she's now only 2 levels away from finishing. She did have to turn on the unlimited ammo cheat code from level 5 of 10 onward since the game was poorly designed and simply doesn't give you enough ammo to finish any level after level 4 even on easy difficulty, but since she fixed the ammo problem she has been enjoying the game; aside from the occasional remarks about frequent and cheap deaths. :lol:

Other than the aforementioned Atari games, I stuck to playing games on the Wii all week right up until last night when my Wii's disc drive croaked. I finished up the exquisitely good Deadly Creatures early in the week then went on to play another game with lots of bugs: Escape from Bug Island! The latter game is an early survival horror title for the Wii with what may be the most god awful and agonizingly long intro I've ever seen in the video game, but once you get past the abysmal half hour intro it turns into an excellent old school Resident Evil style survival horror game; with tank controls and all. Midweek I played played a ton of SimAnimals to relax during some stressful times and tried out the rare Wii sequel to The Incredible Machine titled Crazy Machines, which was quite a bit of fun as well. I was just going back to finish up JU-ON: The Grudge last night when the Wii croaked in the middle of my attempt to collect the last of the hidden items needed to unlock the final level, thus marking the end of my gaming time for the week.

Looking ahead to next week I really have no idea what I'm going to play. I won't have the funds to replace the broken Wii for at least 2 or 3 weeks and I don't have any games for other systems that I haven't played yet, so I might just end up taking a break from playing any significant amount of video games and just watch more movies and listen to audio books to pass the time over the next few weeks. I do know the misses is planning on finishing the last 2 levels of Alien Resurrection on the PlayStation though, so we should have at least some gaming time to contribute to the Classic tracker. Until then, and as always, best wishes and happy gaming to you and yours! :)

Edited by Jin
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Quick question: Have you beaten it yet? Furthest I got so far was level 28 or so, on easy. I find it hard to stay focused for so long these days :-).


Nope, I've been playing on standard difficulty and mostly using it for a mindless distraction. I made it to the mini-boss stage one time. I think that is level 25 or 30. My highest score is just under 400k (less than 5k points away).


I forgot that there were difficulty levels! I've contemplated playing a cracked version with trainers turned on just to see all the stages.

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The half-time boss is level 25. Seen and beat it a few times, but usually lose a life or two on it, or lose focus afterwards and die miserably :-).


Easy difficulty - as far as I can see - is just starting you with a double ship right away. In the course of the game, it doesn't make much of a difference, but it does give you quite a bit of a headstart. Great for practice and getting into a flow.

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Windows / Visual PinMAME:

Baby Pac Man - 66 min.

As I wrote in the modern games tracker, there is a previous entry for this exact same game and environment so I'll include it there. Thegoldenband will have to determine if it is eligible in the classic tracker as well.


Any feedback would be appreciated, since I know nothing about this one beyond what Kurt wrote. What versions of Windows are required?

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From what I understand, it is a two part affair:

  • Visual Pinball (first released in December 2000) is the host program which runs a simulated pinball game.
  • Visual PinMAME (first released in April 1999) is a COM object that runs the original ROMs of the pinball game and thus provides an emulation layer to Visual Pinball or any other program that can use it like Unit3D Pinball.

So we have one program that runs the ROM from Baby Pac-Man, itself a hybrid pinball/video game from 1982, and a host pinball program that recreates/simulates the actual pinball game.


Back in June, Kurt logged 87 minutes in the modern games tracker without bringing it up in the classic tracker, and this week he logged 66 minutes in both unsure where it belongs. If we consider Visual Pinball to fully emulate the pinball part of the game, I suppose it all should go into the Arcade category rather than Windows something or other, just like we previously sorted playing the actual pinball game as such. If we consider it to be a reimplementation, a simulation, we're back to which Windows version would be capable of running this. A true hair splitter!

Edited by carlsson
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That's too bad, JIN.

My good sugestions to you and Ms. JIN have fun are Missile Command and Yars' Revenge, which are common games for the 2600.

Good idea! I do have Missile Command, though weirdly I haven't seen a copy of Yars' Revenge locally. I did watch some tutorial videos on how to take apart and repair the Wii then I opened it up and cleaned the laser eye to see if that would fix the problem, but it's still giving me disc read errors.


Fortunately while opening up the Wii to clean the laser eye I learned that it's actually really easy to replace the entire disc drive, and new disc drives for the Wii only cost around $28 shipped; which will be a lot more affordable than replacing the entire Wii with a new one. So hopefully next week I'll have the money to order a new disc drive and can get my Wii up and running again.


In the meantime the emulator software on the Wii still works just fine so I can continue playing in the Atari 2600 HSC via emulation on the Wii while I wait for a replacement disc drive. :)

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I thought with so many millions of Wii units sold and left in closets, cupboards, basements and attics, you would be able to get a compete unit for $30 + shipping, but I'm out of the loop so I don't know what the real going rate is. Possibly it can't hold much of a second hand value with the abundance of units, unless > 60% of the sold Wiis also are recycled by now?

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I thought with so many millions of Wii units sold and left in closets, cupboards, basements and attics, you would be able to get a compete unit for $30 + shipping, but I'm out of the loop so I don't know what the real going rate is. Possibly it can't hold much of a second hand value with the abundance of units, unless > 60% of the sold Wiis also are recycled by now?

On eBay it looks like barebones console-only Wii systems are going for $30 + shipping and complete systems with the power supply, sensor bar, cables, and Wii remote are selling for around $60 or $70. That's about what I expected since the local stores around where I live sell complete Wii systems for $60 to $80, so I'm okay with $28 shipped for a factory refurbished GameCube compatible Wii disk drive. It's quite easy to install and will hopefully last another decade, plus it saves me the hours of work that it would take to softmod a new Wii system and install and configure all the emulators I have on my current Wii.

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Here's the summary for Week 41, running from October 8 - 14. We logged 4079 minutes of eligible play, playing 77 games on a total of 14 systems.

Top 10:

1. Alien Resurrection (PlayStation) - 328

2. Dragonfire (Atari 2600) - 281

3. Knife Edge: Nose Gunner (N64) - 225

4. Cosmic Ark (Atari 2600) - 210

4. Mighty Final Fight (NES/Famicom) - 210

6. Pong [Mirage Software] (Atari 8-bit) - 166

7. Kaboom (Atari 2600) - 164

8. River Raid (C64) - 149

9. Solar Fox (Atari 2600) - 137

10. BattleTanx (N64) - 123

Pre-NES top 10:

1. Dragonfire (Atari 2600) - 281

2. Cosmic Ark (Atari 2600) - 210

3. Pong [Mirage Software] (Atari 8-bit) - 166

4. Kaboom (Atari 2600) - 164

5. River Raid (C64) - 149

6. Solar Fox (Atari 2600) - 137

7. Hunchy II (Atari 2600) - 121

7. Sub Hunter (C64) - 121

9. Galencia (C64) - 99

10. Killer Bees (Odyssey^2) - 85

Top 10 systems:

1. Atari 2600 (1153)

2. C64 (407)

3. Neo Geo CD (400)

4. N64 (378)

5. PlayStation (328)

6. Atari 8-bit (286)

7. TI-99/4A (280)

8. NES/Famicom (270)

8. Odyssey^2 (270)

10. Atari Jaguar (88)

More facehuggers, more xenomorphs: it's Alien Resurrection, which is not only our #1 game again, but now occupies spot #340 in the 1000-minute club with 1243 minutes logged so far.

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Any feedback would be appreciated, since I know nothing about this one beyond what Kurt wrote. What versions of Windows are required?

From the documentation of Visual PinMAME:


"Visual PinMAME is a Windows COM object, and as far as we know will only work on Win9x,NT,2000,XP computers."


I think it's a similar affair with Visual Pinball... the version I have was done in 2013, but there are tables included which were already made back in 2002.

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Atari 2600

Demon Attack: 16 min

Fire Fighter: 3 min


Commodore 64

Battleships: 54 min

Kaiser: 20 min


Not much to see, really. Some HSC and two games on the C64 I am really nostalgic about. I played Kaiser with two friends countless times back in the days, and still return to it now and then.

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Going to put up some times... all approximated... based on memory of what I played at PRGE today and Ground Kontrol arcade last Tuesday.



Ms Pac Man - 5 min (Im used to playing slower versions obviously. Was surprised at how fast it was. Been a long time since I played it obviously.)

X-Men 5 min (Got confused and was stuck playing as Cyclops. I wanted to play as Colossus. Oh well. )

Tempest - 5 min. (First time playing this on an arcade machine with a spinner. I didnt do so hot, but still fun.)

Donkey Kong - 3 min (I suck at Donkey Kong. Pure and simple.)

Raiden II - 3 min (First time playing a Raiden arcade, too, I think. I didnt do too bad, but had trouble telling the blue laser powerup from the purple one... there is a purple one on this one, right?)

720 - 7 min (Actually did better at this one than I thought I would. Last time I saw this game let alone played it was back in high school. Screen was off, though. Colors were too far green.)

Yars Revenge - 5 min (I didnt even know there was a Yars Revenge arcade until today. It didnt seem to work 100%, though. Really struggled with control. Otherwise, just like the 2600 version.)

Frogger - 3 min (Again, not sure whether it was the speed or joystick (or my lack of skill), but it seemed I died more than I should have on this one... still made it to the second screen though.)

Mario Bros - 5 min (Ive gotten used to the speed of the 7800 version and had some timing issues with this one. Still a super fun game, though.)

Berzerk - 5 min (Havent played the arcade version since my MAME rom quit working. Got to enter my initials and thought, Man, I did good! But then it looked like I was the only name... so maybe not. lol)



Draconian - 2 min (Just played a bit of this at the AtariAge booth today. Going to be playing more of it once I get home :) )



Froggie - 5 min (Awesome Frogger clone on the 7800. Played the first screen and the reset. It was next to the demo of Mappy I think.)



Not Out Run - 3 min (Think that was the name of it... Out Run type game. Wasnt too happy with the control... Looked pretty good though. )

Raiden - 20 min (Played this at someones booth... they said they were starting up an arcade. Werent selling anything. I played for a bit and got the top score and killed myself off. lol I told him I didnt live in the area, but would give him a plug on AtariAge.)









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Here are my times for this week (October 15th through 21st)...


sorry, I didn't really play anything this week. The question is, did I? I mean, I was working on Baby Pac Man for the Atari 7800, and I'm constantly testing it. The question is when that testing becomes playing as the test object (the pinball part) becomes more and more playable. As of now, it's pretty much playable, only the upper ball is missing and some fine tuning is needed, and there's no scoring and the rollovers and targets aren't working, as does the return to the maze part. So I'd still call it "testing" instead of "playing", thus no times for this week.

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