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9 minutes ago, Dropcheck said:

Finally getting around to building my own board and wondered if everyone has been soldering the VGate chip directly to the board or using double sockets to add GTIA height soldered an 8pin socket in to hold the VGate chip.

If you feel lucky you can solder the VGATE PIC directly after first programming it. Since the development phase is over, this really isn't very risky. However if you want to take the cautious approach then use a socket for VGATE, and add an extra 40 pin one stacked to get clearance (cut out the center plastic support bars - same as done on the first socket).


The same thing can be done for the 64Kb SRAM under Sally. I use my TL8866 to test the SRAM first, and then solder it in before dropping the 40 pin socket down around it. Although once again you have the less risky option of using a 32 pin socket, and then stacking an additional 40 pin socket for clearance.


Have fun :)


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12 hours ago, Dropcheck said:

Finally getting around to building my own board and wondered if everyone has been soldering the VGate chip directly to the board or using double sockets to add GTIA height soldered an 8pin socket in to hold the VGate chip.

In my case - all the chips are in the sockets (which required some dual stacked 40 pin sockets). Everything fits nicely.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/1/2022 at 12:55 PM, mytek said:

I found a place with a pretty good stock of the NCV4274AST33T3G regulator (at least for now).


Aliexpress (Buy LINK)



I have 10 of these on order, and plan to report back when I get them in my paws as to whether they truly are what they appear to be ;)


The BOM has been updated at: https://ataribits.weebly.com/576nuc.html


This only affects the NUC/FujiNet Daughter Board.


I received these last week, so it took approximately 3 weeks on a slow boat from China. Actually not as bad as what I originally thought. Just got around to testing one today, and it definitely works putting out a solid 3.3 volts, even when under a moderate load.


That makes the buy link above good (still have 2000+ in stock), and these will work perfectly for the NUC/FujiNet boards ? ?


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  • 4 weeks later...

SDrive for the NUC Coming Soon


Simply SDrive Daughter Board for the 576NUC+



I know that the NUC FujiNet Daughter Board brings an SD card capability to the NUC. But when all you want is an SDrive, this appears to have better compatibility with more files (especially XEX) and is quicker to reboot. It'll also have a lower price tag.


This is built upon my SDrive-Simple-II tech and uses an SDrive-Max firmware image. No swap or cassette, but multi-drive operation is still possible. Either standard SD cards or micro-SD cards with a suitable adapter can be used, making it versatile.


A new version of the TKNUC firmware is under test, which will be needed to fully take advantage of this new device. And there is a customized SDrive.atr Control Program available that gives this the ultimate in menu navigation (yes a bit of a pun - because its navigation is very similar to @flashjazzcat's Ultimate 1MB BIOS's Loader when used with a TK-II and PS/2 keyboard).


This will fit the current case designs. However there will be a few unused holes, so perhaps a modification of the top and rear panel STLs would be nice. The LEDs equate to: WHT=3.3V power, GRN=Read, RED=Write.


Sample boards are in process at JLCPCB, and should be here by the end of this coming week for testing.


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Brewing Academy says it almost ready to sell the 576Nuk+ with cartridge ... they said 7-10 days but, I think they have surpassed that estimate... Does someone know of a more accurate update, I'm itching to get one...? 

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I had started to place an order for the version with the cartridge / Fujinet yesterday soon after they became available,  had pause and navigated away from the page before finishing, but soon got an email reminder about items in my cart and after hemming and hawing for awhile, finally went through with the order just a bit ago. When I  clicked back to their page, after-ward, it showed their build cycle was filled / they were out of stock; so it appears I may have some-how chanced out and was either kept in the queue and was processed or the order managed to slup through, somehow.  Anyways, my order was confirmed and  provided that all is canny, will be joining the ranks of wee smol Atari owners.:)

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Though...uht-oh, I received this as part of my receipt.


Transaction date

Mar 4, 2022 14:02


(Clicking on the summary details on the Brewing Academy or PayPal web-sites show it's supposedly for the NUC, but thought this was a bit of fun. Either way, I'm willing to wait, if I'm bumped or if it needs to be resubmitted, later.)


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On 3/4/2022 at 6:11 PM, AtariNerd said:

I had started to place an order for the version with the cartridge / Fujinet yesterday soon after they became available,  had pause and navigated away from the page before finishing, but soon got an email reminder about items in my cart and after hemming and hawing for awhile, finally went through with the order just a bit ago. When I  clicked back to their page, after-ward, it showed their build cycle was filled / they were out of stock; so it appears I may have some-how chanced out and was either kept in the queue and was processed or the order managed to slup through, somehow.  Anyways, my order was confirmed and  provided that all is canny, will be joining the ranks of wee smol Atari owners.:)

My order went through on March 02...  I guess my unit is in the build cycle.  I kind of wanted black, but the gray will still be ok.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now available as a DIY project at: https://ataribits.weebly.com/sdrive.html




There is also a customized version of @Mr Robot's case as an STL download, but I haven't actually tested it for form and fit yet. So unless you are a risk taker I'd hold off until I give the go ahead. @MacRorie is going to print something up for me to check.


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The SDrive specific Case came out Great ?





Thank you @MacRorie for printing the Case for me, and putting up with my nit picking ;)


Thank you @Mr Robot for all your creativity and hard work that went into designing these cases in the first place :)  It's actually truly an amazing system that you developed that allows for so much re-usability of parts, with only the Lids that need to be swapped for each type (400/800, XL, XE, CART), and a choice of back panels to accommodate FujiNet or not.


I did make a change in the back panel to enlarge the A/V and PS/2 connector holes, which should allow for better compatibility with some of the odd ball devices out there. The STL has been updated in the download provided on the SDrive page on my website. I also intend to update the back panel for FujiNet in the same way and then get that uploaded in the 576NUC+ system page (give me a couple of days).


Also just a reminder... the 576NUC+CART Board and it's Custom Case are ready to roll, being manufactured by The Brewing Academy as i speak. So for those that just gotta have a CART, your prayers have been answered. Thanks goes out to both @Mr Robot for the design, and @MacRorie for making these available in a fully assembled form ?


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I just finished updating the Case STL file downloads at my website today.


For the SDrive only STLs you can download the zipped folder at: https://ataribits.weebly.com/sdrive.html


For all versions (SDrive, FujiNet, Standard) they can be downloaded here: https://ataribits.weebly.com/576nuc.html


Both of these downloads have today's date as part of the zipped file name.


Enjoy :)


NOTE: All the Back Panel STLs now have slightly larger holes for the A/V and PS/2 jacks.

Edited by mytek
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regarding the 576NUC_flash_02-18-22.zip

Is it due to SDrive or there's something else changed (bug fixes, new features)?

I mean - I'd like to know, if I need to update it on my NUC with Fujinet.

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6 minutes ago, Marek said:

regarding the 576NUC_flash_02-18-22.zip

Is it due to SDrive or there's something else changed (bug fixes, new features)?

I mean - I'd like to know, if I need to update it on my NUC with Fujinet.

It fixes a bug that only affects using an SDrive (any SDrive) with the NUC. So no SDrive, no update required.


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