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Olympic Games


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Why dont we have an Olympic style gaming challenge . I have noticed that there are a number of players who's names appear over and over for high scores. So thus I came to this idea why dont we have these extrordinary players do relay matches to level out the playing field . Such as this Team RED and Team Blue a Player ( A ) Red team plays and event like on Decathlon then Player ( B ) Red team continues on another event and so on . Then to make the pot a little nicer throw in Game titles and events from like Track n Field and the Summer Games saga's. Then we will see how much these Superplayers stack up with either a normal player like myself or other Superplayers. Just something to think about . Looking forward to seeing all who attends at the Austin gaming Expo.


Sincerely Greg "Big Thunder 660"

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Hello Greg its sounds like a good gaming idea but ill will have to run that one by Ron Corcoran he's the master of gaming events besides Walter . But yeah I would definatly participate with another gamer if they are ok with it. I have done doubles on games before like at the CGE2K1 on Space Duel . I and Dwayne Richard were partners and I also pared up with Steve Knox for a short time. But I did had some Interviewing to do with Tech TV and other media venues that intervened with my game play. Oh well I cant be everywhere all the time.... im not SUPERMAN or a Mr ATARI.....no pun intended :)) .


Todd Mr Activision Rogers

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