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Tell me I'm not the only 1 keeping a log of my high scores!


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Oh, I'm the world's BIGGEST freak when it comes to this. I have a big spiral bound notebook with scores for ALL my games (well, the ones that have scores anyway). Its a big part of the fun for me, to see if I can beat my old high scores!!!!


Heck yeah, I keep scores!!!! :)



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Are you kidding? I actually wrote a program for my 8-bit that tracked high scores! It even took into consideration skill level, etc.


Only to find out years later that someone stole the code, stripped it down and sold it to compute! magazine. :x

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I use an Access database to keep track of my collection, and in it is a field for High score, and two more for the date and setting that the score was obtained on. Someday I'd like to enter a score for every game in my collection (that has a score, obviously) but for now I only record the ones that I feel are "worthy".

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I use that useful program Cart Commander. It holds hi-scores nicely!


My personal challenge is to beat at least the lowest score on Twin Galaxies on as many games as I can (I got 42,900 on Moon Patrol yesterday, easily good enough, but that's the PAL version).

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My 2600 "log book" is the scrap of paper I found on my TV stand this weekend. On it is written the Twin Galaxies record I smashed by nearly 300,000 points Sunday afternoon. :D


Details forthcoming after I repeat the performance, with my stupid VCR running!!! :x



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I converted both of my 2600 Log Books into Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheets, which then were converted to MS Excel which found its way into MS Access and finally landed in SQL Server 2000. I have notebooks of personal scores dating back to Jan '78 and even have friends scores from Jun '78. :)


Oh yeah, did I mention I'm also the Chief Editor for Twin Galaxies and am responsible for about 40,000 other scores? :D

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I used one of those original "high score logbooks" that was packed with the original VCS when I first started out. I had a scrap of paper with all the arcade game scores logged. This was back when all would fit on one piece of paper. I bought a book called "How to Beat the Video Games" and it gave strategy for every game...all in one short book. Magazines had a high score page each month that listed the records for nearly every game that existed! Those were the days! :ponder: :idea: :ponder:

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And when I was a kid there used to be so few games and I played them so much that I had all my high scores memorized. And everyone was usually familiar with every game, so it was easy to compare scores while talking with other players.

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I found a childhood "high scores" book at my parent's house and asked Twin Galaxies if I could submit it for the games on their site; they said no. :(


Most likely, the answer was no due to insufficient evidence. If you had Polaroids or other photographs from back in the early 80's, I wouldn't see it being an issue. However, just a set of scores written down on paper or what-have-you, just isn't enough evidence for TG consideration. I know this sucks, but we have to be fair to everyone. I hope this one experience won't stop you from recording scores and submitting them. :)

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It certainly won't. Once we move into our new house and I get a nice rec room set up, I'll definitely be taping and or photographing the games I got high scores on back in my childhood; not just for TG's sake but to prove to myself those scores were authentic and that I can really achieve them. :D

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It certainly won't.  Once we move into our new house and I get a nice rec room set up, I'll definitely be taping and or photographing the games I got high scores on back in my childhood; not just for TG's sake but to prove to myself those scores were authentic and that I can really achieve them. :D


Awesome news! I look forward to seeing your name in lights soon. :)

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I use my Web site now to track my high scores as well as Twingalaxies as a cross reference. I too use to have mounds of note books scattered through out the house and I do mean Mounds now its so much easier if im on line . But if im not on line its back to the note books.



Todd Mr Activision Rogers

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