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ATR Image Explorer - browser based disassembler for Atari .BAS, XEX, ATR and other files.


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20 hours ago, PVbest73 said:

Hi Atari fans ! this is PVBest73 here, from France.

Thanks to @Gury, one year ago, I discovered ATR Image Explorer.

Then I tried to contact @rossum to help him improving his ATR Image Explorer tool on GitHub, but unfortunately Rossum Github seems to be off line now.

Well, as I know very well the Atari 8-Bit, and I know a little about javascript code, I decided to improve ATR Image Explorer and to add a lot of features, so I renamed it as Atari 8-bit Rom Image File Explorer.

I use it to explore my XFD disk files that I made twenty years ago from my own 5''1/4 Atari floppies, using my ARFD Windows software.

With the Atari 8-bit Rom Image File Explorer upgraded tool, you keep all the previous features from ATR Image Explorer, and in addition you will be able to:

  • save listing on your computer, in plain txt or html
  • open DOS3 and DOS1 disk image and have full directory display
  • manage ROM image files (open, dump, disassembling, bank check, change type, save) and make CART file,
  • disassemble with Atari 5200 equates, and have the different equate when writing or reading OS chip addresses 
  • navigate into disassembly code with HTML hyperlinks
  • have an explanatory HTML console

So please try it and report me bugs.

I'm still working on adding features.

Atari 8-bit Rom Image File Explorer  link is https://pvbestinfoo.github.io/atari8-bit_rom_image_file_explorer.html

Projet link on Github is : https://github.com/pvbestinfoo/Atari_8-Bit_Rom_Image_File_Explorer where you can find a feature presentation.


Enjoy ! 

Thank you for these updates.


The software is still on github. Dont ask me where the atrvexplore is. I dont now.


https://github.com/rossumur/esp_8_bit look at the files explorev.htm file is there.

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21 hours ago, FULS said:

I'm probably doing this wrong but my Basic listing I tried looked like this.



AUTORUN.BAS 1.05 kB · 4 downloads


Please check the Atari 8-bit Rom Image File Explorer update, it should be fixed.

Please note the the indent button add short space after colon and before some BASIC statements to indent the code display. You can check.


Further more this version of Atari 8-bit Rom Image File Explorer (ARIFE) handles correctly the 16MB MyDOS file of E474 from the post :

I'll check now if there is a feature to save a BASIC listing into a png image...

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On 1/20/2022 at 12:00 AM, Gury said:

Thanks for the link. I tried it and it does the job ? But, it would be nice to have automatic png conversion.

It is portable, standard graphics format.


Thanks anyway.


Hi @Gury !

Thanks to you, and as I wrote you one year ago, I've done my best to improve the tool

Atari 8-bit Rom Image File Explorer https://pvbestinfoo.github.io/atari8-bit_rom_image_file_explorer.html

You have dreamed of it, @FULS asked for it, so I did it : You can now save the editor content (that is the blue area where you can select and modify text) as a PNG image.

You just have to click on the [Save As PNG Image] button, then the file automatically downloads with the .png extension appended to the name of the displayed file.

I've added an external javascript function called html2canvas script to do it, I hope it works on every browser & on every OS : please try and let me know

(but I would not have a better solution, as I'm not a professional in JS, so if one can help...)



PNG file result :


Please note that on the tool, the FONT display area is an HTML canvas elements, so you could already make a right click / save image as to save the display in a PNG file.

So I've canceled the useless Save As LST button in the Font display.





Atari 8-bit Rom Image File Explorer 

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Hi PVbest73 here,

About ATR Image explorer (thanks to @rossum) and its upgrade Atari 8-bit Rom Image File Explorer here =>https://pvbestinfoo.github.io/atari8-bit_rom_image_file_explorer.html

On 7/26/2021 at 2:02 AM, venom4728a said:

Possible feature request.

1) Could it allow selecting several files and dragging them in and out of ATR images?

Dragging several ATR files into the tool should be OK. Extract files from ATR image files should be OK. Some conversion like load an XFD and save it to ATR are also OK. Multi-banks ROM image exploration is also OK.

On 7/26/2021 at 2:02 AM, venom4728a said:

2) Creating blanks atr?

Creating blank ATR is possible with limitation: if you can have a little piece of 6502 hex code in a file, or more simply let's say you just wrote one space into a txt file (space is byte of $20 value in hexadecimal), then you rename the text file with extension ".xfd", and you open it with the Atari 8-bit Rom Image File Explorer tool, then it will be automatically converted in a full 90KB ATR disk image with 720 sectors, with a standard boot sector header loading 3 sectors at $700, as soon as you will save it by clicking on Download ATR file.
You may use this disk image as the beginning of a boot disk program, it will run in Altirra ! (but Altirra will crash if you let the $20 byte code alone !)

But the tool is not an emulated complete DOS system, and it cannot create blank formatted DOS disk. For this you can use Altirra emulator and its disk menu.

And the tool doesn't have yet an hexa editor to modify ATR disk image so if some can help for this feature.


On 7/26/2021 at 2:02 AM, venom4728a said:

3) Fomatting

Formatting is not possible as for the moment the purpose of the tool is not to replace an emulated Atari DOS system, as seen above for this you can use Altirra emulator and its disk menu.
The tool's purpose is to explore Atari ROM & disk image files, in order to :
read ATR disk image, read and display DOS files, to display disassembly, to save listing, to manage ROM cartridge, to adjust CART header, to convert XFD into ATR, to extract ARC, to extract and display Atari Pictures...




Please upgrade to Atari 8-bit Rom Image File Explorer here =>https://pvbestinfoo.github.io/atari8-bit_rom_image_file_explorer.html

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 11/23/2023 at 3:22 PM, FULS said:

Thank You PVbest73 for all your improvements to this great program.

I use it quite a lot.

Hi PVBest73 here !

Thank you very much for your support @FULS!

I've just made a big update of Atari 8-bit rom image file explorer https://pvbestinfoo.github.io/atari8-bit_rom_image_file_explorer.html for this end of November.

The new version has several bug corrections and several improvements !

Among them:

  • ATASCII DUMP and ANTIC internal char display, as requested by @Gury
  • correct the Image display bug
  • the reset button when file type is changed
  • the display of the segment error in binary/object/executable files
  • the display of default file in the container (the deep blue directory on the right), after reading comments from @Ray Gillman
  • the Download all valid files Button for all the files displayed in the blue directory
  • the DOS system recognition for MyDOS and DOS2x
  • the hidden / deleted DOS files search, display and management
  • adjust CSS style (font size...) and web page layout with new text and links...

Here are screenshots of the default display after loading a disk image file:


And the default display of a selected Atari file:



for more information, I've described to updates in the GitHub webpage here => https://github.com/pvbestinfoo/Atari_8-Bit_Rom_Image_File_Explorer/commit/64bf5016d52d680520f19a0fdfb15d4ca0bcd95e

Here is the html file of Atari 8-bit Rom Image File Explorer :atari8-bit_rom_image_file_explorer_NOV2023.html


Hope it will be fine for every Atari fan now !

For me, I'm going to use it to deeply check the content of my hundred ATR/XFD files I made 20 years ago with my ARFD tool (tool that connects a windows PC to an Atari 1050 disk drive via a 1050_2_PC cable)

Cheers !


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Hi PVBest73 here,

Thank for your interest in this tool.

When ROM, CAR or BIN dumps are on a disk image as Atari DOS files, so they are files with .ROM, .CAR and .BIN extensions, they generally have no header, so the tool set the default load address to $700. Same for OBJ or DAT files.

But OK, I will check if I can update the tool and add a file size identification of .ROM DOS file, and if a standard A800 ROM size is found, then adjust the default load address.

Anyway, at the moment, the JS code in the tool is not designed to consider DOS Atari files with .ROM, .CAR or .BIN extensions as ROM dump image files, for which the associated ROM Menu is activated in the tool.

In order to fully take advantage of the tool for ROM image files, I would advise to download/save the ROM Atari file on your computer by clicking on the download original file button, and then reopen this single ROM file in the tool, where you will have the associated ROM Menu, with all the ROM features, including description, type identification (as Atari800 standard https://github.com/atari800/atari800/blob/master/DOC/cart.txt), disassembly and bank display...


Hope it will help !


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  • 1 month later...

Hi PVBest73 here,

Here is an update of the Atari 8-bit Rom Image File Explorer tool. Try it online here => https://pvbestinfoo.github.io/atari8-bit_rom_image_file_explorer.html

Main updates are:

  • @TGB1718 I've added the expected rom start address feature when loading a binary ROM image file on an Atari DOS disk image
  • add a "P" command to toggle display/hide of the "Dump & Disassembly options" in the left-sided tool menu
  • add the Atari checksum information next to the file size
  • update the display of DOS directory for more convenience when loading an Atari DOS disk
  • update the "Extract data from disk and disassemble Menu" with several features:
    • change end address default value display in the Extract menu
    • sector can be directly entered as hexa or decimal value
    • errors are more clearly indicated about the consistency of the input values of the extract
    • add the download extracted data button feature to save the extracted data
    • add the sector number in the sector Extract Hex dump
    • add a line feed in the memory Extract Hex dump
  • "Dump & Disassembly options" update: add the control of the Atari 5200 OS system equates option for disassembly
  • fix the bug of computation of free blocs for 1040 sector disk
  • add a [Save as UTF text] button for the Atari text files like Basic listing. This will download a converted UTF text of the Atari text on your computer, same as the text displayed when "Dump with monospace webfont" is on. For this feature, I adjust/upgrade the char conversion display in the tool code. The purpose is to provide equivalent Atari char from the Client UTF system font: this is experimental, since the width of several UTF graphic page chars in client web font is not equal, that is, that is not really a mono spaced font. Your expertise is welcome if you could fix this width issue !



For more information about the tool update, check my GitHub web page here => https://github.com/pvbestinfoo/Atari_8-Bit_Rom_Image_File_Explorer/commit/e710c4cdb35dc2a735bdfa8a49eacf07abe8d4ce

Here is the html file of Atari 8-bit Rom Image File Explorer :atari8-bit_rom_image_file_explorer_DEC2023.html


Please feel free to give me feedback !

Best wishes and happy new year to all the Atari fans worldwide !





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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Hello! I just found these really cool tools. Great job!


I was wondering - is there a way to edit the source in a BAS file, and then save the changes while retaining the original format? It looks like I can only save my edited source as a LST, or download the original BAS file, but not save it as a BAS file with my edits. It's possible I'm just using the tool wrong, or perhaps this is out of the scope of its intended purpose. If the latter is the case, could anyone recommend some other way to achieve this? i.e. given a LST file, how to convert it to a BAS?


Thank you!

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4 hours ago, toddtmw said:



to clear memory. 

then type 



Thanks! I apparently mistakenly thought any plain text file (LST) would need to be wrapped in some sort of a binary image file such as ATR in order for my emulator (Atari800MacX) to read it. I'll attempt this later today when I have time. Thanks again!

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