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GIA. The MULE thread back-n-effect like wrecks. im ready for round 2 on martedi, il venticinque novembre.


anyone else living in THE Bay Area who wants to get whooped on at M.U.L.E. let me know.


Out to Phoenix this weekend. GIA

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I love M.U.L.E. It's one of my faves on C64. It's still pretty good on the NES, but it seems to me, wasn't there a mode on C64 where you could play the game till all the charactures are bought out, rather than only for 12 months like the NES? It seems to me I did that on the C64 version, then again, we were to poor back in the day to get the off the shelf version, so it might have been hacked.


Now for the info asked.


Where does M.U.L.E. rank on your list of games of all time?

Probably 2 or 3 on C64 (God, I loved that game, Castles of DR Creep, and Below the root.)


Who's your favorite character to use?

Um...The bird looking thing was always my favorite, I useually got Green.


Crystite or Smithore?

Smithore, I'd start as early as possible and sit on it till the store run out of mules, then it's worth a lot. Crystite's always worth quiet a bit, but doesn't get as high as smithore.


What plot do you like to choose as your 1st.?

Top river, then above the store, then below the store, and bottome. For first round, sometimes the computer would get the top river plot first, but I always tried for a river first.


Interested in your thoughts.

Not sure if that was supposed to be a question. But my thoughts on the game was that it was awesome. It along with Utopia were the original Sim City's. I do definately wish they would be ported to a newer system. I love the 64 version, but the disc quit working a long time ago, and games I love, I hate having only one copy on only one system.


I'd love to see it redone on a new console, like GBA, that would be friggen awesome, and it's simple enough it could probably be a multiboot card as well.

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Joe C and I have played the 8-bit and NES version, never played the C64 verison unfortunately. The NES version doesnt even compare to the one made for atari800/800xl. I like the idea that the game doesnt end until all other players have been bought out, that would be sweet. I think it would be cool if they came out with a newer version of MULE for a newer system, but half the fun of that game is playing it on a classic system like atari800.


I know someone was talking about creating an online gaming site so people could play MULE against each other over the internet. if anyone has the know-how to do this us MULE fans would be greatly appreciative.

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i think we should. it would make it even since we're using the same character and not using green or blue. the results will be the same as this summer though--westside domination.


i actually had a dream about MULE the other night, i think i was using bonzoid too. probably gorilla pimpin like mc breed.

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I'm positive I played a game till everybody was bought out. I remember now, if you played for more than 99 months, it would crash as it had no digit for the hundred position. I also remember our game was hacked. It said different stuff from normal when you found stuff in the wild. I remember seeing the official version, someone had, and it said something about a creature eating half your food, I was like Wha? Ours said our cousins come and ate half the food. ?!


That's when I first learned of hack. But yeah, I wish my copy still worked, because it was hacked to go to 99 months.

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No, it crashed. It wouldn't register over 99, Basically, whoever had all the land won I guess. It still had the same 25 plots of land (well 4, because the store takes the middle plot) and other than that it played the same. It was real cool playing two playered, cause the computer was a little to easily bought out.


Couldn't you auction land or something too? It seems I remember you could do that too, but I may be thinking about something else.

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that version of the game sounds cool, wish i could get my hands on that hack.


auctioning off your land is not usually a good thing, its a last-ditch, drastic effort to get some money.




Ours said our cousins come and ate half the food


thats funny, Joe C's cousin always comes and takes all his land.

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