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This just to let you know the date of  The 2021 Harmony Games will start on  on March 8th,2021.
based on the categories of the 2020  Atari Homebrew Awards its narrowed to 4 that we will be used for each Round:
Original Games for normal scoring points (10pts for 1st place ends with 1pt for 10th place)
 Round 1: Best Work in Progress: Knight guy in low res world
Round 2: Best Graphics:  Nijishguy in low res world (Unholy did win but there is no scoring system on the game, so we went second place winner )
Round 3: Best Homebrew <4k Game: Cannonhead Clash  (Dog Gone it did win but it also won best Original so again we went second place winner)

Round 4: Best Original: Dog gone it 

with the addition of Port games  to the Awards we added them as Bonus scoring taking the same time as the orignal games round,
Scoring for bonus points start at 9pts for first place and ends with 1pt for 9th place
Round 1 Bonus: Best work in Progress(Port): Zeivious

Round 2 Bonus: Best Graphics:  Tower of Rubble(Port)  ( Zookeeper won but it also won  best port, so again we went with second place winner)
Round 3 Bonus: Best Homebrew (Port) <4k: Robot City
Round 4 Bonus: Best Port: ZooKeeper
Like before we will be using the latest build of each game if the programmer allows otherwise we will be using the same roms that was voted for.
rules for the first round games will be posted after I play each game few times and read the instructions(if any) to see about difficulty settings as well. Good Luck!! ones games start the leaderboard will be reset. next year we might change things around for harmony games.

Edited by Dan Iacovelli
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