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17 hours ago, Asmusr said:

Refactoring assembly code can be almost as difficult as writing it in the first instance. It helps to have good tools, but AFAIK GDMike is working retro style.

It can be. Maybe I should have written "redesigning" instead. When you build an application where you have to learn along the way, you tend to end up pretty far from optimal. When you think you're ready is frequently the best time to start over, since then you know what you need to know to do it well.

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The legendary Fred Brooks put it this way:


"In most projects, the first system built is barely usable....Hence plan to throw one away; you will, anyhow."


                                                                                               Fred Brooks, The Mythical Man-Month


I found this and some other good advice here:


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Change made... were creating 100 files now in order to accommodate the saving of 800 SNP pages.

Yeah, my math is always off when I try to guess, but when it comes down to what the program asks for, then the numbers start to get into position..



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On 2/9/2021 at 8:46 AM, apersson850 said:

Yes, I imagined that would be possible for you. Way to go.

Ok, I've finally got 2 full banks to save in 1 file. (I dropped the search routine to give me ram, well it wasn't fully functional because we made that routine prior to SAMs being added in..so, I can add it later maybe..

But the main thing is is I got two Banks per file and now I'm pressing on


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Ok. I had a problem I was working on for two days trying to figure out why when I saved pages one through 50 in SNP, when I went back and loaded the pagees back, pages 32 through 38 were screwed up. and then things were back to normal again after page 36, so I've been fighting this trying to figure out what the heck is going on.

Long story short cuz it took me two days,  but it looks like when I did

AI R1, >-0100 ( hex negative 0100).

Is where my problem came from.

After concluding that there's nothing wrong with my code in a particular routine which took me quite a while to narrow down I came upon This command and I said I'm not getting a negative number here or something's going on with this command so I changed the command to look like this

AI R1, ->0100



But the damn thing was working up until pages in the 30ish area...

So it was kinda hard to locate.

Program is fully saving and loading 800 pages now.


Edited by GDMike
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