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Games with great attract modes?


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Can you suggest some Atari 8-bit games with good or great attract modes?


Attract mode has a more specific meaning on the coin-op side. It is often where you see the game demonstrate itself with actual gameplay (either on rails, or in a computer vs computer demonstration) in an attempt to pull in a player.


Great examples: Archon, Archon II, Spy vs Spy III: Artic Antics [Actively plays Computer vs. Computer.]

Good examples: Boulderdash II, Jumpman, Protector II, Pitfall II [Actual gameplay.]

Poor examples: Jumpman Junior, Mail Order Monsters, MULE [Visually interesting, but no gameplay.]

Bad examples: The Last V8, Zork [shows game screen, but is static.]


Can you recommend a few more games with good or great attract modes?

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Berzerk, but the guy doesn't even move around, he just stands in one place and fires in different directions.


Blaster, BBSB, Dark Chambers, Flip & Flop, Java Jim, Missile Command+, Astro Chase, Manic Miner, Jungle Hunt.

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HERO, Encounter, Leader Board, Galaxian (just keeps killing your non-moving, non-firing ship), Into the Eagle's Nest, Master of the Lamps (no gameplay though), G.A.C.C.R.R. (but seems to go blank if you leave it too long, needing a button press to get going again).

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Qb, Xagon, Millipede (has that little thing with the spider), Robotron 2084, Clowns & Balloons, Kangaroo, Pole Position, Pooyan.


Well, it looks like this could go on forever. I'll have to sleep :sleep:


In general, it looks like most arcade ports or arcade-like games tend to have them in order to look more like the real thing.

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What ??? No One mentioned Bounty Bob Strikes Back yet ??


The high score table is the niftiest one I've ever seen. I remember being mesmerized.....how did he program the logic behind the birds moving around the characters in such a seemingly chaotic way, still ending up with the correct table ??


And of course the way of entering your name was brilliant too....


Loved it.....it seemed so pointless but touches like that were great IMHO.....


OK maybe not exactly attract mode but still something happening outside of the actual game....

Edited by Level42
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What ??? No One mentioned Bounty Bob Strikes Back yet ??

The high score table is the niftiest one I've ever seen. I remember being mesmerized.....how did he program the logic behind the birds moving around the characters in such a seemingly chaotic way, still ending up with the correct table ??

And of course the way of entering your name was brilliant too....

Loved it.....it seemed so pointless but touches like that were great IMHO.....

OK maybe not exactly attract mode but still something happening outside of the actual game....

See post #9 BBSB is listed...

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Can you suggest some Atari 8-bit games with good or great attract modes?


Attract mode has a more specific meaning on the coin-op side. It is often where you see the game demonstrate itself with actual gameplay (either on rails, or in a computer vs computer demonstration) in an attempt to pull in a player.


Great examples: Archon, Archon II, Spy vs Spy III: Artic Antics [Actively plays Computer vs. Computer.]

Good examples: Boulderdash II, Jumpman, Protector II, Pitfall II [Actual gameplay.]

Poor examples: Jumpman Junior, Mail Order Monsters, MULE [Visually interesting, but no gameplay.]

Bad examples: The Last V8, Zork [shows game screen, but is static.]


Can you recommend a few more games with good or great attract modes?

Disagree strongly about MULE, that title sequence and music is one of the best on the Atari! I'd watch it for ages, trying to figure out how they did the letter fill for the main title!

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River Raid. It keeps scrolling, so if you are patient enough, you can see many many bridges without actually playing the game.

The bad thing is that it still shows BRIDGE 1 in the status bar, so you have no idea how far the scrolling advanced. Try with Altirra and keep F1 pressed.


Pastfinder. Plays several levels over and over. Not bad.

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See post #9 BBSB is listed...

Yeah...overlooked the abbreviation....at least I mentioned why it's so cool;);)


Hands up who made "accidental" mistakes in entering your name while playing it/showing it to a friend just to demonstrate the cool "delete" mechanism ?


Watched a video of it today and realized the credits screen has the birds (pigeons ?) put up the letters too, but that didn't impress me, even though that was already cool.....what really struck me the way the pigeons sort around the letters and numbers already on the board and also using new ones when needed....exacly that "algorythm" was what I found mesmerizing and I kept thinking how that was programmed....

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