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Super Pro Astrosmash


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One problem with different colored backgrounds: invisible rocks! :lol: I was exploding left and right over 15K because the tan rocks blended into the background. If you're going to color the background, there shouldn't be any rocks of the same color.


"As an extra challenge, you will have to avoid invisible rocks."


Remember: It's not a bug, it's a feature! :lol:

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I like to run games on Nostalgia because it's full screen, but I get this error in the log:

LoadROM(): Invalid Intellicart ROM file format: C:\Nostalgia\roms\astrosmash.rom

Expected 0xA8, got 0x41

The original .rom file format was created for the intellicart. There is a variation of the .rom file format for the cuttle cart. Nostalgia might not be aware of the variation. You can use rom2bin to convert it to bin/cfg.


I ran it on jz, but full screen didn't work, gave me an error.


Sometimes the colour bit depth causes fullscrern toggle problems. Try 32-bit colour depth e.g. -z640x480,32 Edited by mr_me
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The original .rom file format was created for the intellicart. There is a variation of the .rom file format for the cuttle cart. Nostalgia might not be aware of the variation. You can use rom2bin to convert it to bin/cfg.


Sometimes the colour bit depth causes fullscrern toggle problems. Try 32-bit colour depth e.g. -z640x480,32


You can also use rom_merge if you want to keep it in ROM format for some reason. IIRC, Nostalgia or one of those only accepts ROM format. rom_merge in.rom out.rom

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I don't like the red background at 10K, that's too weird. I think red should only be for the explosion.


One problem with different colored backgrounds: invisible rocks! :lol: I was exploding left and right over 15K because the tan rocks blended into the background. If you're going to color the background, there shouldn't be any rocks of the same color.


Red background is gone and the falling rocks will not match the background. Not to say some rock colors may be hard to see. Example: the different greens.



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