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Got my cart yesterday, now I need to find time to test it out. Does anyone have a good test image?


If test image means ATR image, then no, tested several of them and most did not work (even many ATR images that do NOT require RAM under the OS did not work). After testing approx. 20-30 ATR images (with OS.XEX in the main dir. and also in the ATR subdir) and only one of them worked, I gave up. Think I will use the AVG-cart mainly for CAR images, XEX files and PDM soundfiles. But there are also some (emulation) files from the SIDE/SIDE-2 cart available for the AVG-cart, like SIDE XEX loader and SIDE SDX. Maybe these can be used to load ATR images also ? Or maybe these can be used to get phaeron`s 50fps / 60fps video player working on the AVG cart ?!? I do not know and have not tested this yet...


There are thousands of XEX files available, e.g. at Homesoft's webpage which can be downloaded with one click (download all): http://www.mushca.com/f/atari/index.php?dl=FAI


There are also hundreds of CAR images available for download in several AA topics, e.g. here:


(posts #8, #14, #15 and #18)


(post #735)

or at pigwa:



I wrote a small info text about AVG cart, firmware and PDM files in this topic, post #219.

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Okay mine are here,


I am looking for OS.XEX

I am looking for the latest firmware as well.


The XEX loader needs a tweak, it have real time clock issues with the AVG cart, if the real time clocks are ICD R-TIME-8 compatible and are inserted or part of an add on board.... the XEX's will fail to load and may mess up the time.....

As this doesn't happen with other cartridges (ultimate etc), I pretty certain it can be fixed easily enough.

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.atr file is currently being loaded into upper half of sram before emulation starts (so it's limited to 512kB), it was just a quick test


i started rewriting .atr support to read/write sectors on demand so it should be only limited by 16 bit sector index


as for r-type 8 clash, i'm not yet sure what's going on there (if altirra hardware reference manual is correct and it is only mapped to $d5b8-$d5bf), i need to look into that

are you sure it only affects .xex files?

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loaded standard .rom works

loaded .car up to 1 Mbit works

load .xex fail

load .atr fail


remove rtime8

loaded all including the .xex works

load .atr still fails , i will try smaller atr as suggested


standard 130XE ntsc. have made sure no other devices connected to sio or pbi

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you can attach or pm me some non-working .atr files, although i won't look into them until i rewrite the atr support but test files are always useful (i'm especially interested in those .atr files that do work with unocart but don't with avgcart)


(i assume you also tried to hold option key to disable basic when trying those .atr files)

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Yes option held and option not held....

If anyone else has tried running .atr with AVG cart 0013 let me know if you succeeded, and post the working ATR


arrows keys navigate the list and highlights choice - when using arrows with control key it will jump to beginning or end of current page or listed directory

enter key pressed while on a highlighted slot or pressing letters from left of list chooses xex/rom/cat/atr in that slot

backspace backs out of directory list
shift-S starts IDE emulation and reboots

? will show firmware version
esc disabled the cart and rebooted

shift-ctrl-u Updates firmware

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AVGCart keys


- arrows to navigate the list, with ctrl jump to beginning/end of page/list
- backspace is parent dir
- enter or letters choose item

- ? shows firmware version
- esc disables cart and reboots
- shift-s enables IDE emulation and reboots
- shift-ctrl-u starts update

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i just had to build an unbricker to send out because one cart was bricked during update yesterday (user error if i understand it right), chances of bricking should be minimal if you follow the instructions but just in case, if you have basic soldering skills (solder 5 wires to pcb), you can order these two items (should be under $4 shipped) and build one instead of buying xilinx platform cable (which is quite expensive) or shipping the cart back to me for unbricking (which is probably also not cheap especially from USA)



https://www.aliexpress.com/item/5PCS-1-25mm-Pitch-Male-Connector-Wire-15CM-Long-28AWG-2-3-4-5-6-7/32787305004.html(6P version)


i'll provide the instructions and what to flash to esp8266 (via usb) so it can act as unbricker (it will configure fpga so the update procedure can be ran again and flash chip reprogrammed)



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put side on, put pdm player on, loaded pdm file, listened to some tunes... worked perfectly and returned to pdm player screen at songs end...

This sounds very nice indeed!

PDM converted Music file thread might be a great idea!


loaded the avgsdx car and it gave me SDX, and with rtime8 in - typed device=rtime8.sys

td on

and it worked...time and date displayed...

did some directory of drive etc.... though it seemed a little touchy...

I wasn't able to launch bobterm1.21 though...

X /C BOBTERM yields an unrecoverable screen of garbage... it doesn't seem to talk with a MIO serial port at that point... will try 850 instead at a later time


*edit* same results with MIO disconnected

tried using 1050 disk drive and 850 interface. same result....

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put side on, put pdm player on, loaded pdm file, listened to some tunes... worked perfectly and returned to pdm player screen at songs end...

This sounds very nice indeed!

PDM converted Music file thread might be a great idea!


loaded the avgsdx car and it gave me SDX, and with rtime8 in - typed device=rtime8.sys

td on

and it worked...time and date displayed...

did some directory of drive etc.... though it seemed a little touchy...

I wasn't able to launch bobterm1.21 though...

X /C BOBTERM yields an unrecoverable screen of garbage... it doesn't seem to talk with a MIO serial port at that point... will try 850 instead at a later time


Yeah, a seperate topic for PDM files would be nice. Alas, the problem I see, if the converted songs are too popular and can be found easily by Google (e.g. Nothing else matters by Metallica) then the copyright owners and/or record companies may send their lawyers... and some not so nice letters or writings...


In the meanwhile I have converted 80 songs into PDM format (mono 44khz and stereo 22khz) for use with FJC's PDM player, some old songs from the 60s and 70s, some songs from the 80s and 90s and very few songs from the 2000s onward...

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with avgcart inserted holding option and turning on computer,

will not boot a spartados disk.....

drive off...

will go into self test like it should and memory test will only make the first 40 blocks last 8 blocks will show as bad...


with avgcart inserted not holding option and turning on computer goes into cart menu hold option press esc...

will boot a spartados disk...

drive off...

will go into self test like it should and memory test will show 48 blocks pass


with avgcart inserted not holding option and turning on computer goes into cart menu not holding option press esc

will boot a spartados disk....

drive off....

will go into self test like it should and memory test will show only 40 blocks pass and last 8 blocks don't show at all!


is holding option on power up some special mode? or is it suppose to disable the avgcart, but it hasn't set something up and then conflicts with memory? the mystery unfolds...

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SS posted a UNO cart collection several times in the threads, he tested the daylights out of it, and it's the best collection I think so far. I'll pm him, I can't seem to do a proper search on the forum here for some reason...




this has everything that works on an UNO, I am of the impression, .ATR are in there too!


The AVGCart is excellent, loving the SIDE loader and PDM player.... it's rather good music from my 8 bit!

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I will do some digging tonight if I can to see what I can come up with. The number of ATR files on my UNO Cart is honestly kind of small because I put the highest priority on CAR and ROM format, second on XEX, and ATRs were only the things that I had trouble finding elsewhere. I think that I further cleaned it up after that posting too.


However, what I can do is put the card from my SIO2SD into the UNO and see what runs. I've got tons more ATRs on that. Then I will copy the ATRs that work into a separate file and will post that. Maybe tonight if I don't pass out too early.

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when playing PDM's I find an SD card of speed rating 10 give or take, a very much more gratifying and satisfying thing as you get to hear it play right away!

No kidding. I went on the cheap for my SD cards and used a couple of old, low capacity cards that I had lying around. Normally it's not that big of a deal but when I'm trying to check a lot of files quickly like I am tonight, that slight pause on each game can get a little tedious.

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I'm up through letter "L" and have found about 75 ATRs that run on the UNO Cart. I am giving up for today, though. We'll see how far that I can get tomorrow. I'm pretty sure that I will be able to post the lot before the weekend.

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