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Atari and COVID-19 - 5200 Version - how are YOU keeping occupied???


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Well, since we are near the peak of this lethal coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, I was wondering how my fellow 5200 owners are dealing with it and this "new normal" of self-isolation. I know one thing, after finally reacquiring (and receiving last night in the mail) my Atarimax Ultimate SD multicart and downloading some new ROMs, including the all-new Yar's Strike, I am beginning to rediscover just how great Big Sexy truly is!!!  I missed playing her after having to sell my original multicart early last year, but since I have worked at Safeway for over a year I could finally afford to get it again. My 5200 once again has a purpose in my home entertainment system, in which celebrates 6 decades of technology (60s-10s).


I know how you can deal with it, so 3 bits of advice:


If you've got a home theater system (VCR, DVD, MP4 player, Roku Ultra), put something on it and watch it.


If you've got a home arcade system (Flashback 9 and a 5200), put something on it and play it.


If you've got a home stereo system (8-track, cassette, vinyl, CD, MiniDisc, iPhone 5), put something on it and listen to it.


THAT is how we will all get through this, that and listening to our governors (mine here is Jay Inslee - D - WA) and the CDC and going by our "stay home, stay safe" mandates.



Edited by BIGHMW
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A little of all of that actually. For my wife and I we have been watching movies we have in our extensive collection. We also have the new Animal Crossing and that helps quite a bit as well. I've also been making videos for my YT channel and in fact the last two have been about the 5200. So there it is...


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Cooking up some ham slices on my George Foreman Grill, posting this up as I do and digging a little deeper into my 5200 ROMs including Scramble, and another one of my newest ones, Bosconian. I hope it will come out on cartridge for those of you who prefer physical media, maybe @Albert might take that up, just like he did with Scramble, who knows.


That and turning on my home theater system (and the Roku box) after I post this watching (and listening in the background) "Take 5" in which is an interactive version of KING 5 News at 4:00, followed by KING 5 News at 5:00.

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Well it looks like my work over at Safeway is going to incorporate some new COVID-19 procedures for all of us workers, including temperature checks, face masks, and also one-way aisles at all of its stores including here in Port Townsend (store #538), as it has been confirmed that at least 4 workers have died, including 2 at Walmart, one at a Giant store, and one at a Trader Joe's. So yes even we here on the proverbial frontline as grocery workers are going to be better protected as we near the middle of this deadly peak. We will be finding out more details tomorrow but yes, this coronavirus has hit us workers and not just our customers. But IMO, there needs to be better protections for us workers now and there should've been some of them implemented weeks earlier.

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9 minutes ago, fiddlepaddle said:

I really appreciate those true heroes today who are working in the food and goods distribution and sales businesses...you are keeping things going while those of us who are being prevented from working figure out what to do. But to be honest, I'm getting tired of video games, movies, and music.

Yeah but it's a lot better than the alternative, and we grocery store workers are here for you, and also, we need to be protected so we can continue to serve all of you, while cutting down OUR risk of contracting it.

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I feel like going out to a field and doing some target practice. You do not need to be around anyone for that and would not want to for safety..  Also gas is cheap.. so going out and tuning my old car and doing some 1/4 mile runs. Maybe BBQing and having some apple pie moonshine. Maybe write a song and not put it on utube as why would I want people to enjoy something I can create just for myself. Weld a new frame/ floor in a car in the garage. It is nice here as outside you do not have to see anyone as I do not live in a beehive. If I did I would go crazy. This changed nothing other than a procedure for getting groceries and working at home which I am so thankful to have a job. I never had any friends I would visit for over 25 years. Even family been 20 years. You live you die whatever.. 

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I too, don't like to feel like I'm in a cocoon, but, I understand the necessity to stay at home, but, every once in a while I'll go to the store grab me a drink and drive around town for a 15-minute drive. Nothing wrong with that especially since I am single and since I am the only one in my vehicle. Ahh, the many perks of being single, as a single person for about a year and a half it has kind of liberated me from all sorts of bullshit. But still, when you're around others it's still important to stay that proverbial 6 feet apart, as to not take the chance, you never know.

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Have been able to revisit some of my Works-In-Progress 5200 ports... with @playsoft as an essential second pair of eyes to spot moments of madness in my coding :) 


First release candidate of "Stealth" ready so fingers crossed a binary should be available soon (32K image)


@Albert Mr Do! on the list to tackle ;) 

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I haven't felt like I have had much extra time. I've spent many hours getting groceries and other support for my extended family and an older person we know, disinfecting everything, and working from home every day.  I suppose i have been wasting time more and feeling lethargic.  Did grass and yard work a couple days for a few hours.  It was nice to enjoy the Spring which came early this year. 


On the 5200 front, I did enjoy a couple hours of Qix last weekend for the 5200 HSC! Also I got Star Wars Episode 9, watched it and all the bonus documentaries. It is amazing how many of the effects are practical!


Son cut his hand badly last week, and we've had to hit the E.R. and follow up doctor, right in the middle of this pandemic unfortunately.  


No extra time for much homebrew coding recently, but maybe starting about now it might be possible to get back to some projects! 

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I got laid-off from my job at Expedia right before everything got insane, so I've been taking some time off to get stuff done, and it just happened to align with all this craziness.  I've really only been doing one thing 5200 related:




My original goal was to have this done before PRGE this year.  PRGE has been cancelled, but I'm still keeping August as a target date.  So yeah, lots of socially-distanced days hacking out assembly for my beloved 5200.

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32 minutes ago, Cafeman said:

I haven't felt like I have had much extra time. I've spent many hours getting groceries and other support for my extended family and an older person we know, disinfecting everything, and working from home every day.  I suppose i have been wasting time more and feeling lethargic.  Did grass and yard work a couple days for a few hours.  It was nice to enjoy the Spring which came early this year. 


On the 5200 front, I did enjoy a couple hours of Qix last weekend for the 5200 HSC! Also I got Star Wars Episode 9, watched it and all the bonus documentaries. It is amazing how many of the effects are practical!


Son cut his hand badly last week, and we've had to hit the E.R. and follow up doctor, right in the middle of this pandemic unfortunately.  


No extra time for much homebrew coding recently, but maybe starting about now it might be possible to get back to some projects! 

I wish your son a very speedy recovery, and yes, there is nothing wrong with going outside to do some work. Even with this pandemic as long as you're the only one out there (or within 6 feet of you) you should be fine, after all we DO have lives that sometimes have to be spent out of the house.


On the 5200 front, I just played Vanguard for the first time IN YEARS, and got as far as the Bleak Zone, the next to last zone before you face the Gond, buy yes I'll get him eventually. I just have to get back into gaming shape and with this coronavirus outbreak and also that I don't have to go to work until 7:00 tonight, I have more than enough time to do so.

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On 4/8/2020 at 10:14 AM, BIGHMW said:

On the 5200 front, I just played Vanguard for the first time IN YEARS, and got as far as the Bleak Zone, the next to last zone before you face the Gond, buy yes I'll get him eventually.

NOTE: that was only on the first play, I know that I could've continued on if I wanted to within 10 seconds, but passed on the opportunity. I wanted to work my way through all the zones before earning my way to facing to the Gond, just like in the arcade.

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