Vetea Posted November 6, 2018 Share Posted November 6, 2018 Hello here ! I've started the Intybasic & Intellivision since few days and it's a wonderful SDK. Actually I have a problem with my collision engine TILE/SPRITE. Here the complete listing : REM ==================================== REM ==== GET PAPI !! ==== REM ==== V1.1 ==== REM ==== (c) 2018 STUDIO VETEA ==== REM ==================================== ' Type de Robot : 1 - Black, 2 - Jaune, 3 - ROuge, 4 - Rose. INCLUDE "constants.bas" INCLUDE "title.bas" 'Fond Vert MODE SCREEN_CS, CS_GREEN, GREEN, GREEN,GREEN 'On déclare toutes les variableS. Option Explicit 'Déclaration Sprites/TILE WAIT DEFINE DEF00,4,SpritePapiDROITE_0 WAIT DEFINE DEF04,3,SpriteIADroite WAIT DEFINE DEF07,3,SpriteIABAS WAIT DEFINE DEF10,3,SpriteIAHAUT wait DEFINE 13,10,TilesDecor WAIT DEFINE 23,1,AnimationPorte0 'Constantes CONST MUR_H=$0800+13*8 'Adresse Ecran $0800 + Couleur. Ici NOIR = 0 + Position GRAM * 8 ( TILE 8x8) CONST MUR_B=$0800+14*8 CONST MUR_D=$0800+15*8 CONST MUR_G=$0800+16*8 CONST SOL = $0804+17*8 CONST MUR = $0800+18*8 CONST SOL1= $0804+19*8 CONST PORT= $800+23*8 'Constante Collision Objets CONST COL_MURH=BG13+FG_BLACK CONST COL_MURB=BG14+FG_BLACK CONST COL_MURD=BG16+FG_BLACK CONST COL_MURG=BG15+FG_BLACK CONST COL_MUR= BG18+FG_BLACK 'Variables DIM LVL(5) 'DIF IA sur la durée DIM #TEMP(5) 'Tempo DIF IA DIM X1(5) 'POSX IA DIM Y1(5) 'POSY IA DIM INT(5) 'INT IA DIM TYPE(5) 'TYPE ROBOT IA DIM Sens(5) 'DIRECTION IA DIM Chemin(5) 'DISTANCE PARCOURUE IA DIM CheminMAX(5) 'DISTANCE MAX IA DIM TempoAnimation(5) 'TEMPO ANIMATION IA DIM TempoIA(5) 'VITESSE IA DIM TempoIA_MAX(5) 'VITESSE MAXI IA DIM ModeHunt(5) 'Mode Chasse ? DIM i,Direction,VitessePapi,TempoPapi,VitessePapiMax,X,Y,PhaseJeu,Value,Temps,TempoTile,FR,XiA,YiA,COLI,OY,OX,T_IA,BX,UNIT,OPENPORTE DIM #C,#C1,#C2,#C3,#MIROIR,#SPR,#MIROIR1,#COLOR,#OFFSET,#BESTIME,#TEMPS,#EYE Debut: CLS 'Position/Config Sprites for i=1 to 4 X1(i)=80 Y1(i)=16 if i>1 then sens(i)=4 else sens(i)=1 ' Au démarrage les robots suivants attendent leur tour. CheminMAX(i)=(RAND % 75)+25 TempoIA(i)=0 INT(i)=RAND % 50 TempoIA_MAX(i)=15 #TEMP(i)=0 TempoAnimation(i)=0 ModeHunt(i)=0 TYPE(i)=i LVL(i)=0 next 'Variables JEU/Joueur Direction=1 '0 HAUT, 1 BAS, 2 DROITE, 3 GAUCHE VitessePapi=3 TempoPapi=0 VitessePapiMax=3 if #temps>#Bestime then #Bestime=#Temps #Temps=0 X=80 Y=56 PhaseJeu=0 OPENPORTE=0 'Tableau de jeu restore Map for i=0 to 239 read value if value=9 then #backtab(i)=0 if value=17 then #backtab(i)=SOL if value=13 then #backtab(i)=MUR_H if value=14 then #backtab(i)=MUR_B if value=15 then #backtab(i)=MUR_D if value=16 then #backtab(i)=MUR_G if value=18 then #backtab(i)=MUR next 'Affichage du Temps print at (SCREENPOS(0,0)) color CS_WHITE, "TIME :" print at (SCREENPOS(7,0)) color CS_WHITE, <3>temps print at (SCREENPOS(11,0)) color CS_WHITE, "BEST :" print at (SCREENPOS(17,0)) color CS_WHITE, <3>#Bestime '######################### '### Boucle principale ### '######################### while 1 'Animation Tile Gosub AnimationTile 'Gestion temps gosub gestionTime 'Affichage Sprite gosub AffSprite 'Gestion Collision Sprites gosub GestionCollision wait wend 'Animation Tile Tableau AnimationTile: PROCEDURE TempoTile=TempoTile+1 'Sol if TempoTile=32 then DEFINE 17,1,SOL2:wait if TempoTile=64 then DEFINE 17,1,SOL1:wait if TempoTile>64 then TempoTile=0 'Porte if PhaseJeu=0 then #backtab(29)=PORT if OPENPORTE=0 then if TempoTile=4 then DEFINE 23,1,AnimationPorte1 :wait if TempoTile=8 then DEFINE 23,1,AnimationPorte2 :wait if TempoTile=12 then DEFINE 23,1,AnimationPorte3 :wait if TempoTile=16 then DEFINE 23,1,AnimationPorte4 :wait if TempoTile=20 then DEFINE 23,1,AnimationPorte5 :wait if TempoTile=24 then DEFINE 23,1,AnimationPorte6 :wait:OPENPORTE=2 ELSEIF OPENPORTE=1 then if TempoTile=4 then DEFINE 23,1,AnimationPorte6 :wait if TempoTile=8 then DEFINE 23,1,AnimationPorte5 :wait if TempoTile=12 then DEFINE 23,1,AnimationPorte4 :wait if TempoTile=16 then DEFINE 23,1,AnimationPorte3 :wait if TempoTile=20 then DEFINE 23,1,AnimationPorte2 :wait if TempoTile=24 then DEFINE 23,1,AnimationPorte1 :wait if TempoTile=28 then DEFINE 23,1,AnimationPorte0 :wait if TempoTile=32 then DEFINE 23,1,AnimationPorte7 :wait:PhaseJeu=1:#backtab(29)=MUR_H end if end if end 'Gestion Collision Sprites GestionCollision: PROCEDURE if FRAME then 'Detection de Papi COL0 avec les 4 autres Sprites Ennemis après une FRAME IF COL0 AND HIT_SPRITE4+HIT_SPRITE5+HIT_SPRITE6+HIT_SPRITE7 THEN gosub CollisionSPRITE 'Detection entre IA/Ralentissement de l'IA. if COL4 then if INT(1)>50 then if HIT_SPRITE5+HIT_SPRITE6+HIT_SPRITE7 then TempoIA_MAX(1)=15 INT(1)=0 LVL(1)=0 #TEMP(1)=0 end if if COL5 and INT(2)>50 and HIT_SPRITE4+HIT_SPRITE6+HIT_SPRITE7 then TempoIA_MAX(2)=15 INT(2)=0 LVL(2)=0 #TEMP(2)=0 end if if COL6 and INT(3)>50 and HIT_SPRITE4+HIT_SPRITE5+HIT_SPRITE7 then TempoIA_MAX(3)=15 INT(3)=0 LVL(3)=0 #TEMP(3)=0 end if if COL7 and INT(4)>50 and HIT_SPRITE4+HIT_SPRITE5+HIT_SPRITE6 then TempoIA_MAX(4)=15 INT(4)=0 LVL(4)=0 #TEMP(4)=0 end if end if return end 'Gestion du temps GestionTime: PROCEDURE FR=FR+1 if FR=96 then #temps=#temps+1:FR=0 end if print at (SCREENPOS(7,0)) color CS_WHITE, <3>#temps return end 'Procedure de Collision Sprite CollisionSPRITE: PROCEDURE FOR i = 0 TO 31 WAIT SPRITE 0,X+HIT+VISIBLE,Y+ZOOMY2,SPR00+(i AND SPR_WHITE) SPRITE 1,X+HIT+VISIBLE,Y+ZOOMY2,SPR01+(i AND SPR_RED) SPRITE 2,X+HIT+VISIBLE,Y+ZOOMY2,SPR02+(i AND SPR_PINK) SPRITE 3,X+HIT+VISIBLE,Y+ZOOMY2,SPR03+(i AND SPR_BLACK) SOUND 0,(i and 7)*32+32,15 SOUND 1,(i and 7)*36+32,15 SOUND 2,(i and 7)*40+32,15 NEXT SOUND 0,,0 SOUND 1,,0 SOUND 2,,0 FOR i = 0 to 100 WAIT NEXT 'INIT Sprite SPRITE 0,0,0 SPRITE 1,0,0 SPRITE 2,0,0 SPRITE 3,0,0 SPRITE 4,0,0 SPRITE 5,0,0 SPRITE 6,0,0 SPRITE 7,0,0 goto debut return end 'Offset PAPI Test_Collision: PROCEDURE 'Offset Coordonnée if UNIT=0 then #offset = x/8+y/8*20 else #offset = xIA/8+yIA/8*20 COLI=0 'Test au 4 coins des objets. #c = PEEK($01FF+#offset) #c1 = PEEK($0200+#offset) #c2 = PEEK($01EC+#offset) #c3 = PEEK($01EB+#offset) 'Bord de la MAP 'Mur Haut ? if #c2 =COL_MURH then COLI=1:return 'Mur Bas ? if #c1 =COL_MURB then COLI=1:return 'Mur Droite if #c3 =COL_MURG then COLI=1:return 'Mur Gauche if #c1=COL_MURD then COLI=1:return 'Obstacle if #c=COL_MUR then COLI=1:return if #c1=COL_MUR then COLI=1:return if #c2=COL_MUR then COLI=1:return if #c3=COL_MUR then COLI=1:return end 'Procedure de Gestion de Sprite AffSprite: PROCEDURE 'Gestion Vitesse/Active sur si PAD Actif. if CONT then VitessePapi=VitessePapi+1 else 'Animation quand PAD inactif #Miroir=0 if Direction=0 then DEFINE DEF00, 4, SpritePapiHAUT_1 if Direction=1 then DEFINE DEF00, 4, SpritePapiBAS_1 if Direction=2 then DEFINE DEF00, 4, SpritePapiDROITE_1 if Direction=3 then DEFINE DEF00, 4, SpritePapiDROITE_1:#miroir=FLIPX end if 'On peut fixer la vitesse de Papi dans la condition. if VitessePapi>VitessePapiMax then VitessePapi=0 TempoPapi=TempoPapi+1 if TempoPapi>4 then TempoPapi=0 'Papi Commando ! 'Commandes 'PAD Actif ! IF CONT1.UP THEN OY=Y Y=Y-1 UNIT=0 gosub Test_Collision IF COLI then Y=OY Direction=0 SOUND 1,15,10 if TempoPapi=1 then DEFINE DEF00, 4, SpritePapiHAUT_0 if TempoPapi=2 then DEFINE DEF00, 4, SpritePapiHAUT_1 if TempoPapi=3 then DEFINE DEF00, 4, SpritePapiHAUT_2 if TempoPapi=4 then DEFINE DEF00, 4, SpritePapiHAUT_1 #miroir=0 end if IF CONT1.DOWN THEN OY=Y Y=Y+1 UNIT=0 gosub Test_Collision if COLI then Y=OY Direction=1 SOUND 1,15,10 if TempoPapi=1 then DEFINE DEF00, 4, SpritePapiBAS_0 if TempoPapi=2 then DEFINE DEF00, 4, SpritePapiBAS_1 if TempoPapi=3 then DEFINE DEF00, 4, SpritePapiBAS_2 if TempoPapi=4 then DEFINE DEF00, 4, SpritePapiBAS_1 #miroir=0 end if IF CONT1.LEFT THEN OX=X X=X-1 UNIT=0 gosub Test_Collision IF COLI then X=OX Direction=3 SOUND 1,15,10 #miroir=FLIPX if TempoPapi=1 then DEFINE DEF00, 4, SpritePapiDROITE_0 if TempoPapi=2 then DEFINE DEF00, 4, SpritePapiDROITE_1 if TempoPapi=3 then DEFINE DEF00, 4, SpritePapiDROITE_2 if TempoPapi=4 then DEFINE DEF00, 4, SpritePapiDROITE_1 end if IF CONT1.RIGHT THEN OX=X X=X+1 UNIT=0 gosub Test_Collision if COLI then X=OX Direction=2 SOUND 1,15,10 if TempoPapi=1 then DEFINE DEF00, 4, SpritePapiDROITE_0 if TempoPapi=2 then DEFINE DEF00, 4, SpritePapiDROITE_1 if TempoPapi=3 then DEFINE DEF00, 4, SpritePapiDROITE_2 if TempoPapi=4 then DEFINE DEF00, 4, SpritePapiDROITE_1 #miroir=0 end if end if 'Affiche les sprites de Papi SPRITE 0,X+VISIBLE+HIT,Y+ZOOMY2+#miroir,SPR00+SPR_WHITE SPRITE 1,X+VISIBLE+HIT,Y+ZOOMY2+#miroir,SPR01+SPR_RED SPRITE 2,X+VISIBLE+HIT,Y+ZOOMY2+#miroir,SPR02+SPR_PINK SPRITE 3,X+VISIBLE+HIT,Y+ZOOMY2+#miroir,SPR03+SPR_BLACK 'Zap de l'IA 'Sprites Ennemis for i=1 to 4 'Si démarrage partie, alors les robots apparaissent les uns après les autres. if OPENPORTE=2 then sens(1)=1 if chemin(i)>128*i then sens(i)=1 if chemin(1)>128 then sens(2)=1 if chemin(2)>128 then sens(3)=1 if chemin(3)>128 then sens(4)=1 if Chemin(4)>128 then OPENPORTE=1 if sens(i)=1 then chemin(i)=chemin(i)+1 else #TEMP(I)=#TEMP(I)+1 if #TEMP(i)>30000 then #TEMP(i)=30000 end if 'Au fur et a mesure que le temps passe, les choses se corsent ... ^^ LVL(i)=#TEMP(I)/128 if LVL(i)>48 then LVL(i)=48 if TempoIA_MAX(i)>=LVL(i) then T_IA=TempoIA_MAX(i)-LVL(i) if T_IA<2 then T_IA=2 end if INT(i)=INT(i)+(LVL(i)*i) TempoIA(i)=TempoIA(i)+1 'Gestion Sprite if TempoIA(i)>T_IA then 'Son SOUND 2,500,10 'Tempo Animation TempoAnimation(i)=TempoAnimation(i)+1 if TempoAnimation(i)>4 then TempoAnimation(i)=1 TempoIA(i)=0 'Gestion IA/Chemin - Pathfinding if PhaseJeu=1 then 'Test Collision xIA=x1(i) yIA=y1(i) UNIT=1 gosub Test_Collision 'Mode Chasse ? if int(i)>55 then if ModeHunt(i)=0 then ModeHunt(i)=0 'Mode Chasse Activé ? if ModeHunt(i)=0 then Chemin(i)=Chemin(i)+1 if Chemin(i)>(CheminMAX(i)) or COLI=1 then IF COLI=1 then if sens(i)=0 then sens(i)=1:goto fini if sens(i)=1 then sens(i)=0:goto fini if sens(i)=2 then sens(i)=3:goto fini if sens(i)=3 then sens(i)=2:goto fini end if sens(i)=rand % 4 Chemin(i)=0 Fini: end if else 'Mode Chasse actif ! end if end if 'FLIP ? #miroir1=0 #Eye=VISIBLE PathIA: On sens(i) goto ANIM_H,ANIM_B,ANIM_D,ANIM_G 'Déplacement IA ANIM_H: #SPR=SPR09 gosub ChoixSprite goto suite ANIM_B: #SPR=SPR06 gosub ChoixSprite goto suite ANIM_D: #SPR=SPR03 gosub ChoixSprite goto suite ANIM_G: #miroir1=FLIPX #SPR=SPR03 gosub ChoixSprite Suite: 'Couleur Sprites if i=1 then #Color=SPR_BLACK if i=2 then #Color=SPR_YELLOW if i=3 then #Color=SPR_RED if i=4 then #Color=SPR_PINK 'Déplacement on sens(i) goto HAUTIA,BASIA,DROITEIA,GAUCHEIA,NULL HAUTIA: y1(i)=y1(i)-1:goto AFF BASIA: y1(i)=y1(i)+1:goto AFF DROITEIA: x1(i)=x1(i)+1:goto AFF GAUCHEIA: x1(i)=x1(i)-1:goto AFF NULL: #Eye=0 AFF: 'Affichage ennemis SPRITE 3+i,x1(i)+HIT+#Eye,y1(i)+ZOOMY2+#miroir1,#SPR+#Color end if SOUND 2,,0 next Fin: SOUND 1,,0 END 'Selection Sprite IA ChoixSprite: Procedure if TempoAnimation(i)<4 then #SPR = #SPR +TempoAnimation(i)*8 else #SPR = #SPR + 2*8 end if End '######################## '#### MAP Principale #### '######################## Map: Data 9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9 ' HUD Data 13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13 Data 15,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,16 Data 15,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,16 Data 15,17,17,18,18,18,17,17,18,17,17,18,17,17,18,18,18,17,17,16 Data 15,17,17,17,17,18,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,18,17,17,17,17,16 Data 15,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,16 Data 15,17,17,17,17,18,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,18,17,17,17,17,16 Data 15,17,17,18,18,18,17,17,18,17,17,18,17,17,18,18,18,17,17,16 Data 15,17,18,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,16 Data 15,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,16 Data 14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14 '######################## '### Ressources TILES ### '######################## AnimationPorte0: BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" AnimationPorte1: BITMAP "########" BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" AnimationPorte2: BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" AnimationPorte3: BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" AnimationPorte4: BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" AnimationPorte5: BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" AnimationPorte6: BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "########" AnimationPorte7: BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP "########" TilesDecor: REM MUR FACE - ID 13 BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP "########" REM MUR FOND - ID 14 BITMAP "******#*" BITMAP "#.*..*.#" BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "#.*..*.#" BITMAP "#******#" BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "#......#" REM MUR COTE DROIT - ID 15 BITMAP "########" BITMAP "...#...#" BITMAP "...##.*#" BITMAP "...#...#" BITMAP "...#...#" BITMAP "...##.*#" BITMAP "...#...#" BITMAP "########" REM MUR COTE GAUCHE - ID 16 BITMAP "########" BITMAP "*...*..." BITMAP "**.**..." BITMAP "*...*..." BITMAP "*...*..." BITMAP "**.**..." BITMAP "*...*..." BITMAP "########" REM SOL - ID 17 BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP ".#.##.#." BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP ".#....#." BITMAP ".#....#." BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP ".#.##.#." BITMAP "#.#..#.#" REM MUR SALON - ID 18 BITMAP "########" BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "########" BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP "#......#" BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP "########" SOL2: REM SOL2 BITMAP ".#.##.#." BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP ".#.##.#." BITMAP "#.####.#" BITMAP "#.####.#" BITMAP ".#.##.#." BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP ".#.##.#." SOL1: REM SOL - ID 17 BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP ".#.##.#." BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP ".#....#." BITMAP ".#....#." BITMAP "#.#..#.#" BITMAP ".#.##.#." BITMAP "#.#..#.#" '########################## '### Ressources SPRITES ### '########################## 'Sprite Papi SpritePapiHaut_0: 'WHITE BITMAP ".#....#." BITMAP "........" BITMAP ".#....#." BITMAP "..#..#.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" 'RED BITMAP "........" BITMAP "#######." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" 'PINK BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "...##..." BITMAP "..#....." BITMAP ".#...#.." BITMAP "......#." BITMAP "........" 'BLACK BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "...###.." BITMAP "..###..." BITMAP ".##.##.." BITMAP ".....##." SpritePapiHaut_1: 'WHITE BITMAP "........" BITMAP ".#....#." BITMAP "........" BITMAP ".#....#." BITMAP "..#..#.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" 'RED BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP ".######." BITMAP "#......." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" 'PINK BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "...##..." BITMAP "..#..#.." BITMAP ".#....#." BITMAP "........" 'BLACK BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "...##..." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "..####.." SpritePapiHaut_2: 'WHITE BITMAP ".#....#." BITMAP "........" BITMAP ".#....#." BITMAP "..#..#.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" 'RED BITMAP "........" BITMAP "#######." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" 'PINK BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "...##..." BITMAP ".....#.." BITMAP "...#..#." BITMAP "..#....." BITMAP "........" 'BLACK BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..###..." BITMAP "...###.." BITMAP "..##.##." BITMAP ".##....." SpritePapiBAS_0: 'WHITE BITMAP ".#....#." BITMAP "..#..#.." BITMAP ".#....#." BITMAP ".#.##.#." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" 'RED BITMAP "........" BITMAP "##.##.#." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" 'PINK BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "...##..." BITMAP "..#..#.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP ".#......" BITMAP "......#." BITMAP "........" 'BLACK BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..#..#.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP ".##.##.." BITMAP ".....##." SpritePapiBAS_1: 'WHITE BITMAP "........" BITMAP ".#....#." BITMAP "..#..#.." BITMAP ".#....#." BITMAP ".#.##.#." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" 'RED BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP ".#.##.#." BITMAP "#......." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" 'PINK BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "...##..." BITMAP "..#..#.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP ".#....#." BITMAP "........" 'BLACK BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..#..#.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "..####.." SpritePapiBAS_2: 'WHITE BITMAP ".#....#." BITMAP "..#..#.." BITMAP ".#....#." BITMAP ".#.##.#." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" 'RED BITMAP "........" BITMAP "##.##.#." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" 'PINK BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "...##..." BITMAP "..#..#.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "......#." BITMAP ".#......" BITMAP "........" 'BLACK BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..#..#.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "..##.##." BITMAP ".##....." SpritePapiDROITE_0: 'WHITE BITMAP ".#......" BITMAP "..##.##." BITMAP ".#......" BITMAP ".##.#.#." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" 'RED BITMAP "........" BITMAP "##..#..." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" 'PINK BITMAP "..#####." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..#.#.#." BITMAP "...#.#.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP ".##...#." BITMAP ".#......" BITMAP "........" 'BLACK BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "...#.#.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "...###.." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "..#..##." SpritePapiDROITE_1: 'WHITE BITMAP "........" BITMAP ".#......" BITMAP "..##.##." BITMAP ".#......" BITMAP ".##.#.#." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" 'RED BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP ".#..#..." BITMAP "#......." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" 'PINK BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..#####." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..#.#.#." BITMAP "...#.#.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..#...#." BITMAP "........" 'BLACK BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "...#.#.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "...###.." BITMAP "..####.." SpritePapiDROITE_2: 'WHITE BITMAP ".#......" BITMAP "..##.##." BITMAP ".#......" BITMAP ".##.#.#." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" 'RED BITMAP "........" BITMAP "##..#..." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" 'PINK BITMAP "..#####." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..#.#.#." BITMAP "...#.#.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "...#...." BITMAP ".#..#..." BITMAP "........" 'BLACK BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "...#.#.." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..#.##.." BITMAP "..##.##." BITMAP ".#...#.." 'Sprite IA SpriteIAHAUT: BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP ".######." BITMAP ".######." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP ".#####.." BITMAP "..#####." BITMAP ".##.##.." BITMAP ".....##." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP ".######." BITMAP ".######." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP ".######." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP ".##..##." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP ".######." BITMAP ".######." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "..#####." BITMAP ".#####.." BITMAP "..##.##." BITMAP ".##....." SpriteIABAS: BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP ".######." BITMAP ".#.##.#." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP ".#####.." BITMAP "..#####." BITMAP ".##.##.." BITMAP ".....##." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP ".######." BITMAP ".#.##.#." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP ".######." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP ".##..##." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP ".######." BITMAP ".#.##.#." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "..#####." BITMAP ".#####.." BITMAP "..##.##." BITMAP ".##....." SpriteIADroite: BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP ".####.#." BITMAP ".###.##." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "...####." BITMAP "...###.." BITMAP "..##.##." BITMAP "..#....." BITMAP "........" BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP ".####.#." BITMAP ".###.##." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "...##..." BITMAP "...##..." BITMAP "...###.." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP ".####.#." BITMAP ".###.##." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "...##..." BITMAP "..####.." BITMAP "...#.##." BITMAP "..#....." The ROM is attached. If you test/Compile the code, you cant walk trough 2 TILE ( 8 px space ), here is the problem ! I pass many hours to find a way, but without success ... IF you have an idea, it will be great ! Many thanks ! Cheers, Vetea PapiCommando.rom Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kiwi Posted November 7, 2018 Share Posted November 7, 2018 CheckWall:procedure lx=vmX ly=vmY while vmsY>=200:vmY=vmY-1:vmsY=vmsY+8:wend while vmsY>=8:vmY=vmY+1:vmsY=vmsY-8:wend while vmsX>=200:vmX=vmX-1:vmsX=vmsX+8:wend while vmsX>=8:vmX=vmX+1:vmsX=vmsX-8:wend charx=(vmX-4)/8 chary=(vmY-4)/8 if debug<>0 then print at 236 color 6,<2> charx print at 238 color 7,<2> chary end if Mcard=PEEK($200+charx+chary*20) Mcard=Mcard/8 'print at 233 color 7,<3> Mcard if Mcard>3 AND Mcard<23 then vmY=ly:vmX=lx if Mcard=23 AND inv=0 then inv=30:HP=HP-1:gosub DrawHP:#SP=47:#SL=3:if level=0 then gosub Tutorial if Mcard=3 then game=2:if level=0 then gosub Tutorial if Mcard=24 then #SP=151:#SL=27:poke ($200+charx+chary*20),0:chary=chary+1:poke ($200+charx+chary*20),0:poke ($200+winx+winy*20),$081f:sc(4)=sc(4)+50:gosub AddScore:if level=0 then gosub tutorial if Mcard=25 then #SP=151:#SL=27:poke ($200+charx+chary*20),0:chary=chary-1:poke ($200+charx+chary*20),0:poke ($200+winx+winy*20),$081f:sc(4)=sc(4)+50:gosub AddScore:if level=0 then gosub tutorial if Mcard=26 then #SP=105:#SL=8:HP=HP+1:gosub DrawHP:poke ($200+charx+chary*20),0:sc(4)=sc(4)+15:gosub AddScore:if level=0 then gosub tutorial if Mcard=30 then #SP=55:#SL=50:poke ($200+charx+chary*20),0:watertank=watertank+25:gosub drawTANK:sc(4)=sc(4)+10:gosub AddScore:if level=0 then gosub tutorial if Mcard=31 then #SP=117:#SL=20:poke ($200+charx+chary*20),0:poke ($200+unlockx+unlocky*20),$0:sc(4)=sc(4)+20:gosub AddScore:if level=0 then gosub tutorial return end This is my solution for 8 direction bg vs sprite collision. It stores your character previous position into lx ly. So when there's collision with the wall, it restore your character position and won't let you pass. The downside, it makes your character sticky and not able to slide against the wall. And Mcard=PEEK($200+charx+chary*20) Mcard=Mcard/8 This get the backtab RAM value where your character is on screen and store it into 8 bit value. Why 8-bit, so it will trim the 8 high bytes. Dividing that by 8 will delete the color data of that tiles so it'll leave you 32 possible tiles with collision routine. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+DZ-Jay Posted November 7, 2018 Share Posted November 7, 2018 (edited) Sorry, I missed this thread last night. Duplicating my posts from the other thread below. I'll continue posting here. -dZ. Edited November 7, 2018 by DZ-Jay Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+DZ-Jay Posted November 7, 2018 Share Posted November 7, 2018 Hi, Vetea, I am so sorry, but I still do not understand the collision problem. I thought I could experience it from the updated ROM, but there do not seem to be any sprite "blocked" in it. Do you mean that if you have two BACKTAB tiles with 8 pixels of empty space in between, the sprite cannot move into the empty space? For example, if you have the following background tiles, +........+ +........+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . TILE . . TILE . . 1 . . 2 . . . . . . . \ / . . . . \ / . . +........+ X +........+ / \ / \ . /|\ | | ______ / \ | PAPI | | | \______/ Papi is not able to move in between them. Is that the problem? I will have to analyse your collision code to see how it works and determine what could be the flaw. At first glance, it looks to me that you are taking the sprite coordinates, converting them into a BACKTAB address, and comparing the type of card underneath. Take into consideration that the sprite's origin is on the top-left corner of the object. Since its position is based on its origin, then it means that the BACKTAB card you are getting is the one where the top-left corner of the sprite resides. So consider this: +........+ +........+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . TILE . . TILE . . 1 . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . +........+ +........+ ^ . . . ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## ######## If the sprite top-left corner happens to fall on the blocked card, then the collision will be triggered, even though the sprite should have space to go between them. To address this, you may need to change your formula to account for the center-point of the sprite, and not its origin. Perhaps use an offset of four pixels from the origin, like this: if UNIT=0 then #offset = (x + 4)/8+(y + 4)/8*20 else #offset = (xIA +4)/8+(yIA + 4)/8*20 The other thing to account for is "off-by-one" errors: make sure that all your units are zero-based, so that you don't end up getting the wrong card. Hey again,During my pause, I've read some tips with Intybasic/Compilation/ASM ... There is no "OR" .. Oooops, I've use it a lot .. ! Try to don't use ( .. AND ... AND ... AND ... ), prefer to use IF THEN IF THEN IF THEN ... Well I have to see my code tonight to change this.I've code in VB, C, Basic and a little 68000 ASM, ... And now, Intellivision. OMG .. There is no OR instruction in the CPU, so it is implemented in terms of AND and XOR instructions, and therefore it is expensive. It is fine to use it once in a while, but not in critical statements, such as conditional blocks in the critical path. The point about avoiding too many AND operators is because each one requires the evaluation of both sides (there is no short-circuit evaluation at the moment). Therefore, it is faster to just "nest" the conditions like instead of this: if COL5 and INT(2)>50 and HIT_SPRITE4+HIT_SPRITE6+HIT_SPRITE7 then do this: if COL5 then if HIT_SPRITE4+HIT_SPRITE6+HIT_SPRITE7 then ' Your code here end if end if That way, if the first condition tests false, the second one will not be evaluated. I hope this helps. -dZ. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+DZ-Jay Posted November 7, 2018 Share Posted November 7, 2018 One more suggestion I will make: The WAIT instruction in IntyBASIC blocks the program in a "busy-loop" waiting for the next Vertical Blanking interrupt, which occurs at 60 Hz on NTSC hardware and 50 Hz on PAL hardware. You normally only have to use it under the following situations: To gain access to the GRAM (Graphics RAM) and the STIC (video chip) registers, which includes MOB attributes and video mode. To synchronize your game loop to the raster trace, so that as soon as your game loop frame is complete, you wait for the next boundary to compose the next one. The first one is important because in the Intellivision you cannot access the graphics bus except during a brief window right after the Vertical Blanking interrupt occurs. The second one is typical because it keeps your game engine's pace. The typical game engine on the Intellivision (in IntyBASIC or else) is like this: Critical stuff that needs to happen first during a very short window (VBLANK 1): WAIT for the next VBLANK interrupt Read collision registers Update MOB positions and attributes Secondary stuff that has a little more time to access bus (VBLANK 2):Update GRAM cards Tertiary stuff that needs to occur on every frame but is not limited to VBLANK window: Update timers music tracker and sound effects Read hand-controller information Update sprite animation state Game engine: Test for collisions Apply AI Update logical sprites positions and state everything else Because of the dependency on VBLANK to access the STIC, game engines are typically one frame behind. That is, after WAIT, your game is updating the STIC and GRAM from its computed game state of the previous frame. Then when it finishes that, it starts computing the next frame, until the next WAIT iteration, and it repeats. This is important to understand because your collisions are not been tested against the new values you are computing, but against the values your sprites had in the previous frame and were copied to the STIC now. I hope this makes sense. -dZ. 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+DZ-Jay Posted November 7, 2018 Share Posted November 7, 2018 (edited) Also, I just saw the updated ROM and can see the problem you are talking about now. There is definitely something wrong with your computation of the BACKTAB card because the sprite is blocked even when there is open space and a couple of pixels from the edge of the card. -dZ. Edited November 7, 2018 by DZ-Jay 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vetea Posted November 7, 2018 Author Share Posted November 7, 2018 Ahah .. OK sorry, let's post here all Programming stuff. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vetea Posted November 7, 2018 Author Share Posted November 7, 2018 I've updated this listing after the creation of the topic and changed the gestion. The code is more flexible ... I have a look tonight as I said in the initial topic. Thanks for your efforts. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vetea Posted November 7, 2018 Author Share Posted November 7, 2018 Finally got it !!! 3 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+DZ-Jay Posted November 7, 2018 Share Posted November 7, 2018 Finally got it !!! Cool! What was it? -dZ. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vetea Posted November 8, 2018 Author Share Posted November 8, 2018 (edited) Both modes can display 16 colors, but here are some general restrictions: Color Stack Mode (Mode #0 in IntyBASIC): Supports 64 GRAM cards or all 320 GROM cards. When using GROM cards, you can specify one of the first 8 colors in the palette as foreground. When using GRAM cards, all 16 colors are available. The color "stack" is a 4-value circular array that determines the background color of cards. It starts at index #0 and advances every time you set the "Advance Color Stack" flag on the BACKTAB word. The BACKTAB is treated as a continues string of tiles (in the order of their memory address). Setting the "Advance Color Stack" flag on a card, updates the background color of all the following cards in the BACKTAB as well, until you set it on another card again. Thus, it works like a "flood fill" where the background color continues on all tiles until changed again. Foreground/Background Mode (Mode #1 in IntyBASIC): Supports 64 GRAM cards, but only the first 64 cards of GROM, which are basically the standard font character set for letters, numbers, and symbols. The foreground colour can be one of the first 8 in the palette, regardless of GRAM or GROM. The background colour can be any of the 16 colours, regardless of GRAM or GROM. Both modes have their strengths and compromises, and both can be versatile in their own way when used expertly. Most people starting use FG/BG Mode because it is much simpler to work. However, if you get to know the Color Stack Mode, you'll discover that it can be very, very powerful indeed, in spite of what seem to be serious limitations. Personally, I use Color Stack mode mostly. I find that the ability to use all the graphical GROM cards (which include the solid 8x8 block, and many geometric figures) allows for more interesting detail than just 64 custom GRAM cards. With some clever tricks and a hard work you can exploit the Color Stack to make very colourful pictures. Finally, you can find some technical information on the screen modes in the documentation included with the IntyBASIC SDK. Take a look at the file "stick.txt" in the "Documents/Tech" folder. -dZ. Great ! Thanks for your help so. We continue technical question here. I shall see this details tonight. I use the CS MODE !! The 16 colors FG for the 64 GRAM is really great !!! I see in the Nanochess Book, I can def it with $1000 .. ( I precise I've read the FREE portion of the Ebook ! ) The GROM, I don't use and see who I can define char with for now. Cheers, Vetea Edited November 8, 2018 by Vetea Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+DZ-Jay Posted November 8, 2018 Share Posted November 8, 2018 (edited) Both modes can display 16 colors, but here are some general restrictions: Color Stack Mode (Mode #0 in IntyBASIC): Supports 64 GRAM cards or all 320 GROM cards. When using GROM cards, you can specify one of the first 8 colors in the palette as foreground. When using GRAM cards, all 16 colors are available. The color "stack" is a 4-value circular array that determines the background color of cards. It starts at index #0 and advances every time you set the "Advance Color Stack" flag on the BACKTAB word. The BACKTAB is treated as a continues string of tiles (in the order of their memory address). Setting the "Advance Color Stack" flag on a card, updates the background color of all the following cards in the BACKTAB as well, until you set it on another card again. Thus, it works like a "flood fill" where the background color continues on all tiles until changed again. Foreground/Background Mode (Mode #1 in IntyBASIC): Supports 64 GRAM cards, but only the first 64 cards of GROM, which are basically the standard font character set for letters, numbers, and symbols. The foreground colour can be one of the first 8 in the palette, regardless of GRAM or GROM. The background colour can be any of the 16 colours, regardless of GRAM or GROM. Both modes have their strengths and compromises, and both can be versatile in their own way when used expertly. Most people starting use FG/BG Mode because it is much simpler to work. However, if you get to know the Color Stack Mode, you'll discover that it can be very, very powerful indeed, in spite of what seem to be serious limitations. Personally, I use Color Stack mode mostly. I find that the ability to use all the graphical GROM cards (which include the solid 8x8 block, and many geometric figures) allows for more interesting detail than just 64 custom GRAM cards. With some clever tricks and a hard work you can exploit the Color Stack to make very colourful pictures. Finally, you can find some technical information on the screen modes in the documentation included with the IntyBASIC SDK. Take a look at the file "stick.txt" in the "Documents/Tech" folder. -dZ. Great ! Thanks for your help so. We continue technical question here. I shall see this details tonight. I use the CS MODE !! The 16 colors FG for the 64 GRAM is really great !!! I see in the Nanochess Book, I can def it with $1000 .. ( I precise I've read the FREE portion of the Ebook ! ) The GROM, I don't use and see who I can define char with for now. Cheers, Vetea You can also use the color constants in the "constants.bas" file: REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM Foreground. REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- REM Notes: REM - For use with "peek/poke" commands that access BACKTAB. REM - Only one foreground colour permitted per background card. REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONST CS_BLACK = $0000 CONST CS_BLUE = $0001 CONST CS_RED = $0002 CONST CS_TAN = $0003 CONST CS_DARKGREEN = $0004 CONST CS_GREEN = $0005 CONST CS_YELLOW = $0006 CONST CS_WHITE = $0007 CONST CS_GREY = $1000 CONST CS_CYAN = $1001 CONST CS_ORANGE = $1002 CONST CS_BROWN = $1003 CONST CS_PINK = $1004 CONST CS_LIGHTBLUE = $1005 CONST CS_YELLOWGREEN = $1006 CONST CS_PURPLE = $1007 CONST CS_CARD_DATA_MASK = $07F8 ' Mask to get the background card's data. CONST CS_ADVANCE = $2000 ' Advance the colour stack by one position. nanochess has the tendency of using "magic numbers" instead of meaningful constants, and this permeated in his book. You may want to review the "constants.bas" file in the "lib" folder of the SDK to see what else is there, and ask any questions that you may have. Also, do not dismiss the GROM so quickly. Most people think it's just fonts (which I do not use, by the way), but it is full of interesting geometric and graphical elements. Sure, if you use them to draw shapes, then it will all look like silly "programmer art" patterns, but they are very useful for composing complex scenes. For example, the following scene which looks somewhat organic and freehand, uses many GROM shapes to leave the GRAM for more intricate detail. Take a look at the "A" in "Carol" and the "T" in "Presents." Those little serif "tails" on the bottom strokes are actually the apostrophe ( ' ) character of GROM. The solid areas are also full of the "solid 8x8 block" ($5F) in GROM, which is not available in FG/BG mode, and allows me to conveniently advance the stack colors in "reverse video" during long solid stretches. If you align your artwork to card boundaries, and with some creative thinking, you can use GROM effectively to take the place of what would normally be custom cards in GRAM. This is why I love Color Stack mode. -dZ. Edited November 8, 2018 by DZ-Jay 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vetea Posted November 8, 2018 Author Share Posted November 8, 2018 Great ! I dont use GROM yet, because i dont know how to use it for now ... But I think I rework again my pixel art for the Tile/Background. 2 colors/Tiles is really nice ... ( Like the MD ... just joking ! ) I see this informations in the constant.bas yes. Cheers, Vetea Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+DZ-Jay Posted November 8, 2018 Share Posted November 8, 2018 (edited) Great ! I dont use GROM yet, because i dont know how to use it for now ... But I think I rework again my pixel art for the Tile/Background. 2 colors/Tiles is really nice ... ( Like the MD ... just joking ! ) I see this informations in the constant.bas yes. Cheers, Vetea The GROM has the following cards: CARD 0 CARD 1 CARD 2 CARD 3 CARD 4 CARD 5 CARD 6 CARD 7 ........ ..##.... .##..##. ........ ...#.... ........ ...#.... ...#.... ........ ..##.... .##..##. ...#.#.. #######. .##...#. .#####.. ..#..... ........ ..##.... ........ ..#####. ##.#.... .##..#.. .##..... .#...... ........ ..##.... ........ ...#.#.. #######. ....#... ..###... ........ ........ ..##.... ........ ..#####. ...#.##. ...#.... .##..... ........ ........ ........ ........ ...#.#.. ##.#.##. ..#..##. .#####.. ........ ........ ..##.... ........ ........ #######. .#...##. ...#.... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ...#.... ........ ........ ........ CARD 8 CARD 9 CARD 10 CARD 11 CARD 12 CARD 13 CARD 14 CARD 15 ....###. .###.... ...#.... ........ ........ ........ ........ .......# ....#... ...#.... ..###... ...##... ........ ........ ........ ......#. ....#... ...#.... .##.##.. ...##... ........ ........ ........ .....#.. ....#... ...#.... ..###... .######. ........ .######. ........ ....#... ....#... ...#.... ...#.... ...##... ........ ........ ........ ...#.... ....#... ...#.... ........ ...##... ...##... ........ ...##... ..#..... ....#... ...#.... ........ ........ ...##... ........ ...##... .#...... ....###. .###.... ........ ........ ....#... ........ ........ #....... CARD 16 CARD 17 CARD 18 CARD 19 CARD 20 CARD 21 CARD 22 CARD 23 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ #######. ..###... .######. .######. .##..##. .######. .######. .######. ##...##. ...##... .##..##. .....##. .##..##. .##..... .##..... .....##. ##.#.##. ...##... .....##. ..####.. .##..##. .######. .######. ....##.. ##.#.##. ...##... .######. .....##. .######. .....##. .##..##. ...##... ##...##. ...##... .##..... .....##. .....##. .##..##. .##..##. ..##.... #######. .######. .######. .######. .....##. .######. .######. ..##.... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ CARD 24 CARD 25 CARD 26 CARD 27 CARD 28 CARD 29 CARD 30 CARD 31 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .######. .######. .######. ........ ........ .....##. ........ .##..... .##..##. .##..##. .##..##. ...##... ...##... ...##... .######. ...##... .....##. ..####.. .##..##. ...##... ...##... .##..... ........ .....##. ...####. .##..##. .######. ........ ........ ...##... .######. ...##... ...##... .##..##. .....##. ...##... ...##... .....##. ........ .##..... ........ .######. .######. ...##... ...##... ........ ........ ........ ...##... ........ ........ ........ ....#... ........ ........ ........ ........ CARD 32 CARD 33 CARD 34 CARD 35 CARD 36 CARD 37 CARD 38 CARD 39 #######. .######. .######. .######. .#####.. .######. .######. .######. #.....#. .##..##. .##..##. .##..##. .##..##. .##..... .##..... .##..##. #.###.#. .##..##. .##..##. .##..... .##..##. .##..... .##..... .##..... #.#.#.#. .##..##. .#####.. .##..... .##..##. .#####.. .#####.. .##.###. #.#####. .######. .##..##. .##..... .##..##. .##..... .##..... .##..##. #....... .##..##. .##..##. .##..##. .##..##. .##..... .##..... .##..##. #######. .##..##. .######. .######. .#####.. .######. .##..... .######. ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ CARD 40 CARD 41 CARD 42 CARD 43 CARD 44 CARD 45 CARD 46 CARD 47 .##..##. .######. .....##. .##..##. .##..... #.....#. .#...##. .######. .##..##. ...##... .....##. .##..##. .##..... ##...##. .##..##. .##..##. .##..##. ...##... .....##. .##.##.. .##..... ###.###. .###.##. .##..##. .######. ...##... .....##. .####... .##..... #######. .######. .##..##. .##..##. ...##... .##..##. .##..##. .##..... ##.#.##. .##.###. .##..##. .##..##. ...##... .##..##. .##..##. .##..... ##.#.##. .##..##. .##..##. .##..##. .######. .######. .##..##. .######. ##...##. .##...#. .######. ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ CARD 48 CARD 49 CARD 50 CARD 51 CARD 52 CARD 53 CARD 54 CARD 55 .######. .######. .######. .######. .######. .##..##. .##..##. ##...##. .##..##. .##..##. .##..##. .##..##. ...##... .##..##. .##..##. ##...##. .##..##. .##..##. .##..##. .##..... ...##... .##..##. .##..##. ##.#.##. .##..##. .##..##. .##..##. .######. ...##... .##..##. ..#..#.. ##.#.##. .######. .##..##. .#####.. .....##. ...##... .##..##. ..####.. #######. .##..... .##.###. .##..##. .##..##. ...##... .##..##. ...##... .##.##.. .##..... .######. .##..##. .######. ...##... .######. ...##... .##.##.. ........ ......## ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ CARD 56 CARD 57 CARD 58 CARD 59 CARD 60 CARD 61 CARD 62 CARD 63 .##..##. .##..##. .######. ...####. #....... .####... ...#.... ....#... .##..##. .##..##. .....##. ...##... .#...... ...##... ..###... ...#.... ..####.. .##..##. ....##.. ...##... ..#..... ...##... .#.#.#.. ..#..... ...##... .##..##. ...##... ...##... ...#.... ...##... #..#..#. .######. ..####.. .######. ..##.... ...##... ....#... ...##... ...#.... ..#..... .##..##. ...##... .##..... ...##... .....#.. ...##... ...#.... ...#.... .##..##. ...##... .######. ...##... ......#. ...##... ...#.... ....#... ........ ........ ........ ...####. .......# .####... ........ ........ CARD 64 CARD 65 CARD 66 CARD 67 CARD 68 CARD 69 CARD 70 CARD 71 ....#... ........ .###.... ........ ....###. ........ ........ ........ .....#.. ........ ..##.... ........ ....##.. ........ ..#####. ........ ......#. .#####.. ..#####. .######. .#####.. .######. ..##.... .######. ........ ....##.. ..##.##. .##..##. .##.##.. .##..##. .#####.. .##.##.. ........ .#####.. ..##.##. .##..... .##.##.. .######. ..##.... .##.##.. ........ .##.##.. ..##.##. .##..... .##.##.. .##..... ..##.... .#####.. ........ .######. ..#####. .######. .#####.. .######. ..##.... ....##.. ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .#####.. CARD 72 CARD 73 CARD 74 CARD 75 CARD 76 CARD 77 CARD 78 CARD 79 .##..... ...##... .....##. .##..... ..###... ........ ........ ........ .##..... ........ ........ .##..... ...##... ........ ........ ........ .#####.. ..###... .....##. .##..##. ...##... #######. .######. .######. .##.##.. ...##... .....##. .##.##.. ...##... ##.#.##. ..##.##. .##..##. .##.##.. ...##... .....##. .####... ...##... ##.#.##. ..##.##. .##..##. .##.##.. ...##... ..##.##. .##..##. ...##... ##.#.##. ..##.##. .##..##. .##.###. .######. ..##.##. .##..##. .######. ##.#.##. ..##.##. .######. ........ ........ ..#####. ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ CARD 80 CARD 81 CARD 82 CARD 83 CARD 84 CARD 85 CARD 86 CARD 87 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ..##.... ........ ........ ........ .######. .#####.. .######. .######. .######. .##.##.. .##..##. ##.#.##. ..##.##. .##.##.. ..##.##. .##..... ..##.... .##.##.. .##..##. ##.#.##. ..##.##. .##.##.. ..##.... .######. ..##.... .##.##.. .##..##. ##.#.##. ..#####. .#####.. ..##.... .....##. ..##.... .##.##.. ..####.. #######. ..##.... ....##.. ..##.... .######. ..#####. .######. ...##... .##.##.. ..##.... ....###. ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ CARD 88 CARD 89 CARD 90 CARD 91 CARD 92 CARD 93 CARD 94 CARD 95 ........ ........ ........ ....###. ...##... .###.... ........ ######## ........ ........ ........ ....#... ...##... ...#.... ........ ######## .##..##. .###.##. .######. ....#... ...##... ...#.... ........ ######## ..####.. ..##.##. .....##. ..##.... ...##... ....##.. .####... ######## ...##... ..##.##. ...##... ....#... ...##... ...#.... ...####. ######## ..####.. ..#####. .##..... ....#... ...##... ...#.... ........ ######## .##..##. .....##. .######. ....###. ...##... .###.... ........ ######## ........ ..#####. ........ ........ ...##... ........ ........ ######## CARD 96 CARD 97 CARD 98 CARD 99 CARD 100 CARD 101 CARD 102 CARD 103 ........ ........ ######## ######## ........ ........ ######## ######## ........ ........ ...##### #####... ........ ........ ######## ######## ........ ........ ......## ##...... .......# #....... ######## ######## ........ ........ ........ ........ ....#### ####.... .####### #######. ........ ........ ........ ........ .####### #######. ....#### ####.... ......## ##...... ........ ........ ######## ######## .......# #....... ...##### #####... ........ ........ ######## ######## ........ ........ ######## ######## ........ ........ ######## ######## ........ ........ CARD 104 CARD 105 CARD 106 CARD 107 CARD 108 CARD 109 CARD 110 CARD 111 .....### ###..... ######## ######## ........ ........ ######## ######## ..###### ######.. ######## ######## ........ ........ ..###### ######.. ######## ######## ######## ######## ........ ........ ....#### ####.... ######## ######## ######## ######## ........ ........ ......## ##...... ######## ######## ######## ######## ......## ##...... ........ ........ ######## ######## ######## ######## ....#### ####.... ........ ........ ######## ######## ..###### ######.. ..###### ######.. ........ ........ ######## ######## .....### ###..... ######## ######## ........ ........ CARD 112 CARD 113 CARD 114 CARD 115 CARD 116 CARD 117 CARD 118 CARD 119 ......## ##...... ######## ######## .......# #....... ######## ######## ....#### ####.... ######## ######## ......## ##...... .####### #######. ..###### ######.. ######## ######## .....### ###..... ..###### ######.. ######## ######## ######## ######## ....#### ####.... ...##### #####... ######## ######## ######## ######## ...##### #####... ....#### ####.... ######## ######## ..###### ######.. ..###### ######.. .....### ###..... ######## ######## ....#### ####.... .####### #######. ......## ##...... ######## ######## ......## ##...... ######## ######## .......# #....... CARD 120 CARD 121 CARD 122 CARD 123 CARD 124 CARD 125 CARD 126 CARD 127 ........ ........ ....#### ####.... ...##### #####... ######## ######## ........ ........ .....### ###..... ..###### ######.. ######## ######## ........ ........ ......## ##...... .####### #######. ######## ######## ........ ........ .......# #....... ######## ######## ######## ######## .......# #....... ........ ........ ######## ######## ######## ######## ......## ##...... ........ ........ ######## ######## .####### #######. .....### ###..... ........ ........ ######## ######## ..###### ######.. ....#### ####.... ........ ........ ######## ######## ...##### #####... CARD 128 CARD 129 CARD 130 CARD 131 CARD 132 CARD 133 CARD 134 CARD 135 ...##### #####... ######## ######## .......# #....... ....#### ####.... ...##### #####... ######## ######## .......# #....... ....#### ####.... ..###### ######.. .####### #######. ......## ##...... .....### ###..... ..###### ######.. .####### #######. ......## ##...... .....### ###..... .####### #######. ..###### ######.. .....### ###..... ......## ##...... .####### #######. ..###### ######.. .....### ###..... ......## ##...... ######## ######## ...##### #####... ....#### ####.... .......# #....... ######## ######## ...##### #####... ....#### ####.... .......# #....... CARD 136 CARD 137 CARD 138 CARD 139 CARD 140 CARD 141 CARD 142 CARD 143 ..###### ######.. ######## ######## .....### ###..... ..###### ######.. ..###### ######.. ######## ######## ....#### ####.... ...##### #####... .####### #######. ######## ######## ....#### ####.... ...##### #####... .####### #######. .####### #######. ....#### ####.... ...##### #####... .####### #######. .####### #######. ...##### #####... ....#### ####.... ######## ######## .####### #######. ...##### #####... ....#### ####.... ######## ######## ..###### ######.. ...##### #####... ....#### ####.... ######## ######## ..###### ######.. ..###### ######.. .....### ###..... CARD 144 CARD 145 CARD 146 CARD 147 CARD 148 CARD 149 CARD 150 CARD 151 .......# #....... .....### ###..... ........ ........ ........ ........ .......# #....... .....### ###..... ........ ........ ........ ........ .......# #....... ......## ##...... ........ ........ ........ ........ ......## ##...... ......## ##...... ........ ........ ........ ........ ......## ##...... ......## ##...... ........ ........ ....#### ####.... ......## ##...... .......# #....... ........ ........ ######## ######## .....### ###..... .......# #....... ....#### ####.... ######## ######## .....### ###..... .......# #....... ######## ######## ######## ######## CARD 152 CARD 153 CARD 154 CARD 155 CARD 156 CARD 157 CARD 158 CARD 159 ........ ........ ....#### ####.... .......# #....... .....### ###..... ........ ........ ######## ######## .......# #....... .....### ###..... ....#### ####.... ######## ######## .......# #....... .....### ###..... ######## ######## ######## ######## .......# #....... .....### ###..... ######## ######## ######## ######## ......## ##...... ....#### ####.... ######## ######## ######## ######## ......## ##...... ....#### ####.... ######## ######## ######## ######## ......## ##...... ....#### ####.... ######## ######## ######## ######## ......## ##...... ....#### ####.... CARD 160 CARD 161 CARD 162 CARD 163 CARD 164 CARD 165 CARD 166 CARD 167 ...##### #####... .####### #######. ....#### ####.... ........ ........ ...##### #####... .####### #######. ....#### ####.... ........ ........ ...##### #####... .####### #######. ....#### ####.... ........ ........ ...##### #####... .####### #######. ....#### ####.... ........ ........ ..###### ######.. ######## ######## ....#### ####.... ........ ........ ..###### ######.. ######## ######## ....#### ####.... ........ ........ ..###### ######.. ######## ######## ....#### ####.... ....#### ####.... ..###### ######.. ######## ######## ....#### ####.... ####.... ....#### CARD 168 CARD 169 CARD 170 CARD 171 CARD 172 CARD 173 CARD 174 CARD 175 ........ ........ ........ ........ ....#### ####.... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ####.... ....#### ........ ........ ........ ........ ....#### ####.... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ####.... ....#### ........ ........ ........ ........ ....#### ####.... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ####.... ....#### ........ ........ ........ ........ ......## ##...... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ...###.. ..###... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ###..... .....### CARD 176 CARD 177 CARD 178 CARD 179 CARD 180 CARD 181 CARD 182 CARD 183 ........ ........ .....### ###..... ........ ........ ......## ##...... ........ ........ ..###... ...###.. ........ ........ ....##.. ..##.... .......# #....... ##...... ......## ........ ........ ..##.... ....##.. ....###. .###.... ........ ........ ........ ........ ##...... ......## .###.... ....###. ........ ........ ......## ##...... ........ ........ #....... .......# ........ ........ ....##.. ..##.... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ..##.... ....##.. ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ##...... ......## ........ ........ CARD 184 CARD 185 CARD 186 CARD 187 CARD 188 CARD 189 CARD 190 CARD 191 ...#.... ....#... ........ ........ ##...... ......## ..##.... ....##.. ..#..... .....#.. ........ ........ ##...... ......## ..##.... ....##.. .#...... ......#. ........ ........ ##...... ......## ..##.... ....##.. #....... .......# ........ ........ ##...... ......## ..##.... ....##.. ........ ........ #....... .......# ##...... ......## ..##.... ....##.. ........ ........ .#...... ......#. ##...... ......## ..##.... ....##.. ........ ........ ..#..... .....#.. ##...... ......## ..##.... ....##.. ........ ........ ...#.... ....#... ##...... ......## ..##.... ....##.. CARD 192 CARD 193 CARD 194 CARD 195 CARD 196 CARD 197 CARD 198 CARD 199 #....... .......# ...#.... ....#... ####.... ....#### ........ ........ #....... .......# ...#.... ....#... ####.... ....#### ........ ........ #....... .......# ...#.... ....#... ####.... ....#### ........ ........ #....... .......# ...#.... ....#... ####.... ....#### ........ ........ #....... .......# ...#.... ....#... ........ ........ ####.... ....#### #....... .......# ...#.... ....#... ........ ........ ####.... ....#### #....... .......# ...#.... ....#... ........ ........ ####.... ....#### #....... .......# ...#.... ....#... ........ ........ ####.... ....#### CARD 200 CARD 201 CARD 202 CARD 203 CARD 204 CARD 205 CARD 206 CARD 207 ######## ........ ........ ........ ######## ........ ........ ........ ######## ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ######## ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ######## ........ ........ ........ ######## ........ ........ ........ ........ ######## ........ ........ ........ ######## ........ ........ ........ ######## ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ######## ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ######## ........ ........ ........ ######## CARD 208 CARD 209 CARD 210 CARD 211 CARD 212 CARD 213 CARD 214 CARD 215 ######## ........ .######. ........ ........ .#..##.# .##.##.. .##...## ######## ........ .######. ........ ######## .##....# .##..#.# .###..## ######## ........ .######. ........ ######## .###.#.. .##...## ..#..... ######## ........ .######. ######## ######## .###.#.. .###.#.. ..#..... ........ ######## .######. ######## ######## .##..#.# .###..#. ..#..... ........ ######## .######. ........ ######## .##.##.. .##.#### ..#..... ........ ######## .######. ........ ######## ..#..... .##.###. ..#..... ........ ######## .######. ........ ........ .#...#.# .##.#..# ..#..... CARD 216 CARD 217 CARD 218 CARD 219 CARD 220 CARD 221 CARD 222 CARD 223 ..#..... .###..## ..#..... .###.#.. ........ #..#...# ....#... #.....#. .###.... ........ ..##...# .###.#.. #.....#. ....#... ..#..... ..#.#... .###..#. .#....## ..###..# .##..#.# #.#.###. .#....#. #...#.#. ....#.#. .##..#.# .##.#### ..###... .##.##.. ....#... ..#...#. ..#...## ..#..... .###..## .###.... ..##.#.. ........ ##..#..# ......#. ......#. #.#.###. .##..#.# .###..#. ..#..... ######## ...#.... #.....#. ......#. ..#..... .##.###. ..#..... .#..##.# ######## ...#.#.. ...##... ..#..... #...#.#. .###.#.. .#...... .##....# ..#..#.. #...#... #...#..# #.###... #.#.#.#. CARD 224 CARD 225 CARD 226 CARD 227 CARD 228 CARD 229 CARD 230 CARD 231 #..#..#. #.....#. #.#.###. ....#.#. ...#.... ..#.##.. #.###... ...#.#.. ..#..... #...#... ....##.. .#..#.#. ..#.##.. ....###. .....#.. .##..... #...#.#. ###.#.#. ..#..### ##.#...# .....#.# ........ ##...... ....##.. #.###... #...#.#. ...#...# #.###... .#....#. ..##.#.. ##....## ......#. #.....#. #.#.#.#. ...##### .....#.. .##...#. .....#.. .#....#. #.###... #...#... #.#.###. ........ .#.#...# .##...#. ........ .#..##.# ........ ..#...#. #...#... ..#.#.## .###..#. .#####.. ##....## ##.#...# .....#.. #.###... .##.#... ..##..#. .##.#.#. ####.... #..##... ##...... ........ CARD 232 CARD 233 CARD 234 CARD 235 CARD 236 CARD 237 CARD 238 CARD 239 ##.###.. ........ .##..... .....#.. .#..#### #.#....# .###...# ......## .#.##..# ##.###.. ....##.. ........ .#....## #.###..# ..#.#..# .#.....# ..#.#..# .#.##..# .....#.# ##.###.. .#.##### ######## ......## .##.#..# ....#.#. ..#.#..# #...#..# .#.##..# ....#.#. .....#.. .###...# .#####.# .#.##..# .....#.# .....#.. ..#.#..# ...##.#. ....##.# ....#### ####.... ....#..# ..#..... ....#.#. ....###. #.####.. #.###... .##.#..# ..#.##.. ....#... ...#.#.# #.###... ..#..... ###.#... ....#... ...#.... ...#.##. .....#.. ...#.#.. ........ ..#..##. #.#..#.# ...#.... ..#...## .#.##.## CARD 240 CARD 241 CARD 242 CARD 243 CARD 244 CARD 245 CARD 246 CARD 247 ....#..# .#####.# ..#.##.. #.###.#. ..#.###. #.#....# ....#..# .####..# ...#.... .#.#.##. ....##.. ###.#### .....### ...##..# ...##.#. .###..#. #.####.. ...#.... .#.##.## #.#..... .#.##.## .##.#..# #.###... .##.#..# ###.#... ..#.##.. ....#..# #..#...# ....#..# .#####.# ....#... .#####.# #.#..#.# .....#.. ....##.# .##.#..# ....#.#. ####.... #.####.. ####.... #.#....# .##.#.#. #.####.. .#.#.... #.####.. ..#.##.. ###.#... ..#.##.. #.###... .#####.# ###.#... ...#..#. ###.#... .....##. #.#..#.# .....### .....#.. ####.... #.#..#.# .##...#. #.#..#.# .#.##.## #.#....# .#....#. CARD 248 CARD 249 CARD 250 CARD 251 CARD 252 CARD 253 CARD 254 CARD 255 .###..#. .#####.. #.#..... ....##.. ..#.##.. ......## .#..#### #..##... ...#.... ####.... .##.#... .......# .....#.. ##.##..# .#....## .###.#.# ..#.##.. ..#.##.. .#####.. #.##.#.# ..####.. .#..#.## .####.#. #....#.# ....#### .....#.# ####.... #.##.### ....#... ##.##..# .#.#..## ###..#.# #.####.. #.##..## ..#.##.. ##...... #...#.## #...#.## #.#.#### ...#.#.. ###.#... #.####.. .....#.# .##..... #.###.## #.###.## .#####.. .##..#.# #.##...# ###.#... #.##.... .#####.. ........ ##...... ####.... #.##.### .##....# #.##.#.# ...#.... ####.... .....#.. ##.##..# ..#..#.. ........ grom.txt You use it just like you use GRAM, except that you do not have to copy the graphics into memory. In other words, you set the index of the GROM card that you want in the BACKTAB word (or MOB Attribute register). In the BACKTAB word, bit #11 sets the index to be in GRAM (1) or GROM (0). This means that the index is 0x00 .. 0xFF for GROM and add 0x800 for GRAM (0x800 .. 0x83F). In the "constants.bas" file, you add the constant GRAM to the card number for GRAM cards, or use the BG00 .. BG63 constants to select on of the 64 GRAM cards. For GROM cards, you just use the card index number. That's it. This information is better explained in the "stic.txt" document in the "Documents/Tech" folder of the SDK installation. Let us know if you need additional help. Good luck! -dZ. Edited November 8, 2018 by DZ-Jay 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vetea Posted November 8, 2018 Author Share Posted November 8, 2018 Thanks again ! Let's create my first Intellivision's Game ! 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carlsson Posted November 8, 2018 Share Posted November 8, 2018 Are the cards 213-255 deterministic, or unusued ROM space that might be different for each chip/system? Is that perhaps some form of executable code? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+nanochess Posted November 8, 2018 Share Posted November 8, 2018 Are the cards 213-255 deterministic, or unusued ROM space that might be different for each chip/system? Is that perhaps some form of executable code? It's part of the EXEC rom code. I think it never changes along Intellivision revisions. Except in minigrom.bin provided with jzintv 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+DZ-Jay Posted November 8, 2018 Share Posted November 8, 2018 Are the cards 213-255 deterministic, or unusued ROM space that might be different for each chip/system? Is that perhaps some form of executable code? Like nanochess said, it is overflow code of the EXEC and will never change (it is ROM after all). The code is different between the Mattel stock EXEC.ROM and the "miniexec.rom" included with the SDK, but it is consistent to the ROM. It is just visual "noise," since it represents binary object code. In fact, "B-17 Bomber" famously uses it as the "FLAK" explosions, because they ran out of GRAM cards to make a custom one. dZ. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vetea Posted November 8, 2018 Author Share Posted November 8, 2018 Hello again, I have a question ( Admin have to change the name of this topic ! ), I try to set the FG & GB color of a GRAM's TILE, I'm in CS mode. Here it is : CONST MUR = $0800+18*8 - So FG is Black, position 18 GRAM, ok. But I want to change the BG color, by .. Grey for example. - So we are in CS Mode, we can use 16 colors for the BG for the 64 GRAM Cards. - In the book/doc, the Grey Colors code is : $1000 - I try to add with my const, but it changes the FG again ( CONST MUR = $0800+18*8 + $1000 ). How can I manage that ? And can I ? Thanks, and sorry for this Noobs question ... Cheers, Vetea Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+DZ-Jay Posted November 8, 2018 Share Posted November 8, 2018 That is a very good question, Vetea, so don't feel sorry for asking it. The Color Stack mode can be a bit confusing. I have explained this in the past, so rather than do it again, I'll try to find my earlier post and offer a link. If I can't find it, I'll create a topic for it, because it is a common question. dZ. 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vetea Posted November 8, 2018 Author Share Posted November 8, 2018 Great !! I read the doc, study the STIK spec ... I try ... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+DZ-Jay Posted November 8, 2018 Share Posted November 8, 2018 No worries! Here's a description I wrote several years ago: It was for a newbie, so it includes a lot of basic stuff about Intellivision graphics, so please forgive me if some of it is just too basic. I promise to review it tonight and post it in a blog or something to make it available and more clear. In the meantime, I hope it helps. dZ. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+DZ-Jay Posted November 8, 2018 Share Posted November 8, 2018 Here is a description presented via an example of the Christmas Carol title screen shown before. Like I said, I'll clean up all the descriptions and create an entry that walks through the Color Stack Mode in all it's gory details. dZ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
+DZ-Jay Posted November 8, 2018 Share Posted November 8, 2018 And yet another attempt to describe it. This may be the simplest description yet, since it only describes the Color Stack without code, just in simple words and examples. Imagine an array of four colours. Now consider an imaginary cursor moving across the background, from the top-left corner, all the way to the right edge, then over to the next row, and so on. As the cursor moves, it will "paint" the background of the card using the first colour in the array. It will continue painting cards the same colour until it finds a card that has the "Advance" bit set, at which point, it will start using the next colour in the array. I hope it helps. dZ. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vetea Posted November 8, 2018 Author Share Posted November 8, 2018 Hello, Thanks for your post. Honestly, I understand the principe : But I don't success to do what I want, nevermind. I keep my Card monochrome. And I use IntyColor for screen. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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