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Altirra 3.0 Mac Wine Port


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I'm sure someone else has bottled this already, but if not here is an Altirra 3.0 Wine port for macOS.


Note that it is the 32-bit version and you might get a notification about 32 bit apps if you are on High Sierra.


Let me know if you have any issues as I only did a very quick test.





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Cool. Nice work!



Hi Fletch,


Thanks, but here:


is a version around 100 MB less in size with full credits to Avery Lee.

Complete open with a picture on how to do it on your own.

A 64 Bit version is also finished, please give me some time.

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Why is this referred to as a port? It's the original binary provided as part of a bundle.


Its a bottle, I'm sorry for choosing the wrong the term. I'm not a programmer, just ran it through Wine Bottler. Sorry for the confusion.

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Be cool, I am just a wannabe padawan, 1st year...


Did discover this over the great work of others, so the credits go to them.


To my mind, we are very close to that goal. Up to now, we have a running Altirra 32 Bit on macOS up to 10.12.x


And last weekend, I received a 64 Bit version running under 10.13.x


Yes, we are on the edge of that breakpoint. The main problem is: who can host the shrinked file?

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Thank you Mr.Fish, great :-)


Problem is solved.

;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)


Please see attachment and remove




from the file.


This version should run up to macOS 10.12.x, but not on 10.13.x


When a new version of Altirra comes out, go to:




and just replace




with the new version from Avery. That's all. :-)


Edited by luckybuck
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DrVenkman does it run on your Mac?


Sadly, I am Mac-less (unMac'ed? Sans Mac? :) ) for over a year now. My ancient MacBook Pro suffered a graphics card failure and when I was looking to replace it, the then-new 2016 MBP line was decidedly underwhelming, even before the $500 price bump as compared to comparable models from prior years. I had no choice but to replace it with a Win-box.

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Altirra 3.0 in 64 Bit for macOS >= 10.13.x:


Please see the attachment and remove




from the file.


Please un7z the file and put the app into the applications folder and don't alter the name. If Avery brings out a new version, just open the app-package (mouse right click on the app) and replace Altirra64.exe only:




Have fun.


Mega thanks to:

Avery Lee



without them, nothing would run here and I wouldn't even know how spell Altirra!


The community is deep in your debt! Please go ahead with your outstanding work and let us know your PayPal me-address. :-)




Edited by luckybuck
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Thanks to the bottlers!



Sad to hear. But since 2012, what Apple has done with fixed RAM and SSD in the MacBook (Pro), I really don't like...)

Indeed. Got myself a 2015 model when the new touchbar/Keyboard design appeared and hope it will last for a couple of years....

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  • 1 month later...

Many thanks to everyone who has worked hard to make it easy for us to run Altirra on macOS!


Has anyone else had trouble with the 64-bit version? I tried to run it on High Sierra 10.13.4. The icon just bounces in the dock and then goes away; the program doesn't launch. Also the icon file doesn't seem to be working.

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  • 1 month later...

I know this is a long shot , but I just got a MB Pro with the touch bar and I'm trying to get BetterTouchTool to work with Altirra in Wine for Start/Select/etc. So far I can only get the reset and help to work. The others are setup exactly the same way, but are not responsive in Altirra. Anybody else tried to get this to work?

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Running High Sierra - Wine and Altirra 3.0. Using BetterTouchTool which is a 3rd party OSX app that lets you create touch bar customizations for apps that don't support it natively. The Reset and Help keys will work in Altirra - the others seem to work maybe one out of 20 times. I think it may be a bug or just the way BTT works, but it seems like the sent keystroke is too fast for Altirra to see it. Changing the key from "Select" to say "q" works fine, so it's some weird interaction that's going on... Just thought I'd ask in case someone had tried to do this before.

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I know I started this off with Altirra, but to rule out Wine, I migrated over to testing with the Mac port of Stella.


Tried this AppleScript to send F1 (Select) and it does not work:

tell application "Stella" to activate

tell application "System Events" to key code 122

Tried this AppleScript to send F3 (Select) and it does work:

tell application "Stella" to activate

tell application "System Events" to key code 99

Both Stella and Altirra seem to have problems processing the keystrokes for Start and Select (and Option), but the other keys seem to work. No big deal - just trying to do something useful with the Touch Bar and not having any luck. Sorry to drag this off topic.

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