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Z26 2.09 released!

Greg Zumwalt

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Unless you're a stickler for convenience.. there's no real need to associate .bin files (or whatever file w/ whatever emulator). Generally I just leave them as is, and open them up from the emulator itself. It's up to you though.

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 Easier with associating a seperate one for works-in-progress and such ;)


Hence my phrase "unless you're a stickler for convenience" ;)


Actually on my pc, BIN files mean .bin / .cue as in what's commonly used for CD ISO's :P ..

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This is the frontend I use...



I have it set up with cart scans, end labels, box scans (front and rear), screenshots and instruction scans (you can even flip thru the insctruction booklet page by page). I've edited tons of pixellated images and re-drawn lots of acti-plaqued labels for this, it's a long term project for me, and I'm almost done with it.


It's called Emu-Loader if you don't already recognise it ;) I like it a lot, but it takes some time to set up. It is primarily a MAME frontend but it has a "Custom Game Manager" (shown in pic) that allows you to use virtually any program that uses a cmd line.


I'm working on adding 5200 and 7800 games by way of MESS. Already have a few of my favorites done :)




Very Cool :thumbsup:

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Isn't it funny how why all "waste" our time:

- some probably invest more time into their emulator setups than playing the games

- some create ultra-sophisticated software for simplier creating SI hack #214

- some write new games for completely outdated video game consoles :D

- ...


To be continued. :)

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I got it to work, I got it to work, It's totally awesome,I've got to go download some fo the FuKung demos now.


Yes, I had it in the A: directory.


I know I didn't do much but load games from Dos ever, but I used to be able to do everything fine in it.


I did get it working though. Very awesome. Why is the two baby demo have inverted colors on the second baby? Is this just the easy way to do it? Or just to show it's not mirroroed or something? Most awesome.


You'r probably going to find this funny, but I've never done any multi boot programs (well, maybe not what you call it, but where you boot a program with another progam somewhere else) And It never occoured to me I had to type in the pathway to the Fukung baby demo bin, I assumed when you typed the first path, the system would look for any additional programs in that file path. I know, I know, I'm a dumbarse. But once I figured you had to type the filepath each time, it was a piece of cake. And I now boot the demo from it's game foulder rather than the emulators folder.


Now that I've gotten it to work, I've found running stuff through the dos thing a lot easier than trying to do stuff through the mangled Z26 menues and such. (actually, I haven't managed to figure out how Z26 works anyother way, of course draging and dropping the desired bin into Z6 is a little easier than typing all the extra crap) :P

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